Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1187: Never changed

"Former Admiral, Black Fist Zefa announced to join Saint Martin! "---Le Monde!

??? "What changes will Zefa join Saint Martin's? "---Chambord Islands Daily News!

??? "NEO Navy joins Saint Martin, how will the Navy respond? "---New World Local News!

??? "Who is Zefa? The origin and name of Zefa! "---A place in the Great Waterway!

??? "A new powerhouse in the kingdom! Black wrist Zefa! "---St Martin Daily!


??? The next day, all major newspapers in the world are repaying this!

??? In addition to reporting on Zefa’s joining Saint Martins, some newspapers have also delved into it and analyzed from the news what impact this news will have on the current situation!

??? In addition, some newspapers feel that Zefa is already old, and the name is definitely not as good as before, and not everyone knows it, so they deliberately spread the origins of Zefa to people, wanting to find another way. , Gain some traffic!

??? But no matter how the newspaper reports, what is the angle of entry!

??? In short, Zefa is on fire on this day!


??? NEO Naval Headquarters!

??? "Teacher, teacher, look at today's news, it's all you!" Binz trot with excitement, and delivered today's newspaper to Zefa!


??? Zefa nodded, took it and looked up.

??? No surprises!

??? The above is the news that he joined Saint Martin!

??? This point Arthur had long been angry with him, he knew it, and agreed, so after reading it twice, he returned the newspaper to Binz!

???"Da da da!"

??? And just then, a light footstep came from far and near!

??? Zefa looked over subconsciously and saw Ain running towards him with a phone!

??? After running in front of Zefa,...Chapter 1187 has not changed (page 1/5). Ain said, "Teacher, your phone number is the Marshal of the Warring States Period...Ah no, the Chief Inspector called you!"

??? Speaking, Ain handed the phone to Zefa!

??? And listening to Ain's words, Zefa's face was hesitant!

??? The navy is the enemy of Saint Martin, and as a former navy man, now he has joined the enemy's camp, and he is somewhat embarrassed to face his former friends and former colleagues!

??? Finally, Zefa answered the phone!

??? He also knew in his heart that some things could not be solved by avoiding them!

??? "Hey!" Zefa said!

??? "It's me, Warring States!" The voice of the Warring States was unpredictable and deep!


??? Zefa hesitated and said, "If you want to persuade me, then needless to say, you know what I am!"

???"Do not!"

??? Zeng Guo’s answer was somewhat unexpected, saying, “I’m not trying to persuade you! I know why you want to form a NEO navy, and I probably understand why you joined Saint Martins, I just want to tell you, I hope you don't be blinded by hatred!

??? Hope I don't be blinded by hatred?

??? Listening to these words, Zefa's heart suddenly shook, as if touched by something, and his emotions agitated inexplicably!


??? But then, after taking a deep breath, he suppressed the turbulent emotions and replied seriously, "I won't!"

??? "Hope..." That's how the Warring States replied.

??? From the bottom of his heart, he hopes that Zefa will not be blinded by hatred, but from a rational point of view, he knows that it is difficult for Zefa not to be blinded by hatred.

??? After all, the pirate really hurt him too deeply!

??? His family, his favorite disciples, all died because of pirates!

??? "If there is nothing else, I'll hang up!" After listening to the words of the Warring States, Zefa hesitated for a moment, and then prepared... Chapter 1187 has not changed (page 2/5). Hang up the phone!

??? If it was before, as a friend of the Warring States Period, and both were navy, the two naturally had countless topics in common!

??? But right now, he has joined Saint Martins, the relationship between the two and their identity has undergone a subtle change, and the common topic is gone!

??? "Hang up!"

??? The Warring States Period asked in a deep voice, "But at the end I want to ask you, will you hurt the Navy in the future? Will you hurt those former colleagues? Will you hurt your... disciples?"

??? Listening to this question, Zefa replied categorically, “As long as they don’t shoot me or my disciples, I will never take the initiative to shoot them!”

???"That's good!"

??? The Warring States period listened to Zefa's words, and there was a touch of ease in his words!

??? He now knows through Zefa's words that Zefa is still that Zefa, and he has not changed a person because of the change of camp!

??? "That's it, I'm hanging up!" Zefa said, hanging up the phone!


??? "Toot toot!"

??? Listening to the sound of the phone hanging up, a smile appeared on the face of the Warring States Period!

???"how's it going?"

??? At this moment, Karp leaned forward and asked curiously.

??? "Keep your distance!"

??? And looking at the big face that Kapu almost kissed him, after a trace of rejection appeared on the face of the Warring States period, he subconsciously leaned back and pushed Kapu's head away. There was a slight distance, and then he didn't respond in kind, "From the tone of Zefa's speech, I can be sure that he was not coerced, but voluntary. As for why... I think you should be very clear!"


??? With regard to the Warring States Period, Karp heaved a sigh of relief after hearing the first half.

??? But after hearing the second half, Karp fell silent!

??? Zefa’s hatred is not a secret among the top navy!

???......Chapter 1187 has not changed (page 3/5),. The Warring States Period knows it, and Karp knows it too!

??? But because of this, he fell into silence!

??? Although he knew, he was unable to change all of this, even the disciple who killed Zefa and the man who killed many naval forces, he couldn't stop him from becoming Qiwuhai!

???no way!

??? Qiwuhai does not belong to the navy, but to the world government!

??? "Okay, let's end this matter, don't think about it anymore!" While looking at the silent Karp, the Warring States patted him on the shoulder and said.


??? After Karp nodded, he suddenly remembered something, and said, "Oh, yes, what should we say to the people below? Because of Zefa's affairs~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Now the following is already It fell out!"

??? "Many navies have suffered as a result, especially those navies preparing to participate in the war. Zefa's former disciples have no morale. I heard that many of them do not even have daily exercises today!"

??? The Warring States Period thought for a while, and said, "Give it to the Green Pheasant. This is what he should experience as a Marine Marshal and should deal with it. We are now in a semi-retired state, so don't think so much!"


??? After Karp was stunned, he laughed boldly and said, "Haha~Yes, we are all half-retired now, don't think so much!"


???Mary Joa!


??? "This Zefa must be severely punished!!!" The five old star of the glasses patted the table and said furiously.

??? News, he watched it!

??? Although there is no information coming from below, he is very clear in his heart that at this critical moment, after this kind of news is reported, it will definitely be a blow to the morale of the navy as a whole!


??? "Well, must be severely punished!"

??? "Notify the Navy to issue a reward order!"


??? The other five old stars did not refuse this proposal, and they agreed!

......Chapter 1187 has not changed (page 4/5),. #??? They also know what the consequences will be if Zefa does such a thing at this time!


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