Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1151: Palace kitchen

The next day!


Near noon, the sky was overcast and a light rain came uninvited!

However, this did not affect the good mood of Sanji and Kaoru Kobayashi!

They were invited by Arthur, holding an umbrella, braving the rain, talking and laughing, and came to the gate of the palace!

No surprises!

The Bronze Five Xiaoqiang who had received the news a long time ago opened the door for them and let them pass smoothly, and because they were afraid that they would not recognize the way, they sent Glacier to take them to the palace kitchen!

On the way!

"How do you call this little brother?" Kaoru Kobayashi asked curiously.

The twelve golden saints are very famous in St. Martin, almost as a household name. Ninety-nine percent of the people of St. Martin know their names!

However, few people know the silver and bronze saints under the twelve golden saints!

Everyone only knows the existence of silver and bronze saints, but they don't know their names!

"Glacier, Bronze Saint Glacier!" Glacier said lightly.

"Bronze Saint Seiya!!!" Kaoru Kobayashi listened in awe!

He didn't know that Glacier was a bronze saint before, he just thought he was an ordinary guard!

But now that he knew it, he didn't despise the other party because Glacier was only bronze, on the contrary, he gained more respect!

You know, the total number of Saints is less than 100, and these people are still selected from the population of Saint Martin's over 100 million!

With such a small number of people selected from a population of over 100 million, one can imagine how powerful they are!

"What is the Bronze Saint Seiya? The people under the Golden Saint Seiya?" Sanji asked curiously.

He had heard of the Golden Saint, but he really didn't know the Bronze Saint!

no way!

Sekai hadn't even reported the news about the bronze saints at all, but only reported the news about the golden saints, and Sanji himself was not from Xihai, he naturally didn't know the situation of the saints!

"Bronze Saint Seiya, they are the strongest warriors in our kingdom, the king's guards, a rank order in the Saint Seiya Corps..." Kaoru Kobayashi briefly introduced the existence of the Bronze Saint Seiya to Sanji.

"That's it!" Sanji said suddenly.

Only then did he understand the difference between a bronze saint and a golden saint!

"That said, brother is pretty good!" Sanji smiled and praised.

While speaking, as if to strengthen his tone and appear sincere, Sanji also stretched out his hand and patted it on the shoulder of Glacier.

But at this moment!

"call out!"

Sanji's hand caught in the air!

"Ok...ok... so fast!" Sanji's pupils shrank suddenly, looking at the glacier ahead in disbelief!

Just now, when his hand was about to pat the glacial shoulder, the glacial figure instantly disappeared in place, avoiding his slap!

"In the future, don't just slap someone on the shoulder from behind. If you didn't know you were not malicious, I would fight back just now!" Binghe glanced at the back of Sanji and said lightly.

"Understood!" Sanji touched his nose, and after a trace of embarrassment appeared on his face, there was also a trace of fear in his eyes looking at the back of Glacier.

The Kingdom of Saint Martin is really unfathomable!

A bronze saint is so strong, what about the silver and gold that go up?

How strong should they be?

Thinking like this in his mind, a trace of awe appeared on Sanji's face, and he did not speak on the road afterwards!

Looking at the episodes between Sanji and Gyoga, and the silence after the episode, Kaoru Kobayashi also felt that the atmosphere seemed a bit wrong, and therefore did not speak during the next journey!

that's it!

All three of them were silent until they came to the palace kitchen!

"This.... This is the kitchen!?"

Seeing the size of two or three football fields in front of him, not only did it not have the dirtyness of an ordinary kitchen, but it also looked bright and clean, and had a kitchen with thousands of chefs, Kaoru Kobayashi was shocked!

He had never seen the palace kitchen in person before, so he didn't have a specific concept of the size of the palace kitchen.

But at such a glance, it really made him amazed!

There is such a big kitchen in the world!

And Sanji on the side is no better!

Looking at the kitchen in front of him and the complete equipment in the kitchen, the little episode that happened with the glacier before, he just forgot it, his eyes gradually brightened up!

This is the perfect kitchen that chefs all dream of!

With this in mind, Sanji couldn't wait to go in and take a look!

However, in the end he still did nothing!

After all, they are guests, and he can't do anything now!

Well, if he got here, but was kicked out in the end, he would definitely regret it to his heartache!

"This is the kitchen of the palace, wait a moment, I will call the person in charge here!"

At this time, after Binghe gave the two orders, he turned and went into the kitchen!

In a while!

An old man wearing a kimono with a fierce face followed the glacier!

"This is the person in charge of the kitchen, and also the chef of the kitchen, Nakiri Ichiro!" After introducing the people around him, Hikari said to Nakiri Ichiro, "They are the people that your majesty said. They leave it to you!"

Nagiriichiro nodded silently.

But Binghe looked at him and nodded, then said, "If it's okay, I will go now!"

After that, Binghetou will not leave!

Only Nakiri Ichiro, Sanji and Kaoru Kobayashi were left on the scene!

But the three of them stared at each other with big eyes, and after looking at each other for a while, finally Nakiriichiro took the lead and said, "You two are the chefs who are going to visit?"


Sanji and Kaoru Kobayashi glanced at each other and nodded at the same time.

Looking at this scene, Nagiri Ichiro didn't talk nonsense, and he waved and said, "Then follow me!"

After that, Nagiri Ichiro took the lead to walk in.

And at this point, obviously there is no hesitation, so Sanji and Kaoru Kobayashi just followed and walked in!


"Chop chop chop!"



As a group of people walked along the way, the sound of various cooking and soup making, as well as the scent of various food scents, entered their noses leisurely.

"Really... amazing!"

Sanji listened to the sounds of cooking and making soup, and watched the chefs cooking while walking, but he couldn't help but admire him!

The cooking skills of these chefs are not uniform, strong and weak!

But Sanji can see that even if it is the weakest here, it is no problem to be the chef of a luxurious restaurant outside, and with his strength, it is estimated that he can only rank in the middle and lower ranks among the chefs here. !

And his boss, Kaoru Kobayashi, has something comparable here!

"Are the chefs in the palace so good?" Sanji couldn't help but asked Nagiriichiro who led the way.

"Great?" Nagiri Ichiro stopped, turned his head, looked at Sanji strangely, and asked, "Do you have any misunderstandings about being great? Their cooking skills are very average!"

"Is this very common?" Sanji pointed to the chefs aside incredulously.

"Yeah..." Nakiri Ichiro said leisurely, "Only the chefs who have a personal kitchen in it are the really powerful chefs here!"

"The others are just cooking for the guards in the palace, the maids, and the princes and ministers who usually work around the palace!"


Sanji really didn't know what to say at this time!

According to what Nakiri Ichiro said, then he is only a cook, and he is only qualified to cook for the guards and maids here!

When I think of this, Sanji's whole body is not good!

He has been practicing cooking for more than ten years, but here he can only cook for the guards and the maids. How can he accept this?

Kaoru Kobayashi on the side didn't respond!

Well, he already knew about the superb cooking skills of chefs here!

He even knows why the chefs here are so superb!

It's because of luminous cooking!

Over the years, due to the growth of St. Martin, the population in the St. Martin’s Palace has continued to increase, and in order to meet the food needs of the rising population, the palace kitchen has also been expanding!

And because of luminous cooking, many guys who like to cook and pursue the highest level of culinary art, who are seen as master chefs from the outside world, chose to recruit from the palace kitchen and joined the Saint Martin palace kitchen. Famous Royal Chef!

This is one of the main reasons why the chefs here are superb!

Except for part of the kitchen that was cultivated by the back of Saint Martin's Palace, the others were all joined by outside chefs!

Can you be called a master chef, can you not be superb?

Of course, in addition to this reason, there are many other reasons.

For example, Saint Martin is rich and can provide enough food for chefs to practice and waste!

For example, when we are pursuing the highest level of culinary art together~www.wuxiaspot.com~ everyone is willing to put down the shelf of master chefs and discuss cooking with each other, so as to learn from each other, promote mutual culinary progress and so on!

All in all, the chefs here have superb cooking skills for many reasons!

As for why Kaoru Kobayashi knows this...

He had also planned to join the kitchen of Saint Martin's Palace, but because of his advanced age, he finally gave up!

However, he gave up, but his friend did not give up!

A friend who had a good relationship with him chose to join the St. Martin's Palace kitchen, and when they were communicating, the other party also revealed to him something about the St. Martin's Palace kitchen from time to time!

Of course, it doesn't matter!


But just as Kaoru Kobayashi was thinking about it, Nakiri Ichiro stopped!

At this time, he took Sanji and Kaoru Kobayashi through the kitchen and came to his personal kitchen!

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