Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1138: Chicken fly dog ​​jump

Whitebeard Sea Center!

"It's finally here!" Looking at the fleet of the White Beard Pirates group not far away, the small CP member made an excited voice!

As he said, it seemed that he couldn't wait any longer. This short CP member exerted his legs and kicked suddenly, and his whole person jumped up and headed towards the remnant party of the White Beard Pirates!

"who is it!?"

"A person from the world government?"

"Enemy attack!!!"

"Get up, it's the people of the world government!"


However, when the small CP member was still in the air, he was spotted by the watchman on the White Beard Pirates fleet!


Immediately afterwards, a bird chirping sounded, and the swiftly reacting Marco directly turned into a phoenix braving blue flames, flapping his wings and heading towards the small CP member!

In a while!

The two met in mid-air!

But just before the two bodies were about to collide, the short CP member transformed into a hideous mouse, and at the same time, the armed domineering flowed out of the body and covered the whole body!

next moment!


The phoenix braving the blue flame collided with the armed mouse wrapped all over.

The blue flame swept out along with the strong air wave, making this sea area brighter, and also making the air rise a few degrees out of thin air!

But even so, the two sides were not repelled because of this, but stalemate together!

"What are you people from the world government doing?"

Stalemate, Marco asked gritted his teeth.

"Haha! What else can you do? Of course it's cutting the weeds and roots! You guys from the Whitebeard Pirates Group don't naively think that if Whitebeard is dead, the matter will be over?"

The little CP member smiled coldly and said, "I tell you, this matter will not end until Ace is not dead and the members of the White Beard Pirates are not killed!"

After listening to this, Marco's anger rushed to his forehead!

Dad is dead!

Most of the brothers died too!

In this way, the people of the world government will not let us go?

"I will not let you succeed!!!" Marco roared angrily.

"This is not what you said!!!" The short cp member said with a sneer, suddenly exerting strength!

next moment!

"call out!"

In the stalemate, Marco only felt an irresistible force attack, and his whole person was knocked out!

But it's not over yet!

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The short CP members turned into half-human and half-mouse, their legs slammed into the air, and they flew in the direction of Marco, which was the fleet of the White Beard Pirates group chasing them!

the other side!

Behind the short cp member, the long-haired cp member looked at the actions of the short cp member, and shook his head helplessly, "It's just a few million, why bother!"

With that said, the long-haired cp member still issued an order to the navy who was in charge of sailing behind him, "Speed ​​up and rush over!"

"Yes, my lord!"

And under his order, the ship he was on moved towards the White Beard Pirates at an extremely fast speed!


at the same time!


"You really want to give us all these islands?"

Tsunade looked at Ace in front of him, with a doubtful expression on his face, and asked, "You Whitebeard Pirates, are you in such a critical situation? How many islands were given to us at once?"

Listening to Tsunade's words, Ace showed a look of helplessness on his face and said, "No! But the pressure in the pirate group is really great, so I hope you can accept these islands!"

After that, Ace felt something was wrong!

and many more!

Bridge bean sacks!

Isn’t it good for Konoha to give islands to Konoha?

How does it feel like begging them now?

Thinking of this, Ace recalled the current situation of the Whitebeard Pirates, and immediately shook his head, showing a helpless wry smile!

I'm not asking!

Although these islands are good for Konoha, they are poison to the current Whitebeard Pirates!

If you keep it, there are only disadvantages and no benefits!

So, from a certain perspective, now he is sending these islands on behalf of the White Beard Pirates, just begging Konoha to accept these islands!

"Well, we will send someone to take over these islands!" Tsunade said with a smile.

That poison, my honey!

The benefits of giving it away for nothing, don't do it for nothing!

And at this moment!


The phone next to Tsunade rang!

Upon seeing this, Tsunade did not evade Ace, so he answered the phone!


And when the person on the other end of the phone reported the matter to Tsunade, Tsunade was surprised, but also looked up and down Ace with weird eyes.

"Tsunade-sama, you look at me like that... Is there something wrong?"

Feeling the weird look, Ace's scalp numb, and he couldn't help but ask softly when Tsunade was talking on the phone.


Hearing that, Tsunade hung up the phone, sat down looking at Ace in front of him, and said sternly, "Now I have bad news for you... I hope you can accept it!"

Listening to Tsunade's words, and recalling the weird look in Tsunade's just now, Ace's heart "cocked" and suddenly felt bad!

"What's the bad news!?" Ace asked cautiously in a nervous mood.

"Just now, someone from the world government attacked your Whitebeard Pirates. Right now, the Whitebeard Pirates is in a precarious state!" Tsunade didn't hide anything, and simply said the matter!


Ace listened, the whole person was struck by lightning, and he was stunned on the spot!

After a long time, he reluctantly recovered!

And the first thing he recovered from was to say goodbye to Tsunade.

"Master Tsunade, the situation is urgent now, I must hurry back to the White Beard Pirates!"

With that said, Ace didn't wait for Tsunade to answer, nor did he follow the normal path. He went directly to the window of the office, opened the window, and then jumped up from the window!

Afterwards, his legs moved quickly, jumping on the roofs of the various houses in Konoha, like an escape, and quickly rushed towards Konoha Harbor!

"Stop, come down to me!"

"Asshole~www.wuxiaspot.com~Come down!"

"We are from the Konoha Security Team. We now warn you not to run on the roofs of other people's houses at will. Get down!

"Asshole, don't step on the dried salted fish that I dry on the roof!"


But unsurprisingly, most of Konoha was made into trouble because of Ace's anxious behavior this time!

The Anbe, the Konoha Guard, the ninjas who were resting without a mission, and the civilians in the village all acted because of Ace's reckless behavior, and chased Ace, wanting to ask for an explanation!

After watching this scene, Tsunade took a deep breath after showing a helpless expression on his face, and shouted out the window, "That's our Konoha guest. He is in a hurry, so he doesn't need to chase him. Report the loss to the village, and the village is responsible for compensation!!!"

After speaking, Tsunade shouted three or four times again!

In the end, with Tsunade's comfort, Konoha, who was jumping up and down, slowly became calmer!

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