Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1147: When Sanji meets Xiaoxin

Kingdom of Saint Martin

Saint Martin!

The weather is clear and sunny!

"This sign... well, I probably get it!"

Looking at the special mark in the corner of the newspaper, Sanji's mouth twitched, but he knew it!

If it were an outsider, he would definitely not understand it, but as a member of the Straw Hat Adventure Group, he would still understand it!

"If that's the case...then get a job first!" Sanji put down the newspaper in his hand and muttered while looking at the bustling scene around him.

After being slapped by a bear more than ten days ago, he came to the West Sea!

Of course, he didn't fall here in the beginning!

Instead, it landed in Blood Harbor near Saint Martin!

Later, because he remembered what he had heard about Luminous Cuisine, he rushed to St. Martin, and wanted to find someone who could cook Luminous Cuisine!

However, after arriving in St. Martin, he searched for a few days but couldn't find it!

But it's not that he didn't find the whereabouts of people who can illuminate food, but because those who can illuminate food are all in the palace, and he can't enter the palace!

Originally, he thought it would be fine if he didn't see it. The adventure group had more urgent matters, and he needed to hurry back to the Great Channel.

But now after seeing the special marks made in this newspaper, he understood that their adventure group would definitely not be able to assemble for a while!

Therefore, he needs to find a job here first!

Well, he has no money now!

It was an emergency when he encountered a bear, and he also carried a little money to buy cigarettes. In the past few days in St. Martin, he had eat and drink, and the cost of staying in a hotel, one after another, Give this little money a lot!

So not looking for a job is definitely not enough!

As for what job to look for...

Of course it is his job, chef!

Thinking about it, Sanji turned his gaze to the restaurants on both sides of the street and began to patrol!

"I have to say... the quality of the young lady here is really good! There are even mermaids!"

Looking at it, before the restaurant was found, Sanji's eyes were attracted by the beautiful women among the endless crowd on the street, especially the few mermaids with tails, which made his pupils dilate. , The corners of his mouth raised, revealing a look of lsp!

"Hey, this young lady is really good, especially there, it's so big!"

A slightly naive voice came into his ears from beside Sanji!

"Yes, yes! It's really big!" Sanji nodded in agreement while drooling.

But just after nodding his head, he suddenly reacted!

"No! Kid, who are you!?" Sanji looked at the potato head kid in front of him, and asked in surprise!

What did this kid come to him?

He didn't even notice it!

"Since you asked so sincerely, then I will tell you compassionately, my name is Nohara Shinnosuke, I am five years old this year!" Nohara Shinnosuke showed a look that I was pitying you, and said with arms around me .

Upon seeing this, after Sanji twitched his mouth, he decisively...

Turn around and leave!

Looks like this, this little devil head designated something wrong!

"Uncle Lusse, where are you going? Go to the custom shop?" Seeing this, Nohara Shinnosuke hurried to rush up and asked curiously.

Damn it! ! !

Lulu uncle! ?

Custom shop! ?

What kind of tiger-wolf word of this Tm?

When did Lao Tzu say where he was going?

Besides, how can anyone go to such a place in broad daylight! ?

Feeling that the eyes of the people around me are gradually getting a little wrong, Sanji's whole person is not good!

He clenched his hands angrily, snarled at Shinnosuke Nohara, and said, "Why am I stunned by Tm? Also, when did I say I was going there?"

"Oh, I didn't go there! I just saw my uncle staring at the beautiful ladies and sisters on the street, and walking in the direction of the custom street. I thought you were going there!" Nohara Shinnosuke showed a look. Suddenly.

After speaking, he changed his voice and said, "By the way, where is the uncle going?"

"This is a kid, don't care about him, don't care about him, he knows nothing, he knows nothing!"

After listening, Sanji looked at Xiaoxin with this height. With such a look, he had to repeatedly warn him inwardly, and forcibly suppressed the urge to hit someone in his heart!

"I'm going to find a job!"

After a casual explanation, Sanji had no idea of ​​entanglement with Xiaoxin!

His legs moved slightly.

next moment!


In a slight stepping sound, the whole person disappeared in front of Xiaoxin and appeared at the end of the street in the distance!

And Xiaoxin watched this scene, after being stunned, he was surprised, "Cool!"

With that, Xiaoxin ran forward, chasing Sanji, and shouted as he ran, "Uncle Se, wait for me!"

However, Sanji didn't mean to wait for Xiaoxin!

When the legs moved again, the whole person disappeared from Xiaoxin's sight.


In a small alley in Saint Martin!

"Finally got rid of that kid!" After Sanji wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, he let out a long sigh of relief!

For Xiaoxin, although it only took less than a few minutes to contact him, Sanji was a little bit shadowy!

no way!

This kid really dared to talk nonsense on the street!

While he was relieved, Sanji subconsciously scanned the surroundings.

I found that, in addition to the large and small houses, there is a restaurant deep in the alley, a Japanese-style restaurant with a bit of old decoration!

"mid night canteen!?"

Looking at the plaque on the restaurant, Sanji murmured, then frowned, "I don't know...Is the boss here lacking people?"

Looking at the name of the restaurant, Sanji probably knows what time of day it is a restaurant!

Late night time!

And this is exactly what Sanji wanted!

Although their agreement is to gather in two years, he can't just be a chef in the past two years without improving himself, right?

If that is not in line with his character, it may be a hindrance to the friends in the future!

Therefore, after Sanji knew the information that would take two years to gather, he secretly set two goals for himself in the past two years!

One is to improve strength, and the second is to improve cooking skills!

No matter which of these two is, he needs time to train!

Therefore, a restaurant open late at night is more in line with his needs!

Opening late at night means that he doesn't need to work during the day, and he can use the daytime to train and think of ways to improve his cooking skills!

Thinking of this, Sanji also had a hint of happiness in his heart!

He already has a direction for both!

What's the strength... Just train domineering!

Armed **** domineering and seeing **** Robin explained to them when they were on the boat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ They have also been training, but because Robin joined for too short time, they have not trained any results!

Therefore, as long as he continues to train according to Robin's explanation, he can develop the armed color, and he can improve his strength!

He also has ways to improve his cooking skills!

He now knows that the most likely thing to improve his cooking skills is Luminous Cuisine!

So he can find a way to eat luminous cuisine during his time in Saint Martin, and learn about the so-called luminous cuisine!

Of course, the premise is that he must contact Robin!

Robin is the princess. Only through her face can he enter the palace and taste the so-called luminous cuisine!

"Well, set a small goal first... apply for the chef here!" Sanji murmured, looking at the restaurant plaque, and then walked in confidently!

In his opinion, is it not easy for him to apply for a chef in a small shop?

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