Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1162: Black hand

Provisional Navy Headquarters!

"Da da da!"

Along with the sound of messy footsteps, Luo was "surrounded" by a group of navy and walked into a room of the hospital in the headquarters!

At this time, the former Navy Marshal, the current Navy Chief Inspector of the Warring States Period, as well as the Navy Admiral Huang Yuan, the current Navy Marshal Blue Pheasant, the Chief of Naval Staff Crane and other high-ranking naval forces are waiting for him in this house!

When he came in, everyone looked at him in unison!

"I said...Does your navy need such a big battle? Are you afraid that I won't be able to run?" Luo said with a smile after scanning the room.

That's what I said, but in fact Luo knew very well that the navy was not afraid that he would run away in such a big battle, but to give him a deterrent to deter him!

no way!

As an admiral of the navy, his importance is self-evident, and the navy is also afraid that Luo will come up with a moth!


As the admiral of the Navy, the green pheasant came forward and said calmly, "We just came to have a look because of curiosity!"

Although it is a deterrent, it is definitely not true!

So the green pheasant found such an excuse!

Luo listened to the words of the green pheasant and smiled, but didn't refute anything. He just shrugged and said, "Okay, just treat you as curious!"

"Well, you don't need to say any more polite words, let's save people first!" At this time, Zhan Guo said.

With that said, he first turned his body sideways, revealing a large pile of ice behind him!

When the others saw it, they followed and turned sideways, revealing the frozen red dog in the innermost part of the room!

"Well, since you are all so anxious, then we will go directly to the topic!" Luo said, without care, and went directly to the frozen red dog!

After looking up and down the ice for a while, Luo touched his chin and exclaimed, "Tsk tusk...Is this the strength of Marshal Green Pheasant? It can actually freeze the red dog like a grandson!"

Although he knew exactly what was going on in his heart, he still pretended to be ignorant of the inside story on the surface!

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!" Green Pheasant urged lightly.

"Okay, okay!" Luo shrugged, put his hand on his knife, and was ready to act!

But when he was about to act, Luo suddenly stopped again!

"What's wrong?" Green Pheasant couldn't help but frown and asked.

"There are some things...I think we should talk about it before the operation, so as not to wait for something that no one wants to see!" Luo turned around and said with a smile.

"Hurry up and say what you have!" The green pheasant raised his brows and said patiently.

"Before I came this time, I did some preparatory measures in advance to record the negotiation between our two sides and so on, and then let one of my subordinates wait for my order with the video!"

"If I don't get out of the navy safely in the end, then all the videos will be exposed! At that time, the navy's reputation will be... hehe!" Luo Zhengshi said.

"It's terrible...Is the little brother so careful now?" Huang Yuan listened and said with a smile.

At the same time, the faces of the green pheasant and the Warring States period also showed unpleasant colors!

What does this mean?

Don't believe in their character?

Although they had the idea that Luo said, they really didn't mean to act!

After all, they all want face!

And Luo looked at the faces of the people, smiled, and explained in a serious manner, "As a pirate, if you don't prepare more, you don't know how to die!"

"And... what if you regret it afterwards? After all, that's two billion, not a small sum!"

As he said, looking at the navy who wanted to refute, Luo stretched out his hand to stop them from speaking, and said directly, "Oh~ don't rush to deny it, you don't want to do this, I can't trust you!"

"In fact, everyone is half-hearted, and you can't believe me...or there won't be so many people here!"


Listening to Luo's words, the navy who was present looked at each other, and they were all silent!


Luo believes them, but how can they trust Luo?

Thinking about it, the green pheasant who was the new admiral of the navy spoke directly, "Well, that's the end of this matter, everyone needn't say anything, you save people!"

The most important thing at the moment is to save the red dog, and other irrelevant things can be ignored first!

"it is good!"

Luo shrugged, didn't make any trouble with the moth, turned to face the ice sculpture of the red dog, and slowly drew out his own knife.


"Room. Slaughterhouse!"

Suddenly, a semicircular area appeared, covering the entire room!

Feeling the faint sense of threat this field brings to themselves, the navy and his team are full of hearts, their eyes are narrowed, their eyes are full of solemnity, and they also secretly raised their warning!

Luo's strength seems...somewhat beyond their expectations!

Thinking like this in my mind, the navy team did not move.

They believe that Luo, who has to do more preparations even when he comes to the navy headquarters, will not be so stupid and do it to them!

After all, among the navy present, there are three general-level combat power!

the other side!

After releasing the domain, Luo didn't hesitate too much, directly pointed the knife at the ice block and chopped it down!

"call out!"

With the sound of breaking through the air, the originally extremely hard ice, like tofu, was directly cut in half by Luo!

At the same time, the person in the ice, the red dog, was cut in half!

However, everyone present was not surprised by this horrible scene!

They already knew Luo's ability!

"Quickly, pull people out!" Luo commanded.

And listening to his words, the green pheasant was also unambiguous, stepping forward and pulling out the cut in half of the red dog!

Looking at the red dog who was pulled out but didn't know what his condition was, Luo stretched out his left hand without a knife, made a claw, and grabbed it out of thin air.

Immediately, the body of the red dog that was cut in half gradually merged together!

At this moment, a black instrument the size of a little finger in Luo's jacket disappeared in his pocket, and appeared in the center of the red dog's heart out of thin air without everyone noticing it.

Immediately, the body of the red dog was completely integrated, and the whole person returned to normal!

During the whole process, Akinu himself kept his eyes closed and did not wake up!


Luo clapped his hands, unlocked the domain, and said sternly, "Alright!"

"All right!?"

The green pheasant frowned and asked subconsciously, "Then why is he still not awake?"

Luo glanced at the green pheasant with the look of a fool, and said, "You have been hungry for ten days and half a month. You can't wake up for you!"


The green pheasant listened, but there was a trace of embarrassment on his face that had been indifferent!


The red dog hasn't eaten for more than half a month~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It's strange if you don't get hungry!

"Then what to do?" Warring States couldn't help asking.

"What else can I do? First give him an infusion, give him some glucose or something, and then let him eat after he wakes up! Can I still say this? Does the doctor at the Navy Hospital don't even understand this?" Luo said , And also took a look at the Warring States Period with a foolish look!


The Warring States period touched his nose and was a little embarrassed!


It's just being fainted by hunger, it's not a big deal, the doctor in the hospital can handle it!

"Okay, he is fine now, and the rest is left to the doctor in your hospital. I will leave first!" Luo said lightly.

After speaking, he didn't wait for the green pheasant and others to say anything, he turned around and left!

Well, anyway, the remuneration was given by the Navy before he came for treatment, and his affairs were also done, so naturally there is no need to keep more!

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