Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1114: Shocked Blackbeard, waiting for the opportunity!

Outside the navy headquarters!

"San Juan, the evil wolf, you are waiting here, the others will sneak into the navy headquarters with me!" When he came to the periphery of the navy headquarters, after thinking about it, Blackbeard issued such an order!

Right now Blackbeard didn't know the situation of the navy headquarters.

Because he came here from the Great Undersea Prison, there was no chance of contacting outside news on the way!

Because of this, Blackbeard issued such an order!

Although he has a long-term plan for this war, the specifics of when to join the war depend on the progress of the war!

It is not good to join earlier or later!

Maybe White Beard would give up the others earlier and hack him directly!

Speaking late, Baibeard died or left early, then he has no chance!

So he must first dive into the battle and look for the right opportunity to enter the field!

However, if you want to sneak in, San Juan Evil Wolf is not suitable!

He is 180 meters tall, no matter what, even if he stands a little closer, he will definitely be discovered.

So he must be allowed to stay!

And San Juan Wolves didn't have any opinion on this, and after nodding his head, he stayed still!

Upon seeing this, Blackbeard didn't say much, and took the rest of the people towards the navy headquarters!

After a while!

After arriving at the navy headquarters, Blackbeard and others did not walk in from the front, but came to a wall of the navy headquarters, climbed over the wall, and sneaked into the navy headquarters!

After turning around and avoiding the sight of the people who were fighting in the navy headquarters, Blackbeard and others hid in a main navy building that had not been destroyed, and quietly observed the battle!

"what happened?!"

After just a few glances, Blackbeard was in shock!

The current situation is different from what he expected!

Shanks, Raleigh, these people came as he expected!

After all, before he entered the Great Undersea Prison, Ace's identity had been exposed!

The arrival of Tsunade and the ninjas was also in his expectation!

After all, the White Beard Pirates and Konoha's people had a good relationship, he had known it for a long time, and he even had the idea of ​​learning ninjutsu in the village of Konoha!

Well, the fruits he always wanted to obtain were the dark fruits, and even thought that if there were no dark fruits, it would be good to spend an ordinary life on the Whitebeard Pirates!

One of the reasons for this is because the Dark Fruit can absorb other fruit abilities, and allows him to obtain the abilities that he wants in addition to Dark Fruit!

Although ninjutsu cannot absorb other fruits, the diversity, that dazzling, that can control water, is not afraid of sea water, ninjutsu, but it is better than dark fruit to some extent!

Therefore, he had been fascinated by ninjutsu!

However, in the end he gave up!

As for the reason...

It was after he later found out after inquiring that the price of using ninjutsu was that he could no longer use Devil Fruits and could no longer use domineering.

And what he has been training for so many years is domineering. If he learns ninjutsu, his hard work for so many years will be abolished, so he gave up the idea of ​​learning ninjutsu!

Closer to home!

Although the other black beards were expected, the white beard's current performance was really beyond his expectations and scared him!

Didn’t you say that the white beard is getting old?

On the battlefield, who was one of the four beating?

How can the white beard be so strong?

Isn't he old?

He saw the white beard infusion a few months ago, why did he hang like this bird in a blink of an eye?

There is almost no difference from the peak time!

Blackbeard was shocked and vaguely felt that the situation was beyond his control!

"Wait... the old man has become so strong now, then my shaking fruit!?" Blackbeard's face sank sharply!

He suddenly thought, since the white beard is so strong now, what should he do with the shaking fruit he is about to win?

He is not sure of the ability to get the fruit shake in the hands of such a strong white beard!

As a person who joined the Whitebeard Pirates from the age of twelve and more than 20 years ago, when Blackbeard experienced the peak of Whitebeard, he also knew how far he was at the peak of his combat power. !

It is completely impossible for a white beard of this level to win the shocking fruit!

"No, there must be other ways, definitely!!!" Black beard's eyes were red, staring at the white beard who was not far away and frightened the audience, murmured repeatedly, dripping sweat on his forehead. Fell down!

And although the few partners beside him are not like Blackbeard, they are not much better!

Seeing that white beard shocked the audience, they all felt the pressure, and the sweat on their foreheads could not help dripping down!

Although they are all unruly people, facing a strong man like a white beard, no matter how unruly people, they will bow their heads!

"Titch, this is the white beard you want to move?" Xiliu couldn't help but said after taking a cigar, "I'll be honest, if it's the white beard in front of you...we're going to die!"

Although he had not known Blackbeard for long, and Blackbeard did not say what he came to the navy headquarters, but through the conversation along the way, Xiliu also faintly noticed the person that Blackbeard was about to move---Whitebeard!

"Before, he wasn't like this!" Blackbeard couldn't help but said with red eyes, "Just a few months ago, he still relied on infusions to continue his life!"


Xiliu frowned and hesitated, "Then...how could he be like this now?"

"I don't know!" Blackbeard gritted his teeth, shook his head, and said, "I have been swaying in the sea for the past few months. I don't know the specific situation of the Whitebeard Pirates, nor how Whitebeard can do it. Become like this!"

Over the past few months ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Tiqi has been making plans for Qiwuhai, for his future partners, and for this war. There is no time to care about the Whitebeard Pirates, just by the previous standards. To weigh the Whitebeard Pirates!

It's just that he never expected that at this time when he didn't pay attention, Baibeard would surprise him with such a big surprise!

"Then what shall we do now?" Xiliu asked, squinting.


Blackbeard is like a gambler with a red eye. He gritted his teeth and replied, "I don't believe it anymore. An old guy who is old and relies on infusion to continue his life can really restore his peak state!"

"He must have used some medicine, or devil fruit to do this! And the effect of this medicine or devil fruit will disappear sooner or later, then it will be our chance!"

Listening to Blackbeard's guess, Xiliu took a deep breath and nodded silently.

Although the other people with Blackbeard are Blackbeard's future partners, they are not familiar at the moment, so they also did not speak, but silently looked at the battlefield and observed everything on the battlefield!

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