Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1171: Request before leaving

"Above the King of Pirates (

"Don't be afraid, Arthur made us come!"

Tsunade looked at the two people who were pretending to be calm on the surface, and their eyes flashed with horror. He quickly explained, "The people on the ground are not dead except the strong one who protects you. We stunned! "

Hearing this, when the two of Elulita were secretly relieved, they did not relax their vigilance!

With Tsunade's words alone, she couldn't be sure that what Tsunade said was true or false!

Of course, since Tsunade was interested in telling her this, it at least shows that Tsunade has no intention of doing them for the time being.

Otherwise, just do it directly, so why explain?

Thinking about it, Elulita still looked at Tsunade with a vigilant look!

At this moment, Tsunade seemed to think of something so suddenly, he slapped his head, and said suddenly, "Look at my memory!"

With that, she raised her hands and made a few weird gestures toward Elulita!


Upon seeing this, Alulita's eyes lit up, and she breathed a sigh of relief!

Well, it's really loose this time!

She knew Tsunadebi's gesture, which was the one agreed upon with her and Arthur!

Because she is in Mary Joa, there may be an accident, so in order to avoid the situation of the person who will save her that is similar to today, that is, she does not know the person who saved her and does not trust the person who saved her, Arthur Just agreed with her such a gesture that only two people knew!

"The reason you came here late at night is... the world government is going to war with Saint Martin? In order to prevent the world government from taking me hostage, so you came to save me before the war?" While relaxing her vigilance, Ellu Rita asked uncertainly.

She knows that the world government is going to war with Saint Martin!

And under this premise, facing Tsunade and a group of ninjas who sneaked into her house late at night, Elulita really couldn’t think of other reasons why Tsunade and his party could visit late at night, even because of this. Kill the strong guarding them!


Tsunade nodded and said solemnly, "Arthur doesn't want anything that he regrets in the future, so let me take you away before the two sides go to war to prevent the world government from falling into the wind. What an extreme thing to do!"


After hearing the approval, Elulita nodded, and said without hesitation, "That's OK, let's go!"

She is not the kind of heroine in the Brain C TV series who knows the danger and wants to stay, and finally makes the protagonist pay a heavy price to save her!

As a normal person, the only thought in her mind now is to go quickly and avoid being discovered by the world government!

"Do you need to pack something? If you need it, pack it up quickly. In addition, if you have any gold and silver jewelry, antiques, devil fruits, etc. to take away, you can also say it. Don't worry, we can take it away!" Tsunade said seriously. ,


Listening to Tsunade’s words, Elulita, who was planning to go on the road lightly and abandon these extraneous objects, was stunned and immediately said, “I have a treasure trove here, which is filled with some treasures of our family!”

"Where?" Tsunade asked.

"Come with me!" Elulita did not hesitate, beckoned directly, and walked deep into the villa with Tsunade.

But when she didn't walk two steps, she seemed to think of something, and stopped quickly and said to her mother, "Mother, you go to my bedroom and your bedroom and simply pack two clothes, we will be on the road immediately! "


Jelita Palace nodded gracefully, turned around and ran towards the bedroom of the two.

This year is nearly 60 years old, but she looks like she is forty years old. She still has the charm. She also has no heroine illness. She knows what is going on, so she is clean and tidy, and she does not hesitate!

that's it!

The soldiers in the villa are divided into two groups, each heading towards the destination!

And because of the emergency, everyone moved quickly, so less than five minutes later, Alurita took Tsunade and the ninjas back to the living room with a few seal scrolls!

They have packed everything in the treasure trove!

At the same time, Jelita Palace returned to the living room with a small suitcase!

She also packed their clothes!

"What about these servants? Do you need to take a few back?" Tsuna pointed at the waiters and maids who had been knocked out in the living room, frowning and inquiring towards Elulita.

Elulita looked at the servants lying in the underground, after hesitating, she gritted her teeth and pointed to three of them and said, "Take this away. She is my personal maid, and this one is also taken away. My mother’s nanny, and my mother’s personal maid, finally this one was taken away too. He is the housekeeper of our family for three generations!"

Elulita knows very well that it is definitely unrealistic to take away all the servants of this place right now!

After all, there are not many people that Tsunade brought!

Therefore, even if she knew clearly in her heart that all the servants present were loyal to her and their family, she could only choose three of them with the highest status in her heart!

As for the others...

In addition to reluctantly giving up, she can only pray in her heart that they will not be too miserable in the future!

Of course, she knew in her heart that after she ran away, these people might not end well...

The other Tianlong people on Mary Joa will not let their dogs without owners survive!

"Are these three?" Tsunade asked Alulita while instructing Kamininto to lift people.


After a trace of grief flashed in Alulita's eyes, she nodded heavily.

Immediately, she seemed to think of something like that, and pointed to the servants on the ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~ hesitatingly asked, "Right, can you... let them wake up in a coma in ten minutes?"

"Wake up after ten minutes of unconsciousness?" Tsunade was a little surprised at first!

However, after thinking about it for a moment, she probably understood why Elulita did this---she wanted to give these people a chance to live!

As a ninja, Tsunade's speed is beyond doubt, ten minutes is enough for them to get out of Marijoa!

However, ten minutes is not enough for Mary Joa to react!

In this case, if these servants wake up after ten minutes and then start to escape, there may be a chance to escape!

"Yes!" Tsunade said solemnly.

For others, it is difficult to control a person's coma, but for her medical ninja, it is very simple!

"Then please help me so that they are all awake in three minutes!" Alulita bowed and begged.

After Tsunade nodded, he turned and walked towards the pile of servants on the ground, then squatted down, covered his palm with chakra, and patted one of the servants' head gently!

Suddenly, a subtle chakra rushed into the servant's head!

After that, Tsunade didn't stop much. After punching this Chakra, he quickly found the comatose servant next to him, and followed it again!

So repeated!

In less than half a minute, all the servants present were arranged!

And at this moment, Elulita also placed a note written while Tsunade was busy just now on the most prominent table in the hall!

"Okay, let's go!"

Tsunade said so!

This time, Elulita didn't make any noise, and left with Tsunade and his party!

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