Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1106: Rescue failed, the arrival of a new force!

"Above the King of Pirates (

After hitting it, Mihawk discovered that Shanks was not thinking about fighting, and he looked at the execution platform next to him from time to time!

He wants to save people!

Mihawk understood what Shanks was thinking almost instantly!

As for this, after taking a deep look at Shanks, Mihawk's movements under his hands were a little slower!

After all, he is a good friend, he chose to release the water at this critical time!


As soon as Mihawk released the water, Shanks immediately noticed something was wrong!


The fighting intensity has dropped?

Thinking of this, Shanks turned his attention back to his battlefield.

Immediately, he discovered the fact that Mihawk released the water!

The two are close friends, and they have often fought with each other countless times, and they know each other's level very clearly!

"If you are like this... how does the Navy explain it?" Shanks asked with a frown.

He wants to save people, but he also doesn't want to harm the interests of his friends!

"Explain? Explain what?" Mihawk said lightly.

Who is he?


He wants to release water!

What to explain to the navy?

"Yeah, you are an eagle eye! Haha~"

After Shanks glanced at Mihawk, he suddenly smiled, very happy!

But then, Shanks put away his smile, showing a serious look!

Since Hawkeye has done this, if he doesn't save people, how can he be worthy of the water he released?

Thinking about it, Shanks had the same idea in his mind again!

"Let's do it!" Muttering in his heart, Shanks began to look at the scene on the court.

After a while, when he had a general grasp of the battle, Shanks began to act!

"call out!"

With the cover of the fight with Mihawk, Shanks suddenly slashed towards the execution platform with a sharp slash!


at the same time!

"not good!!!"

Out of the corner of the Warring States' eyes, who was in the midst of a fierce battle with White Beard, he caught a glimpse of this scene, and his heart throbbed, and he suddenly felt bad!

If it were really cut by this slash, the execution platform would definitely break in half, and Ace would definitely fall off the execution platform!

And just when the Warring States period wanted to rush to stop this slash, the white beard in front of him grinned and said, "With me, you can't make it through, Warring States!!!"

While speaking, Baibeard cut towards it decisively!

Immediately, Naginata slammed into the Warring States Period with endless shaking power!


After angrily cursed, the Warring States had to exhaust all his strength to stop the attack!


The golden Buddha and the white beard's naginata collided again, and a strong wave of air rolled out!

Nothing in the Warring States period!

But it was repelled a short distance!

And it was this short distance, like a heaven, that cut off his last hope to stop Shanks from slashing!


the other side!

Silver light flashed!


The execution platform that was hit by the slash was divided into two halves in an instant, and the upper part of it fell slowly like a toppled building block!

"Luffy, save people!!!"

At this moment, Shanks suddenly yelled.

At the same time, a powerful overlord look almost materialized swept out of Shanks!






Unable to reach the defense, most of the people on the battlefield knelt down, only a small part persisted.

And among the small part that persisted, only a small part of the high-level navy and the leader of the pirates could continue to fight!


the other side!

"Huh huh!"

With a violent panting, Luffy overturned a navy with difficulty!

He is very tired at this time!

In order to escape from the Great Undersea Prison, Lu Fei experienced many battles along the way.

Although they all won in the end, their physical exertion was extremely serious!

To make matters worse, in order to save Ace, he did not even rest, and rushed to the navy headquarters without stopping!

This also directly caused his current physical strength to reach the edge of collapse!

"No way, if you go down, I'm afraid Ace..." Seeing the navy that was constantly pouring up around, Luffy felt desperate in the depths of his heart.

at this time!


The execution platform began to collapse!

"Luffy, save people!!!"

Before Luffy had realized what was going on, he heard a familiar voice!

Immediately afterwards, the people around all fell inexplicably!

? ? ?

Luffy is stunned!

But soon, he reacted!

Ace seems... saved?

Looking at the execution platform that was collapsing not far away, and Ace, who was originally on the execution platform, was going down, after such a thought flashed through his mind, Luffy was overjoyed and hurried to act!

"Rubber net!"

Luffy's fingers crossed his hands and stretched quickly in the direction of Ace. Then when he reached under Ace who was falling, he immediately formed a net!

next moment!


Feeling the weight from the fingers, and looking at Ace who hit his internet not far away, Luffy was ecstatic, and was about to pull the person back quickly!

"Boy, don't try to save people!!!"

A roar suddenly sounded!

"call out!"

And what accompanied it was a stone that was slammed toward Luffy's hand!


With a scream, Luffy's two arms were instantly smashed by a rock, and Ace, who was injured in him, rolled from his hand to the ground at this time!


Regardless of the physical pain, Luffy yelled at Ace!

But Ace did not have time to answer!

After he landed in handcuffs with Hailou Stone, he was dragged away by the surrounding navy without the ability to resist!


"Damn it!"

Raleigh gritted his teeth and looked at the red dog in front of him, UU reading www.uukanshu.com yelled!

"I won't let you save people so easily!" Akadog said in a deep voice.

He kicked the stone!

Just after the battle, from the corner of the red dog's eyes, he caught a glimpse of Luffy's rescue!

In order to prevent Ace from being rescued, the red dog signaled to the two CP members next to him to block Raleigh, and took this opportunity to kick a stone scattered around their battlefield and stop Luffy!

And Raleigh is old after all!

Although he saw what Akinu was doing, facing the obstacles of the other two CP members, he had no choice but to watch Ace, who was about to be rescued, fell back to the Navy again. In hand!


Reilly snorted coldly, gritted his teeth and said, "Ace, I can save it!!!"

Say so!

But Lei Li, who had not recovered his peak state, still seemed a little stretched facing the siege of three general-level characters!

From time to time, I was hit by three people!

And now, after only ten or twenty minutes, Lei Li's body is already full of wounds!

If there are no accidents, if this continues, it is foreseeable that Raleigh will lose in half an hour at most!



"Save Ace!"

"Brothers and sisters of Roger Pirates, come on!"


As the situation gradually reached a deadlock, a loud noise suddenly came from outside the navy headquarters!

A group of elderly people in their 60s and 70s, armed with knives and guns, rushed to the navy headquarters under the leadership of a long-haired woman in tights!

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