Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1106: Exposed, a little panicked black beard!

"call out!"


"call out!"



With a fierce slash, the hot lava fists kept colliding.

The hot magma splashed around with this collision, and the aftermath of the slash also collided, cutting the ground out of long ravines!


After the two sides fought fiercely for a long time, Shanks spotted a mistake made by Akagu and suddenly launched an attack!

"One sword flow. Lion bite!"


The western sword in his hand suddenly pierced out, and the slash was condensed into a roaring lion with wings and claws, waving its wings and heading towards the red dog!


"Armed and domineering!"

Seeing this, the red dog had no time to dodge, so he could only cross his hands on his chest, and his dual defenses instantly gathered.

next moment!


A strong slash hit the red dog. Although the red dog was full of strength and his legs were on the ground, he was hit by the slash and went straight back!


During the period, the red dog roared, his legs bent to the limit, and his whole body tried to stop the slash!

But it's useless!

The slash that Shanks hit with all his strength was extremely powerful. Not only did the aftermath make deep ravines appear on the ground, but it also pushed the Akagi crazy toward the navy headquarters!

One hundred meters!

Two hundred meters!

Five hundred meters!

One thousand meters!

Three kilometers!


In the end, the navy headquarters was divided into two by this slash!

From the battlefield to the navy’s rear wall, the aftermath of the slash was spread, and deep and long gullies appeared. The buildings along the way, as well as the wall behind the navy headquarters, were also blown away by the aftermath of the slash. !

And the red dog himself finally stopped after hitting something through the wall!

However, as soon as he stopped, he felt something was wrong!

"Huh? No, it doesn't feel right!"

Whispering, the last thing Akainu felt that he hit, that is, what was behind him, did not feel right. It seemed that it was not the city wall, but...meat! ?

Suspiciously, Akagi looked up subconsciously!

Suddenly, a huge face about the height of Oz came into the sight of Akagi!

? ? ?

The red dog was stunned!

what is this?

Is it an illusion! ?

But soon, he reacted!

Not an illusion, but the huge battleship San Juan. Wolf!

As for the tallest humanoid creature in the world, one of the inhabitants of the underwater prison, how could Aka dog as a naval admiral not know him?


Why is he here?

Suspicious, the red dog heard the dull voice of San Juan evil wolf!

"Ah... I was discovered!" San Juan Evil Wolf said a little dull.

at the same time!

"Gan, why is Lao Tzu so unlucky?" Blackbeard also took his partner and walked out of the smoke cursingly and came to the execution platform!

Blackbeard never expected that he would be so unlucky!

Originally, in order to observe the battle situation first, after entering from the Gate of Justice, he made a special circle, and went around to the outer periphery of the navy headquarters, where there is a huge wall blocking the sight of others!

Moreover, in order to sneak in, he also let the San Juan evil wolf wait outside, while he quietly led people over the city wall and hid in a room in the main building of the Navy Headquarters to observe!

But he didn't expect that after he had observed it for a while, Shanks would hit it!

Not only did he cut the main building he was in in half, leaving him nowhere to hide, but even exposed the San Juan wolves, who placed them behind the periphery of the navy headquarters!

He felt a beeping dog in his heart!


the other side!

Seeing this, the Warring States, who was fighting fiercely with White Beard, subconsciously stopped the attack, turned his head and looked at Black Beard and others!

"You bastards, how did you get here?" The Warring States Period gritted his teeth looking at the black beard on the stage and the group of dangerous prisoners at the bottom of the big underwater prison beside him.

He was already very dissatisfied with Blackbeard before he came. Now looking at the ultra-dangerous prisoners at the bottom of the big underwater prison around Blackbeard, his heart is full of anger!

Although he asked how Blackbeard came, he actually already had a definite answer in his heart-Blackbeard robbed the prison, and brought them here!

Those ultra-dangerous prisoners have no orders from him, no orders from the world government, but they are not allowed to be released, even Magellan as the director is not qualified!

In this case, Blackbeard, as Qiwuhai, let alone!

He is also not qualified to release people, at most he can only go and see!

But in this way, how did they come out, the answer is very obvious, it must be Blackbeard robbing prison!

As for how he snatched these people out of Magellan's hands... The Warring States period did not know!

However, he could probably guess that it was Blackbeard who went into the Great Undersea Prison to release people from the meeting, besieging Magellan!

Well, Magellan, as the director of the prison, is a person with a very heavy sense of responsibility. It is basically impossible to get him away with tactics. He will not leave the prison for half a step, and can only leave after defeating him!

In this case, Blackbeard can never defeat Magellan in terms of strength alone!

As the director of the Great Undersea Prison, Magellan has to guard so many dangerous prisoners, and his strength is not weak!

The powerhouse of the lieutenant peak!

Coupled with his fruiting ability, even ordinary generals have nothing to do with him, and even one who is not careful can be poisoned by him and planted under his hands-poison is no use if you are not strong!

Using Konoha's grading as a reference, Magellan can be regarded as an extraordinary general!

In terms of poison, in terms of offensive power, it is stronger than general generals, but in other respects it is a little less interesting!

Therefore, Blackbeard alone certainly cannot defeat him, only besieged and defeated him!

"You bastard!!!" The white beard on the side looked at the incoming person, and also stopped the attack, looked at the black beard and others, clenched his fists, and a gloomy color flashed in his eyes!

Who is Blackbeard?

Once was his child, and now is his mortal enemy!

Because of him, Ace will be caught, the Whitebeard Pirates will come to save people, and Whitebeard will die so many sons!

"It's Blackbeard!" Similarly, Karp stopped his hand subconsciously, gritted his teeth and looked at the incoming person!

How did this war come, is it possible that Karp, as a lieutenant admiral, is still not clear?

Everything started from Blackbeard!

It can be said that if there is no black beard, Karp will not have to struggle between family affection and responsibility today!

at the same time!

Shanks, Raleigh, Green Pheasant, Tsunade, Yellow Ape, Marco, White Beard Pirates, etc., all the strong on the field, the people on the field, there is one who knows the inside story. At this moment, he focused his attention on Blackbeard's body!

However, Blackbeard was not excited about this kind of attention, but rather panicked!

To say that both losers on the field are hurt, then there is no problem with him on the stage. His character is definitely triumphant and domineering now!

But the problem is ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ not now!

Although the soldiers of the navy and the pirates died a lot, the high-level combat power was basically present and injured, but they did not lose their combat power. Whitebeard did not know how to return to the peak state!

And in this situation, how can he not panic when someone who can be said to have offended both sides to death is paid attention to by everyone?

He was afraid that the two sides would unite and beat him in the next moment!

That way, he would definitely raise his braids on the spot, without hesitation!

"Yeah, isn't this Blackbeard the culprit? Ace caught the person who caused this battle! It looks like... he also robbed the Great Undersea Prison and released the ultra-dangerous prisoners inside. !"

Just when Black Beard was flustered and a little overwhelmed, a nasty voice sounded, as if it were deliberate. In the words, he also brought the "good things" that Black Beard did.

And listening to this voice, the eyes of the people present looking at Blackbeard gradually revealed a dangerous light!

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