Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1130: 1 is divided into 2!

At least 60% of people are moved!

Feeling the gazes of the people around him, Marco's heart sank, and he felt a trace of sadness!

He never expected that after the death of the old man, the first crisis their Pirates encountered was from within!

The originally united Whitebeard Pirates were in danger of falling apart because of the death of Whitebeard!

Thinking back to the days when brothers and sisters laughed together on the boat, sorrowed together, killed together, handed over their backs to others, and shared the joys and sorrows together, looking at the scene before him, comparing the two, Marco suddenly felt... absurd!

But soon Marco cleared up his mood and suppressed the ridiculous feeling in his heart!

"If you want to go, go!" Marco said lightly, "The White Beard Pirates is my home, I will not leave, I will keep on guarding for the father!"

Marco didn't want to go, but he didn't want to stop others from going!

When people's hearts are scattered, it's useless to stay strong!


The old man once said that no one can make a choice for others, even if that person is very close to you, even if the choice he makes is the worst in your eyes, the only thing you can do is hit his head. Give him a hand when he is bleeding!


Everyone listened to Marco's words and was silent too!

After a long time, Joz was the first to agree, "Me too, the name of the White Beard Pirate Group, you can't lose it!"

"Yes, father is dead, but the name of the White Beard Pirate Group can't be lost!"

"I'll stay too!"

"Since the old man is dead, then I will keep it for him!"

"I was born a human, and I am sorry that I can't save my father. If I lose even the name of the White Beard Pirates, I don't know how I should survive!"

“I’ve been an orphan since I was a child. I didn’t feel the warmth of home until I got on the boat of the White Beard Pirates... I don’t want this home to be destroyed, I want to protect this home, even if I pay the price of my life for it. !"


Listening to Joz's words, the pirates also echoed one after another, and spoke their own words!

And because of these inner words, quite a few of the people who were planning to go to Konoha with Aiden had eyes flashing, and their hearts were shaken again, wanting to stay in the Whitebeard Pirates!

"Sure enough, wanting to take more people away is not that simple!" Aiden looked at these people and sighed inwardly. He was not surprised by this result!

The image of the white beard in the hearts of the people of the white beard pirate group is too stalwart!

Even if he is dead, the people of the White Beard Pirates are still willing to serve him!

And the reason why they didn't want to stay all of them, quite a few were willing to go with Aiden, in addition to Aiden's efforts over the years, it was more because of the remains of the white beard that Konoha promised!

In other words, these people who are willing to go with Aiden are actually willing to stay from the bottom of their hearts, but they are willing to follow Aiden because they don't want the old man's body to be ruined by the navy!

However, Aiden didn't care too much about it!

No matter what they are willing to follow him for, anyway, they are willing to join Konoha!

As for the others...

Time can change everything!

They can do anything for White Beard now, but they don’t necessarily think so when they have children and wives in the future!


Now White Beard is also dead!

"Then... what does the site say?" Aiden directly asked the key question!

The voice just fell!

"The site was shot down by our Whitebeard Pirates. Naturally, they belonged to the Whitebeard Pirates!" Before Marco spoke, a pirate who supported him spoke first!

"Yes, that's right!"

"The site was shot down by our Whitebeard Pirates, of course it belongs to us!"

"Could it be possible that after leaving the White Beard Pirates, still want to occupy our territory?"


The pirates who were willing to stay on the scene glared at Aiden!

Earlier, Aiden said that he joined Konoha because Konoha promised to help them get back the body of Whitebeard, so these pirates did not think Aiden was a traitor, only that he had made great sacrifices for Whitebeard. !

But now Aiden even wants to take away the white beard's site, which makes them think Aiden is not kind!

However, Aiden ignored their words!

He looked directly at Marco and said with a serious face, "There are a lot of Pirates who are planning to attack our turf, and with your current strength, it is impossible to defend these turf!"

"Then don't bother you to worry about it. If you want to go, let's go. I will figure out the rest!" Marco said lightly.

"Do you think of a solution? What can you think of?" Aiden suddenly became excited and said, "Are you carrying it to death? Then what will the brothers do? Now we have only so many brothers left in the White Beard Pirates. , If they die, the White Beard Pirates will really be gone!!!"

After speaking, Aiden eased his emotions a bit, and said slowly, "Give me some peripheral and unimportant sites, and let the White Beard Pirates retreat to the core area!"

"That way, you can let Konoha's people fight against the outside pirate group for you, and keep the white beard pirate group intact, and it won't harm too much interest!"

Marco, the pirates present, looked at Aiden, who was suddenly excited, and they were all silent!

At this moment, after listening to Aiden's words, they knew Aiden's thoughts!

It turned out that it was not his purpose to take away those sites. What he wanted was to retain the power of the White Beard Pirates, avoid the White Beard Pirates from conflicting with outsiders, and avoid the White Beard Pirates from suffering greater losses. !


Is Aiden really the idea?

of course not!

The reason why he said so was planned!

Right now Whitebeard has just died. Although the Whitebeard Pirates have internal conflicts, they are still in a state of unity. If he wants to swallow the Whitebeard Pirates in one bite, then it is very It is possible to encounter collective opposition and confrontation from the White Beard Pirates!

So he is going to take his time and boil the frog in warm water!

First, take a person, and then occupy some unimportant areas of the White Beard Pirates. As time passes, the conflicts within the White Beard Pirates gradually become more obvious. The White Beard Pirates suffer more because they do not have a white beard. , A bigger and stronger pirate group attacked, and after heavy casualties, he slowly took over the rest of the site!

In this way, he will not only be able to take over these sites more smoothly in the future, but also avoid the losses he would suffer when conflicts with the remnants of the White Beard Pirate Group!

"I will give you all the islands near Konoha!" Marco said with a sense of fascination after being silent for a while.

Although somewhat reluctant, he has to admit that Aiden's words are not wrong!

The White Beard Pirates Group at the moment really can't afford so much territory!

If you want to fight hard, apart from heavy casualties ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ there is no other end!

So he chose to give Aiden the island near Konoha!

And listening to Marko’s words, Aiden nodded, then said earnestly, “Let’s do it, after we are gone, take care of ourselves and take care of the brothers... Daddy is gone, some things can’t be done How willful!"

As he said, Aiden paused, then said, "When you have trouble and can't solve it...you can find me!"

"I will!" Marco nodded after a moment of silence.

Immediately, Aiden didn't say anything more, and after patted Marco on the shoulder, he walked past Marco and the others with him!


Aiden and the others left Marco and the remnants of the Whitebeard in a few boats!


Looking at the ships drifting away, Marco shook his head, sighed faintly, and a trace of deep fatigue flashed in the depths of his eyes!

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