Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1185: NEO Navy

Time is flowing!

???? Soon February 1st!

????The original expedition date set by the world government has arrived, but at the moment the world government has not expeditioned yet, and even has no intention of expedition!

????no way!

???? The logistics is attacked by Saint Martin every day, and it is completely out of position. If you want to force the expedition now, I am afraid that the world government will collapse on its own without fighting Saint Martin!

???? Besides, the revolutionary army has not resolved it yet!

???? After Arthur made it out of nothing and unilaterally announced the alliance, although the world government was not sure whether there was an alliance between Saint Martin and the Revolutionary Army, it also realized that there was a war, and it was best to dispose of the Revolutionary Army first!

????For this reason, under the instructions of the Five Old Stars, the intelligence personnel of the world government and the navy that did not participate in the war with Saint Martin are all going all out to find the whereabouts of the revolutionary army and destroy their strongholds!

???? However, it is not luck that the revolutionary army has been able to live under the eyes of the world government for so many years!

???? Under the command of Dorag and the experience of the revolutionary army in conflict with the world government in the previous year, the revolutionary army was hiding in Tibet while occasionally counterattacking. Once it was operated, it eventually became with the world government. It's a five-to-five open!

???? This gives the world government a headache!

???? Before starting the war with Saint Martin, they were stopped by the stumbling block of the Revolutionary Army. What is this?

???? Simply!

???? These problems are being resolved by the world government!

????At present, the logistics transportation route has been kept confidential. Sometimes even the crew on the transport ship does not know where to go, only the captain knows, and every time the transport fleet is protected by many strong people, avoid Attacked by the people of Saint Martin!

????As for the revolutionary army, the world government has also begun to act!

????The hidden children, undercover agents, and spies buried in the past were all activated, and began a large-scale search for the revolutionary army...Chapter 1185 NEO Navy (Chapter 1/ 5 pages),. The base, the sub-base, want to get the revolutionary army before the war with Saint Martin, at least so that they have no power to participate in this war!

???? Well, for the last thing, Arthur is naturally happy!

???? The world government is the enemy, and the revolutionary army is also the enemy in a sense. The conflict between the enemy and the enemy is a great thing for Saint Martin!

???? Arthur wished they would kill one of them!

???? Of course, he also knows that this is impossible!

The reason why the Revolutionary Army was able to drew with the world government was not because of their strength and similar forces, but because they had previously worried about Saint Martin that the world government did not exert its full power!

???? Now the world government is determined to get the revolutionary army down. No matter how hard the revolutionary army resists, it's useless. It's just the difference between early death and late death!

????In the palace study room!

???? "Well, we are all armed. At the beginning we will defend first, and wait until Beihai stabilizes before trying to counterattack!"

???? "Not enough food? I'll let someone transfer a batch!"

???? "All the arms have been shipped? That's good!"

???? "What, there is still a batch of mechas that haven't been sent to the past, send them there quickly!"


???? While flipping through the various documents, Arthur also took the microphone and kept instructing various government orders and handling various things!

???? After a long time!


???? Arthur took a deep breath, hung up the phone, and sat down on the chair a little tired!

???? Although this period of the world government has not formally attacked yet, the preparations before the war really kept Arthur busy. Now he has to deal with all kinds of things when he opens his eyes in the morning, and he may not be able to do anything until late at night. Rest, from time to time or even stay up all night or something!

???? Even if his physique is extremely strong now, after such a period of time, he is still a little tired!

???? "Blubru!" #br......Chapter 1185 NEO Navy (page 2/5),. r#???? However, before Arthur took a breath, the phone rang again!


???? Hearing the sound, after a deep frustration flashed in Arthur's eyes, he still answered the phone!

???? "Your Majesty, it's me!" On the other end of the phone, German's voice rang and said, "That matter is now in sight!"

???? "Which thing?" Arthur did not react for a moment!

???? There have been too many things in this period of time, and his mind is still with Luan! "

???? "The NEO Navy thing!" German said in a deep voice.


???? Arthur suddenly.

???? This is what happened!

???? The NEO navy was established by Zefa, the former general of the navy headquarters, known as the "black wrist"!

???? A few months ago, last year, when he learned that the pirate who cut off his arm and killed many of his students joined the navy and became the king of Qiwuhai, Zefa began to have strong doubts and distrust within the navy. Feeling, and resolutely retired from the navy, forming the current "NEO Navy" with the purpose of destroying pirates around the world!

???? And after knowing the news, Arthur decisively sent someone to contact Zefa!

???? Well, his purpose is obvious, to subdue Zefa!

????Although Zefa is now more than seventy this year, and his combat power is declining like a diving, after all, he was once a general and his teaching ability is not bad. He has cultivated many talents in the navy, even Huang Yuan. The green pheasant and the three big red dogs are also his disciples!

???? In this case, Arthur is naturally interested in him!

???? However, Zefa did not pay attention to Arthur at the beginning!

????Because Saint Martin and the Navy have always been enemies.

???? Even if he retires from the navy now, he doesn't want to be with the enemy!

???? But with the passage of time, the people in Saint Martin and Zefa contacted many times, and after Zefa had a deep understanding of Saint Martin, he left behind the layer of former enemies...Chapter 1185 NEO Navy (page 3/5),. The prejudice brought by his identity gradually changed his mind!

????Because Zefa also thoroughly understood the difference between Saint Martin's navy and the world government navy during this time!

???? In dealing with pirates, Saint Martin is actually better than the world government navy!

????Although the world government navy also catches pirates, because the source of the navy's military expenditure is the heavenly gold of the world government's participating countries, so the navy often needs to give face to many participating countries!

???? If there are pirates under certain franchising countries, or white gloves for dirty work by certain people in the franchise country, as long as the franchising country informs the navy, the navy depends on the size of the franchise’s influence within the world government. Modify the wanted order (Lie Ru Sanji), and sometimes the wanted order cannot be issued, and even at certain times the navy will let them go after seeing people!

???? But there will be no such thing in the Saint Martin Navy!

????On the one hand, it is Arthur's strict management. Except for Arthur, no one in the kingdom has white gloves like this.

On the one hand, the Saint-Martin Navy only obeys Saint-Martin's orders, and the military expenses are also paid by the kingdom. Except for Arthur, there are not so many "dads" on top of his head.

???? Therefore, the Saint Martin Navy will not have this kind of "accommodation" situation!

In addition to these, St. Martin’s navy is also more convenient to catch pirates, because the entire West Sea is St. Martin’s territory, so naturally there will be no kingdoms that refuse to enter their territory to arrest people when arresting people!

???? St. Martin’s Navy wants to hunt down the pirates~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The place will even cooperate. What security team, what garrison army, even civilians, will help!

???? In this case, unless the pirate does not go ashore to rest, or run out of the West Sea in one breath, he will definitely be found and caught!

???? But the navy of the world government won't work!

????Because each kingdom is the "father" of giving money, many times they have to ask for instructions before they want to arrest people, and they can enter the kingdom territory after getting permission! #......Chapter 1185 NEO Navy (page 4/5),.

???? And this way, the pirate had already taken the opportunity to slip away!

???? Because of this, Zefa gradually changed his mind and prepared to contact Saint Martin!

???? "Why, did he agree to join Saint Martin?" Arthur asked with a tone of expectation.

???? If this is the case, then he has gained a lot!

???? "Yes, nor is it!" So German said!

???? "???"

???? Arthur looked dumbfounded!

???? Is this still?

???? At this time, German explained, "The other party has this idea, but he wants to talk to you in person and hear what you say!"


???? Suddenly, Arthur smiled and said, "Then call me! Let him call!"

???? As long as the other party is interested, then everything is easy to say!

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