Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1118: Life and death! ? Luffy's explosion! (happy New Year)

Keeping Ace alive sounds like it doesn't matter to Arthur!

But in fact...it really doesn't matter to Arthur!

However, it is about the White Beard Pirates and the Navy!

In terms of the situation right now!

If Ace dies, it represents the failure of the pirates, the white beard pirates lost countless manpower and material resources, and it also represents the white beard pirates will gradually lose their status as the pirate overlord in the future!

Well, after this time, whether White Beard is alive or dead, his physical condition will definitely decline rapidly!

And when there is no role that can replace the white beard in the white beard pirates group, once the white beard's physical condition becomes bad, then the competitiveness of the white beard pirates group will also decline rapidly among the pirates in the future.

Among the pirates who rely on the strength of force to determine their status, turf, and profit, the White Beard Pirates that have lost their competitiveness will be more competitive regardless of their status, territory, or interest. The other pirates swallowed one by one!

This is also the custom of pirates!

The strong possess everything, the weak lose everything!

And if Ace is alive, it not only represents the failure of the world government and the navy, and loses its face, and as long as Ace remains active on the sea in the future, then it is equivalent to the world government, and the reputation of the navy continues to suffer!

Well, an enemy of the navy, the posthumous son of the former One Piece, can be so active in the sea. Doesn't it mean the incompetence of the world government and the incompetence of the navy?

It can be said that at this level, the life and death of Ace is no longer a matter of one person, but the Whitebeard Pirates, a matter of both the world government and the navy!

And the reason why Arthur cares about Ace's life and death is this!

In the short term, Ace's life and death are not his business, but in the long run, Ace's life and death are related to the interests of the pirates, the navy, and the world government, as well as the interests of Arthur!

Whether it is the pirates, the navy or the world government, they are all targets Arthur has to deal with!

The navy, the world government needless to say, Arthur's natural enemies, their losses are equivalent to Arthur's gain!

Needless to say the pirate!

No matter who is in power, pirates are the kind that must die!

Even the White Beard Pirate Group, which seems to be "just", is a must for those in power to be annihilated.

Because their existence itself is a trampling on the rules and a factor of instability in the region!

Regardless of justice or not, they all affect the rule of the place by a person like Arthur!

"Let Ace live!"

Thinking about it, Arthur had an answer soon!

Take the lesser of the two evils!

Compared with the navy, the world government, as far as the pirates are concerned, is less harmful to Arthur, and for Ace to stay alive, Arthur will get even more benefits!

Of course, Ace is not only good for Arthur, but also bad for him!

In the future, Aiden will fight for the leadership of the Whitebeard Pirates, and when he fights for the control of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace is a strong enemy!

As the heir of the Whitebeard, it is obviously easier for Ace to take over the Whitebeard Pirates!

However, this is just a little trouble!

After all, the pirate depends on its strength!

Although Ace is the appointed heir, in terms of strength, so far, he is still a bit worse than Aiden, and there is no one behind him to support him!

It can be said that Aiden, who has the entire Saint Martin as the backing, compared to Ace, except for the name difference, everything else is an advantage!

Arthur thought, and murmured, "These are things for the future. The most important thing at the moment is to untie Ace's handcuffs at the right time. Only in this way can the difficulty for the pirates to rescue Ace be reduced!"

Because Krokdal was not removed from the position of Qiwuhai, mr.3 was naturally not arrested, and he was not arrested, Luffy naturally did not have a handcuff key. In this case, Ace’s handcuffs were naturally not. Untie!

But this is not a big problem!

Untie Ace's handcuffs, and Arthur can do it now!

He had let a ninja of the Ghost Legion hide in the shadow of Ace long ago!

And the ninjas of the Ghost Army have the abilities of Mumuguo... although only a little!

But enough!

Just use the power of the wooden fruit to insert the wood into the keyhole to directly generate the corresponding key, and then you can open the handcuffs!

Well, although Ace's handcuffs are made of Hailoushi!

However, no matter whether it is sea building stones or sea water, it only affects those who directly touch them, not the ability of the devil fruit to touch them!

In this case, as long as the ninjas of the Ghost Army are not hand-cuffed or brain-cuffed, it is easy to touch the handcuffs directly and unlock Ace’s handcuffs!

Of course, the simplicity is simple, and Arthur will definitely not be able to untie it now...The losses of the navy and the pirates have not yet reached his expectations!

"Hit it...hit it...I will release the man after the fight!" Arthur couldn't help muttering as he looked at the battlefield in front of him.


"Ace, I'm here to save you!" Luffy roared and rushed towards the navy in front of him!


With a punch, a navy fell to the ground!

At this time, after experiencing almost saving Ace, losing Ace again, then watching Ace almost being rescued, and finally seeing Ace falling into the hands of the navy, etc., a series of ups and downs. After that, Luffy exploded!

In order to save Ace, Luffy decisively opened his protagonist mode of God blocking and killing God, Buddha blocking and killing Buddha!





With the sound of collisions, Luffy rushed in the direction where Ace was while beating.

During the period, although some navy tried to stop Luffy, he was either beaten to fly, or Luffy, who was exploded, escaped.

If someone looks at it from a distance at this time, you can find that Luffy's whole person seems to be floating in the process... well, floating!

There are not many situations where the two feet land, most of the time the feet are either kicking or stepping on people, and the hands are constantly shaking, grabbing everything that can be grasped in front of them, and then leading him directly!

that's it!

Under the explosion of Luffy, he soon came to Ace himself!

At this time, the CP member holding the sword just grabbed Ace and rushed to the naval position, ready to return to the navy camp!

At the same time, Shanks also came to this cp member because of the red dog to deal with Blackbeard.

"Luffy, listen! When I'm going to fight the opponent, you take this opportunity to grab Ace back!" Looking at Luffy who came, Shanks thought for a while and gave Luffy such a command!

This is also no alternative!

As a one-armed man with only one hand, although Shanks has not been affected in any way, he still maintains a general level in terms of combat power, but he is a bit unable to save people!

With one hand, if he saves people, he will enter an embarrassing problem!

Is it to save people... or to take a knife against the enemy?

If you save a person, he can't pick up a sword to protect the saved person with just one hand, and if you use a knife to deal with the enemy, he can't save a person with his hand!

So, he asked Luffy to help!

"Don't worry, leave it to me!"

In response, the explosive Luffy patted his chest, looking confident and high-spirited.

"Well, no more nonsense, let's go!!!" Shanks said in a deep voice.

No doubt about employing people, not for suspects. Although Luffy is a bit weaker, Shanks is still willing to believe him!

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