Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1153: Brooke...it's terrible!

(The wrong time was set, I just found out now, sorry!)


Arthur looked at the information sent by his subordinates. After Sanji chose to refuse, there was an expression on his face that he knew so long ago!

Obviously, he was not surprised by Sanji's choice!

And the fact is exactly that!

Arthur had known that Sanji would not choose to participate in the Super Chef Examination!

As for why...

Because he knows Sanji too well!

The animations in the past, as well as various information materials now tell Arthur that as a chef, the most important thing in Sanji's heart is not cooking, but...Zhepu!

Zhepu was his lifesaver, and because of him, he lost a leg forever, and he brought him up. It can be said that he is like a "father"!

Although the two were not in harmony on the surface, Sanji always regarded Zhepu as his father in his heart!

Under Zepp, the most important thing in Sanji's heart should be to find the legendary sea "allbrue"!

Because this is his and Zhepu's common dream!

And further down the row, it should be partners and full!

Needless to say why it is a partner.

The reason for being full is because he almost starved to death!

Just because he has experienced the feeling of being starved to death, he now cherishes food very much and cherish every opportunity to be full!

And after these, can we arrange this point of cooking!

As a chef, it is natural to pursue culinary skills, but compared to the previous ones, culinary skills are obviously not so important!

Therefore, facing an opportunity to participate in the assessment, an opportunity to lead to the highest hall of culinary arts, Sanji would choose to refuse!

In his mind, partners are more important than cooking!

In order not to hinder his partners in the future, he chose to give up this opportunity!


Arthur thought, this time the door was knocked!

"Come in!"

Arthur glanced at the door subconsciously, and said casually.

next moment!


A young official opened the door, walked in respectfully, and placed a document in front of Arthur!

"Your Majesty, this is the news from the Firth Island! After they let you see it, you must give them an answer as soon as possible!" the young official said.

"I see, you can go down!"

As Arthur said, after waving his hand, he looked at the file for himself!

And the young official also exited the room wittily!

Just the next moment after the official exited the room!


Seeing the file, Arthur couldn't help but laughed, and said, "Giggle...so funny, I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! This cheap relative is so unlucky!"

The document in front of Arthur came from Firth Island!

That is where Hogwarts is placed!

After these years of development, Firth Island has successfully transformed into a magic island, dedicated to the cultivation of wizards who research, develop and produce various potions for Saint Martin!

Originally, these wizards would never contact him!

After all, wizards don’t usually mess around!

But today's events forced them to contact Arthur!

As for what happened...

It's about Brooke!

Well, that's right, it's Brooke from the Straw Hat Adventure Group, Arthur's cheap relative, Bruce's uncle!

Like Sanji, Brooke also came to the West Sea after being hit by a bear!

But unlike Sanji's luck, Brooke was unlucky to the extreme!

He landed directly on the most lively place on Firth Island-Diagon Alley.


He was arrested.

Well, although the wizards' combat effectiveness is weak, Brooke is not much stronger now!

In addition, the attack methods of the wizards are indeed a little strange... with small wooden sticks!

So when he was caught off guard, Brooke was overcast, and was fainted by the wizard holding a magic wand and chanting a spell to his face!

And then, as a skeleton, a skeleton capable of action, after Brooke woke up, he found a group of curious wizards, strapped to an operating table and started researching!

In this case, although he got the site of Saint Martin from the wizards, and always claimed that he was Bruce's relative, and wanted to let him go, no one believed him in the end!

In this way, more than ten days have passed. While being researched, Brooke worked hard to persuade the wizard researchers who studied him and sent Arthur a document to verify it!

That is the information Arthur is looking at right now!

And this is why Arthur couldn't help but laugh!

Brooke...it's terrible!

What a bad luck to this level, who is it!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help comparing the difference between Sanji and Brook in his mind!


Relatively speaking, Sanji can be said to be the one who opened the door!

Along the way, from landing to Blood Harbor Town, to Saint Martin City, to finding a restaurant willing to take him in for a part-time job, and finally to seeing the so-called luminous cuisine, he encountered no obstacles!

I want to find a restaurant to work....After escaping to stay away from Xiaoxin, I can go to the late night cafeteria a few times blindly, and successfully found a job that matches his heart!

And wanting to see the so-called luminous cuisine, it happened that Arthur went to the late-night cafeteria for dinner. The owner of the late-night cafeteria was also willing to ask Arthur for a chance to meet Sanji in less than half a day!

It can be said that Brook and Sanji did not live on the same ship and were beaten by a bear, but got different results!

"However, let's call and rescue him quickly!" After a long laugh, Arthur decided in his heart.

After all, Arthur and Brooke are cheap relatives, Brooke is still Bruce's uncle, and Brooke was once the captain of Saint Martin's guard, it would be really bad to let him be studied by wizards in this way!

Thinking, Arthur directly picked up the phone and dialed it!


Amidst the ringing of the telephone, the call was soon connected!

"Your Majesty!" A respectful voice came from the other end of the phone!

"It's me... what he said is true. He is indeed my relative and Bruce's relative. Let him go and bring him to my side!" Arthur said in a deep voice.

The voice just fell!


Arthur heard a rush of noise on the other end of the phone.


"Your Majesty, I'm sorry, we really didn't know that he was really your relative!" The person on the other end of the phone apologized again and again~www.wuxiaspot.com~It doesn't matter, just send someone over! "Arthur said sternly.

For this, he had no plan to blame the wizards!

After all... As a wizard who specializes in research and development, a moving skeleton is indeed a good research material!

Moreover, if he encountered such a thing, he would not believe Brooke's words!

A strange skeleton tells you that he is a relative of your boss, can you immediately believe it?


At least you have to verify it in various ways, and only after repeated confirmation can you believe it!

"Yes, we will send people over!" the voice on the other end of the phone hurriedly agreed.

"Okay, so be it!"

And Arthur listened to him and hung up!

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