Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1136: Perfect miss

A few days have passed!

"Huh huh!"

After repelling a wave of profit-seeking pirates, Marco sank on the deck panting!

These days, with the fermentation of the top war events, more and more pirates took advantage of the good time when Whitebeard died, and wanted to seize the waters of the Whitebeard Pirate Group!

In this regard, the White Beard Pirates will naturally not give in!

All members of the Pirate Group and the Pirate Group under its command went into battle, with injuries that had not been good after the war, and fought these pirate groups for a few days before they were barely repelled!

However, even though they were beaten back, the Whitebeard Pirates did not feel good!

Originally, after the top war, the Whitebeard Pirates had already suffered heavy losses, and then Aiden took away a small half of the people, and the Whitebeard Pirates went directly into a "seriously injured" state!

Under this circumstance, in the face of the attack of numerous pirate groups, although the people of the white beard pirate group repelled the enemy, they directly went from the "seriously injured" state to the "critically ill" state!

The entire pirate group is on the verge of collapse!

"Whhhhhh...no, if this continues, we will be fine, but brothers can't stand it!"

"There have been too many enemies in these days. One wave after another has been repulsed. Under one after another, not only the casualties are heavy, but everyone is also exhausted!"

Joz was panting, glanced at the members of the White Beard Pirates group who were almost lying around and could fall asleep, then frowned and said to Marco.


After taking a glance at the surroundings, Marco nodded in agreement.

Afterwards, he thought for a while, turned his head to look at Ace, who was covered in blood, and asked in a deep voice, "Ace, what do you think we should do next?"

Before his death, Baibeard wanted to train Ace to take over the Pirates, Marco knew this!

As the son of Whitebeard, even though Whitebeard is dead now, Marco decided to follow Whitebeard's decision and let Ace take over the Whitebeard Pirates!

Of course, not now!

At the moment Ace's strength is still a little short, and it must be impossible to take over the Whitebeard Pirates. Only when his future strength rises, will it be time to take over the Whitebeard Pirates!

However, the failure to take over right now does not mean that the others are not good!

A qualified heir can't be done in a day, it needs to be cultivated slowly!

Therefore, Marco is going to let Ace deal with some things in the pirate group first, and be familiar with the things inside the white beard pirate group, and when his strength rises, let him slowly take over the white beard pirate group!

And now, that's what Marco meant when asking Ace's opinion!

the other side!

Ace hasn’t understood what Marco meant, but since Marco asked, Ace will naturally answer!

"How to do?"

So, he muttered, touched his chin, and began to think calmly!

The closer I get to this critical moment, Ace knows that he has to be calmer, and only by calming down can he figure out a way!

And after thinking for a long time, Ace gave the answer as he thought, saying, "Give up some unimportant or empty islands and shrink the line of defense of our pirate group. After all, it is not better than before. Continue to maintain With such a large sea area, our strength is not enough!"

"In addition, let the pirate groups under their command no longer guard certain islands by themselves. Three or five pirate groups gather together and act together, so as to avoid being destroyed by everyone!"

"Also, some fortifications can be properly built on certain important islands! In the past, our pirate group was strong, whether there are fortifications or not, but now fortifications can reduce part of our defensive pressure!"


Ace offered more than ten opinions in one go!

And Marco listened, nodded, and said, "These are good ideas! But...you can do better! Those islands that are to be given up can be given to Konoha and let Konoha take over, cheaper It’s better to make good friends than cheap bastards!"

"And, if you can, it's best to give up the connected islands, for example, all the islands outside the south can be abandoned and let Konoha take over! Well, it doesn't matter whether it is important or not!"

"In this way, the enemies from the south will be completely stopped by Konoha. We only need to face the enemies from the remaining three sides, and the pressure will naturally be reduced!"


In response to Ace's opinion, Marco gave more than a dozen additional details!

Listening to these details, Ace couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

In the past in the Pirates, he was just in charge of fighting!

What strategy, what plan, has nothing to do with him, as soon as he is attacked, he can be brainless!

Therefore, he never thought about this, and no one told him about it!

Therefore, although the opinions he put forward at the moment are good, the details are not considered comprehensively!

But now, listening to what Marco said, he suddenly had some understanding of these!

After saying his opinions, Marco said seriously, "Ace, the matter of negotiating with Konoha is left to you!"


Ace hesitated!

He has never done such a negotiation before!

"Go, just go to see Aiden and see how he and his brothers are doing!" Marko said sternly.

Marco knew why Ace hesitated, it was nothing more than inexperience and a little at a loss!

But this kind of thing, where does the first experience come from?

Therefore, he still let Ace go!

"This, all right!"

Hearing the words Aiden, Ace stopped hesitating, nodded and agreed!

that's it!

Ace leads people toward Konoha!


the other side!

Soon after Ace left, a naval warship appeared outside the original sea area of ​​the White Beard Pirates!

"The area ahead is the white beard sea area. According to the intelligence, Ace is currently in the white beard pirate group!" a long-haired CP member with a white mask and a shapely figure said in a deep voice.

"Just right, you can catch it all in one go! Annihilate Ace and the remnants of Whitebeard!"

Another CP member with a white mask and short stature said viciously, "White beard killed the two of us CP, this hatred is absolutely indispensable!"

"Ha ha!"

The long-haired cp member listened to these words ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and glanced at him, and smiled disdainfully!

He understood that this little CP member did not want to retaliate because Whitebeard killed two CP members, but because the two CP members owed him millions when they gambled with him some time ago. Also, just thinking of revenge!

Well, the money has not been paid back, and the person died again, which means he has lost millions in vain!

However, when it comes to destroying the remnants of the Whitebeard, it is not just the small CP members who want revenge!

When they came, they had told them that if possible, the remnant party of the White Beard Pirates would be wiped out together with Ace. It's really impossible to kill Ace at least!

Therefore, even if the short CP members do not say that, the long-haired CP members will not let the White Beard Pirates go!

However, what the long-haired CP members didn't know was that because of the pirate's attack, Ace happened to choose to leave when they arrived and go to Konoha to negotiate!

In this way, they missed it perfectly!

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