Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1178: Prelude, the invisible war!

Inside the palace!

"People are finally saved!"

Seeing Elulita sleeping on the bed, Arthur smiled, and after pulling the quilt up, he left the room quietly without interruption.

When Alulita arrived in St. Martin, it was almost early in the morning. They were all escaping for their lives all night without any rest. Both physically and mentally, they were exhausted, so Arthur didn't want to disturb her at this time.

After leaving the room, Arthur turned and went to the study!

He needs to plan the next war!

After Elulita was snatched back, his only worries were gone, so the next thing to do is to fight the world government!

"The previous task of sabotaging the logistics of the world government, as well as the assembly of Saint Martin in the early stage, has been arranged, and now we need to consider the mid-term matter!"

"It is impossible for Saint Martin to be in a defensive state all the time! In the early stage, it was mainly defensive to keep the still unstable North Sea. After the North Sea settles down, the mid-term plan will start to counterattack the world government!" Arthur murmured and took out the paper. Pen, write and draw on the desk, start to figure it out!


the other side!

Just as Arthur was planning, among the seven war bases arranged by the world government on the Great Channel, an invisible war had begun!

The scorching sun!

The port of Caesarea.

This port is one of the war bases chosen by the world government!

At this time, because it has been several days since the world government issued the order, many kings from various kingdoms and navies from various naval branch bases have gathered in the port!

In addition to these, there are also some unruly Saint Martin intelligence personnel and some world government intelligence personnel searching for these intelligence personnel have mixed into this port!

"Today, the kings of three kingdoms entered the port. Their troops were about 3,000, 5,000, and 6,000, totaling 14,000 people. In addition, before, now in this base, the world government There are approximately 70,000 people in, and this number is still increasing!"

In the port, in a restaurant that has been in the port for many years, the newly recruited waiter in the restaurant is earnestly completing the work, while scanning the entire port, but silently thinking in his heart!

And just as he was calculating, on a table not far away from him, two guests were chatting while they glanced at the waiter intentionally or unintentionally!


After looking at it for a long time, it seemed that they were certain. The two guests looked at each other and nodded each other.

Immediately, they got up quickly and rushed directly to the waiter, trying to catch him!

However, the waiter seems to have expected this!

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The moment the two pounced, the waiter turned around, drew his gun, pulled the trigger, and shot all the six bullets of the revolver in his hand.

Immediately, the waiter didn't see how the two of them were doing. After finishing the bullet, he turned around and slid away!

"what happened?"

"Damn it!"

"what's the situation?"


It happened so suddenly. Many soldiers and officers in the restaurant who came to eat here, after the waiter slipped away, looked at each other for a long time before they reacted.

But at this time, there was nothing left for them except the two fallen corpses!


In a meeting room of Mary Joa!

"According to the information coming from below, traces of St. Martin's intelligence personnel were found around the various war bases, and even a few were caught on the spot!" Eight-character Hu Wu Laoxing said in a deep voice, sitting on the sofa.

"What did you ask?" Golden Beard Fifth Star asked frowning.


The eight-character Hu Wuxing shook his head and said, "St. Martin's intelligence personnel, like CP, have been professionally trained, and the people under them did not ask anything!"

"However, I have just given an order to urgently mobilize a few people who are good at hypnosis, and I should be able to ask something by then!"

"Of course, don't report too much hope!"

"Except for the task, the people who perform the task generally won't let them know too much!"

The long-bearded five old stars nodded in agreement, and then said, "That's enough! As long as you know their mission, you can probably guess some of Saint Martin's ideas!"

As he said, the long-bearded five old star turned his voice and said, "Of course, we can't be so passive, just wait for the news here, let the people below take the initiative, and explore more information about Saint Martin! "

"Well, I'll make arrangements later!" Eight-character Hu Wu Laoxing nodded.

"Okay, that's the end of this matter, now let's talk about the one named Kai!" Scar Five Old Star started another topic!

And listening to this topic, the five elder stars here all cast their faces down!

In the eyes of the five old stars of the glasses, there was even a trace of uncontrollable anger!

"What's more to say, wanted!" said the five old star of the glasses angrily, "not only Ron died in his hand, but even the younger half of Mary Joa was destroyed by him!"

"Although we did not die, many of us were affected or even injured. In this case, are you not wanted?"

"I understand your mood. After all, you were also very embarrassed at the time, but please calm down!" Scar Five Old Star said lightly, "He must be wanted, and we will discuss the specific amount of the wanted amount. !"

"Now, I think we should discuss whether there is any relationship between Konoha and Saint Martin!"

"What kind of person Alulita is, we all know!"

"Kay is from Konoha. Although according to him, Konoha accepted Saint Martin's huge bounty mission to save Elulita, but I think there must be something tricky in it!"

"Don't say anything else, if you just received a huge reward, it is absolutely impossible to say that even Ron was killed!"

"After all, that would really offend us to death!"

"So, I think there may be a connection between Saint Martin and Konoha that we don't know! At this juncture of the war, I think we need to find out the relationship between them!"

Scar Five Old Star analyzed it seriously!

After listening to the five elder stars, they all nodded in agreement.

From Konoha’s perspective, as a task performer, even if they have the spirit of contract, no matter how bold they are, and are willing to accept orders from the world government, there is no need to kill Ron during the execution of the task. There is no need to destroy Mary Joa, and even those CP members with lieutenant-level combat power, there is no need to kill!

Because in that way, it would be tantamount to offending the world government!

Although saving Elulita would also offend the world government, in that case, the offense is not high. It is like the difference between stealing and killing. It depends on Konoha's strength and now it is with Saint Martin It is basically impossible for the world government to fight at the critical moment when the war is to begin!

But right now, let’s not talk about the dead~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The little Mary Gioia has also been destroyed, and the world government can’t do anything if it doesn't want to go to war!

"Kay has to deal with it, Konoha has to deal with it, but the most important thing at the moment is Saint Martin! So, let's send intelligence personnel to check it out, check their connections before making a decision... Of course, this Everything must be done before the war with Saint Martin begins!"

After thinking for a long time, the eight-character Hu Wu Lao Xing put forward his own opinions!

And listening to his words, the five old stars present here, including the five old stars full of anger in glasses, after thinking for a while, all agreed!

"So be it!"


"Look for the relationship between them first!"


In agreement, the five old stars here soon ended this topic and opened the topic for the next moment!

After discussing many topics, the five old stars did not leave the conference hall until dark!

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