Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1169: Save people

"Above the King of Pirates (

The palace!

"Alabastan was actually used as a war base?" Hearing this news, Arthur couldn't help but reveal a weird look in his eyes!

According to news reports, according to the information sent by the intelligence personnel below, and according to the information given by the Alabastan side, Arthur accepted this unexpected situation that made him almost laugh!

In order to gather all the troops, the world government, after talking and discussing with the participating countries, used seven places on the seven routes of the Great Channel as war bases---Alabastan is one of them!

Of course, although Arthur was surprised by this situation, it was normal after thinking about it!

First of all, the world government does not know that Alabastan is his territory!

Secondly, Alabastan is indeed the best choice for war base!

The world government will gather millions of troops this time!

Although these troops were unable to gather in one place due to the climate of the Great Channel, ocean currents, etc., they were divided into seven routes, seven different places relatively close to the upside-down mountain!

However, hundreds of thousands of people are diverted to the line of Alabastan!

In this case, if you want to gather them, you must find a more suitable location, and the port can indeed accommodate so many people.

Small countries, such as the drum kingdom, are definitely not good!

Even if the climate is not suitable, the port will not be able to receive so many people, let alone provide so many people to eat and drink...Even if they don't have to pay for this food and drink, the world government will pay for it!

At this time, the advantage of Alabastan is obvious!

As a superpower, although Alabastan is full of sand, the land area and port area are indeed vast, and it can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people easily!

And Alabastan also has a population of tens of millions, and it is easy to squeeze hundreds of thousands of rations from it!

At last!

As a franchise country, Alabastan also dispatched its own army...100,000 people at the request of the world government!

Choosing Alabastan as one of the war bases can greatly reduce the transportation and logistics costs of these people. Although the world government is not short of money, it does not mean that money will be spent!

Can save, of course, also save!

In summary, Alabastan was selected as one of the seven war bases. Although it surprised Arthur, it was a more realistic choice for a world government!

"But, can I do something about it?" Arthur murmured, and another question appeared in his mind.

After thinking about it carefully, Arthur felt it was better not to make a fuss!

Of course, it's not that he showed great compassion, but for another reason!

On the one hand... the soldiers dispatched by Alabastan are also mixed in!

Alabastan is his, and the soldiers of Alabastan are naturally his. In this case, what is the difference between using this base to make a fuss and suicide?

On the other hand... the world government was very concerned about this operation, and therefore sent many intelligence personnel to fight against Saint Martin’s intelligence personnel, and in this case, although Saint Martin’s intelligence personnel did not fall behind, but Did not get much information!

For this reason, Saint Martin is actually not very clear about the specific trends of the world government!

And based on this, the importance of the war base in Alabastan is immediately brought up-Arthur can guess the layout of the world government and the movement of the world government through the command of the world government on this war base!

Therefore, in the end, Arthur thought it was better not to make a fuss!

"That's it... when Alabastan is about to send troops, send some people to join in, and then through the world government's command to this base, control the world government's movements!" Arthur murmured, with a decision in his heart!

Immediately, he pressed this matter to the bottom of his heart, and turned around and began to think about another thing...get Alulita out of Maria!

The scale of this war is predictable, it is the largest in the world, and it is also the one that determines the world's ownership!

Under this circumstance, if the world government is finally driven to a dead end, or at a critical time, even if Elulita is a Denon, there is no guarantee that the world government will not make a fuss about her!

Therefore, before the war is about to begin, Arthur must get people out!

As for who to do it, how to do it...

"Doing this kind of thing, of course, is to let the ninja go!" Arthur thought this way, and a candidate automatically appeared in his mind... Tsunade!

Infiltration and assassination is something almost all ninjas do, and this is the ninja’s old line!

So this kind of thing is naturally to be done by ninjas.

Although Tsunade is a physical ninja, medical ninja, but this does not mean that she will not sneak in!

It's just that she has good physical skills and good medical skills, so under normal circumstances, she doesn't have to do it at all, and she won't do this kind of infiltration or similar tasks!

Of course, the main reason why Arthur wanted Tsunade to go was not this!

It's because it's Mary Joa who is going to!

As the center of the world government, Mary Joa can be said to have many masters!

In this case, if other ninjas are allowed to go, Arthur is not at ease, and it is easy to be spotted. Once discovered, there is no chance to run, let alone lead people!

At that time, the death of one or two ninjas is still a trivial matter, if it arouses the alarm of the world government, it will be over!

The world government will definitely strengthen protection!

After that, it is even more difficult to take people away!

So, Tsunade can only go!

With her strength, even if she is discovered, she can retreat~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and even lead someone to leave!

"However, it's better to keep one hand..." Arthur groaned and said, "Let Emperor Kai go with him, let him take a fairy bean, if it doesn't work, just open eight doors and be hard!"

Thinking about it, Arthur, who felt that the plan was almost done, picked up the phone on the side and called out!


Among the ringtones, the call was quickly connected!


Tsunade passed with a slightly drunken voice!

"Are you drunk again?" Arthur couldn't help frowning.

"No...no...no!" Tsunade said vaguely.


Arthur's face was full of black lines.

Say it like this, and still say you are not drunk?

However, Arthur was accustomed to Tsunade's drunkenness, so he didn't care about her, but directly ordered what he thought, and said, "I have a task for you, it's like this... ."

After Arthur briefly talked about the task, Tsunade replied drunkly, "Guaranteed...er...guaranteed...completed the task!"

Hearing Tsunade's vague words, Arthur was not worried!

Although Tsunade is now drunk, as a medical ninja, her sanity is always online, and there is no such thing as forgetting after sobering up!

"Okay, that's it, don't drink, go to sleep, and finish the task!" After Arthur said in a deep voice, he was about to hang up.

But the next moment!


The phone in his hand had not been hung up yet, and the sound of the phone hung up came from the phone!


"This Tsunade..."

After a trace of helplessness flashed across Arthur's face, he could only hang up the phone.

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