Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1144: Split again, the new Whitebeard Pirates

"Ayden... are you back?"

Looking at the person in front of him, Marco hesitated and said hello!

"How can I not come back after such a big incident?" Aiden said solemnly, "After hearing the matter, the brothers all put aside the work at hand and rushed over immediately after asking for leave!"

"This... has a heart!" Marco listened, his heart was touched!

Obviously he is Konoha's person, he has already lived the life he dreamed of, but he asked for a leave of absence and rushed back for them. How could he not be moved?

You know, if Aiden and others do this, a bad one may cause Konoha to blame or even punish!

After all, no one does not want to be under someone else's heart, right?

Of course, what Marco didn't know was that Aiden didn't need to worry about this at all. He was originally from Saint Martin, and the reason he rushed back was also with ulterior motives!

"Although we are no longer members of the White Beard Pirates, there is no need to be so polite!" Aiden shook his head and said solemnly, "At least...we are still friends?"


Marko was taken aback for a moment, then nodded heavily.

"Okay, let's get back to business!"

Aiden glanced at his former brothers around him, then looked at Marco, and asked seriously, "The Pirates are like this now, what do you want to do next?"

How to do?

Marko frowned as he listened and fell into thinking.

The current situation of the White Beard Pirates is very bad!

Although we got through the battle just now, the White Beard Pirates group is not only missing one-third of the people, and even among the remaining two-thirds, they are more or less injured. !

Some are caused by the battle just now, and some have not been healed after a series of battles these days!

According to the current situation, if we continue, not to mention encountering the world government or the navy, just those pirate groups that want to **** the white beard pirates' turf, the white beard pirates can't stand it. !

Seeing Marco lost in thought and did not answer for a long time, Aiden took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "If it doesn't work, you can join Konoha...Although you will no longer be a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, but I can live anyway!"

The voice just fell!

"No, no!" Marco, who was thinking, refused without thinking!

The White Beard Pirates is his belief, he will never allow the White Beard Pirates to disappear!


Aiden sighed and said, "I know why you refused. It's just that you don't want the Whitebeard Pirates to disappear. To be honest, I don't want to either!"

"But... do you still have the ability to maintain the Whitebeard Pirate Group? Do you still have the ability to maintain such a large territory?"

"Furthermore, you don't think about yourself, but also for your brothers! Look at them now, which one doesn't have any injuries? If this continues, they will die!!!"

While speaking, Aiden pointed his finger at the brothers around him, showing a look of excitement. The expression seemed to say that he didn't want the brothers to die!

And listening to his words, especially the last three words "will die", Marco's heart seemed to be grabbed by something, suddenly there was an indescribable heaviness!


I'm fine, but what about brothers?

Brothers will die!

Thinking about this, Marco opened his mouth, and just wanted to say something, but was interrupted by a sudden voice!

"We are not afraid!"

"Yes, we are not afraid!"

"Death in battle is a man's romance!"

"Even if you die, you must keep the Pirate Group!"

"Even if the old man is dead, the name of the Pirate Group can't be lost!"


A group of pirates said excitedly.

And looking at them, Marco was stunned, then smiled, smiling happily!

But immediately, he narrowed his smile, scanned the surroundings, looked at the pirates present, shook his head, and said, "Although you are not afraid, I can't be so selfish!"

After speaking, he paused, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice, "So... you all follow Aiden in the future!"

? ? ?

The pirates at the scene were quiet, looking at Marco with a look of uncertainty!

They don't know why Marco said that!

"I know you want to contribute to the Pirates, but you also know the situation of the Pirates now. If you follow the Pirates, it will only be a dead end! The Pirates are also a dead end!"

"So... I decided to divide the Pirates into two in the future! Some of the strong, follow me and Ace to form the new Whitebeard Pirates, everyone else, please follow Aiden. Let’s go in Ansheng’s day!"

"As for the site of the White Beard Pirates...now we can't hold it anymore, I decided to give them to Konoha, let them take care of you after you join!" Marco said in his heart in one breath Thoughts!


be quiet!

All the pirates on the scene were silent when he said this!

They don't know what emotions and words to use to face the situation in front of them!

After a long time!

"Captain Marco, no matter where you go, I will follow you!" a big guy said first.

"Yes, no matter where you go, we have decided to follow you!"

"Marko, where are you going, where do I go!"

"Everyone is brother, so naturally we have to face life and death together!"


A group of pirates joined together!

While Marco listened, he shook his head again.

What is his current thinking?

Let it die and live!

If the Whitebeard Pirates persisted, there would be almost no other result except death!

So he wanted to eliminate some of the small soldiers in the pirate group, leaving only the elite, and then follow the path similar to the red-haired pirate group to form a new white-beard pirate group, and when he is strong in the future, he will return to the white beard. The original route of the Pirates!

In this way, there are many benefits!

First, after all the land is given to Konoha, there is no longer any need to worry about the island being seized and messed up, and the people on the island will have a hot water!

Judging from the exchanges with Konoha over the years, Konoha can be regarded as a relatively peaceful force, and it is not short of money, and will not squeeze the people in the site!

Second, they won't be attacked by many pirates anymore!

Pirate attacks are generally for profit, and after he split the Whitebeard Pirate Group into two, the newly formed New Whitebeard Pirate Group has no turf, and there is no interest in it. No one will target them!

Third, the newly formed New White Beard Pirates Group only left some powerful people, and the original members of the White Beard Pirates Group, based on the previous fate of Aiden and others, should be able to live a stable life. Days!

And this is also one of Whitebeard's wishes to form the Whitebeard Pirates!

The reason for the formation of the White Beard Pirates is different from other Pirates!

Not to fight for the status of One Piece, nor to "oneiece"!

Those false names, those treasures, were meaningless to White Beard.

He doesn't need it, doesn't want it!

All he wants is to build a warm family on the sea, a place where those who have nowhere to put their hearts to belong, and a place where those who have a rough life can live a stable life!

At the moment, let the pirates who are weak in strength go to Konoha to live a stable life, and it can be regarded as fulfilling the wish of the white beard!


In addition to the above points, there are many benefits.

If there is no turf, it will be much easier for their Pirates to attack and retreat, and there is no need to worry about anything!

For example, after reducing the number of members, although the size of the pirate group has decreased, the average strength has increased, and so on!

Of course ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In addition to the advantages, there are also disadvantages!

Without a site, there will be no benefits. How the Pirates can survive in the future is a problem!

However, the flaws are not concealed!

Judging from the current situation, this is undoubtedly a better way!

And after Marco told his thoughts to everyone present, all the pirates present were silent!

After a while of silence!

"I support you!" Aiden said so!

What does Aiden think at this time?

Of course it's crazy!

He never expected that Marco would come with such a powerful assist!

However, thinking about it is normal!

Marco's idea is indeed one of the best solutions to the dilemma the Pirate Group is currently in!

Judging from the current situation of the White Beard Pirate Group, if the Pirate Group does not change, but persists, obviously it will not end well!

But if it changes, there may be a chance to make a comeback!

It can be said that this is a win-win outcome!

After Aiden's support, the pirates of the pirate group also expressed their approval!

"Captain Marco, no matter what, I will follow you!"

"Just do it, but I want to follow you!"

"This is a good idea, but I want to follow you too!"


While agreeing with Marko's ideas, the pirates also expressed their willingness to follow Marko!

In response to this, Marko was moved, and clearly rejected some older people who had no potential or strength to follow. He just selected some strong, or young people with potential!

that's it!

In the Whitebeard Pirates group split again, and a new life from death!

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