St. Martin’s King’s Palace!

   Bruce, Rilis, etc., a series of kingdom ministers, as well as the Gotei 13 team, ten blades, saints, and other high-level combat power of the kingdom are all assembled in the palace hall!

"You should know everything! Now according to the report of the intelligence personnel, the affairs of our kingdom in Beihai have been discovered by the world government. It is foreseeable that the world government will definitely go to war with us. Now... what do you have? Any idea?" Sitting on the throne, Arthur spoke first.

   Everyone listened, looked at each other, but did not speak, but collectively bowed their heads and began to think!

   After a long time!

Rilis groaned, and the first one said, "This time is no better than last time! The world government can tolerate the victory of Xihai last time, but now that even Beihai has been taken, the world government absolutely cannot tolerate it! In this situation Next, war is for sure!"

   "And all we have to do is prepare for a tough battle!"

   After a pause, Leliss said, "According to the current situation, if the world government is to go to war, it is most likely to attack the North Sea!"

   "Most of the Beihai site has been in the past few months, that is, the income last year. The site is not stable. There are many rebels on it. As long as the world government is not stupid, it will definitely attack here!"

"In this case, the current military strength of the North Sea may not be able to resist... the North Sea army is not as well-trained as the West Sea side. Because time is too tight, most of them are simply trained and armed. Up!"

   "So, we must send someone to support!"

   Arthur nodded as he listened, and immediately asked, "Now, how many troops can our kingdom mobilize?"

Rilis thought for a while and confirmed, "First of all, the garrisoned troops in some important areas must not be able to move, and secondly, some troops need to be reserved on the West Sea to prevent attacks by the world government, or else they will be It's not good for the world government to steal home!"

   "Finally, we need to reserve some mobile units so as not to have a chance to make up when something unexpected happens!"

"After all these are subtracted, the number of troops we can mobilize is about two million, of which 600,000 are the army and the rest are the navy! Well, the difference is so big because most of the remaining troops are It's the army!"

   Arthur listened and nodded clearly.

  If it is in other worlds, except for the places near the sea, the number of armies is generally more than that of the navy, but in this place where the world is full of water, the navy is definitely more than the army!

   In addition, most of the world is islands, the army is restricted in many aspects, so the army is more suitable for garrisoning one side, and therefore the difference between the army and the navy that can support is so big!

   Immediately, Arthur touched his chin and whispered thoughtfully, "Two million... This is a bit troublesome to mobilize!"

   The mobilization of two million troops is not a simple matter. The mobilization of various materials alone is a major test for the kingdom!

"Yes, but it is a test for us, and I am afraid it is even more a test for the world government! The world government does not have such a complete logistics system as ours, nor does it have such a developed transportation route as our kingdom. It is more difficult for them to mobilize than us!" Liss shrugged and said indifferently.

   When the opponent is worse than yourself, there is no need to worry about this!

   After Arthur nodded in agreement, he seemed to have thought of something, and said with a deep meaning, "Then do you think... can we use this to make a fuss?"

   "What does your majesty mean?" Lillis' eyes narrowed, and he asked thoughtfully.

"We need to support, but the world government also needs to assemble troops so that we can fight us head-on. In this case, you say... if we send people to attack their logistics transportation routes and interfere with their mobilization of supplies What will happen to you?" Arthur asked with a smile.

Hearing this, after thinking about it, Leliss eyes brightened and said, "The transportation capacity of the world government is very different from that of our kingdom. If you do this, even if the other party reacts quickly, at least it can be extended. The other party's assembly time for one month!"

   It’s only a short month, but it’s enough to do a lot of things!

   Fortifications, traps, and the transfer of various materials can all be done!

   Defensive strength is bad for a month, it's already bad!

   "Well, then make a note of this first, and then arrange for someone to sneak attack later!" Arthur said sternly.

   "Understood!" Lelis nodded.

   "But, having said that, since we think of interfering with the other party's assembly, the other party may also think of interfering with our support!" Arthur said sternly, "So we also have to guard!"

   Do it yourself in the first year, of course you have to prevent the other party from doing the fifteenth!

   There is no rule in this world that only the state officials set fires and the people are not allowed to light the lights. Although the world government is obviously a justice organization, this is war!

   Everyone is naturally doing everything!

   Therefore, when St. Martin interferes with the opponent's assembly, he must also prevent the opponent from doing it!

   Otherwise, it would be funny if there is a pirated copy that is forced to death!

Thinking about it, Arthur sorted out his thoughts and analyzed, "Except for the unexposed underground train channels and teleportation arrays, there are three routes from the West Sea to the North Sea under normal circumstances. No wind zone!"

"And among them, if you go to the Red Earth Continent, it is too high to pass a large number of people. At most, you can only pass a small part. You must also be strong, otherwise it is very dangerous. So from a normal perspective, it is impossible to go this way. !"

"If you go upside down mountain...then you have to consider the ocean current of upside down mountain. The ocean current of upside down mountain can make people go up quickly, but it can also make people unable to go down easily. This road is not easy to walk, you can also eliminate it first. Up!"

   "So the best thing for us on the bright side is the third one, passing the windless zone!"

"Although the windless zone is dangerous to people outside, it is not too dangerous for us. Our ships can pass through the windless zone without injury, then traverse the new world, and then arrive through the windless zone. North Sea!"

   "During this period, at most because of the chaotic climate and ocean currents in the New World, go slower!"

"I guess if the world government wants to interfere with our should be here. After all, given the complex environment of the New World, it is the best and most suitable place for sneak attacks! "

   The voice just fell!

   Bruce seemed to have some idea in mind. He stood up and said, "Yohouhouhou, the other party thinks so, then we should do it!"

"We can assemble in a place close to the windless zone on the open, to create a scene that we have to pass through the windless zone, and secretly transport all kinds of materials and people through underground trains, transmission arrays and other channels. !"

   "In this way, not only can it hold a part of the world government's forces, but it can also quietly transport all kinds of things!"

   With the increase of age, Bruce has not changed much except for his strength, and he has been growing up. He has gradually changed from the former poor mouth, his personality has become more stable, and his brain has become more thinking.

   "Yes, there is growth, just do as you do!" Listening to Bruce's idea, Arthur felt good, so after a compliment, he adopted it!

Afterwards, Arthur discussed with the ministers present, the strong, the transfer of various aspects, and the coordination of the various departments. From the day to the dark, he reluctantly set a plan for the war from offensive to Defense, to the regulations of all aspects of material mobilization!

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