Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1189: Departure, the prologue before the war

March 1st!

??? The weather is gloomy and the sky is full of dark clouds!

??? Originally, this should be a day that is not suitable for travel, because it is uncertain when it will rain in the sky.

??? But due to the orders of the five old stars, on this day, on the seven routes of the Great Channel, seven war bases, five thousand ships from the navy, from various kingdoms, different sizes and models of warships, carrying more than two million. People set off, and headed for the upside-down mountain.

??? And this scene was also broadcast live to all over the world by the newspaper reporters who came to the hot news!

??? "Five thousand top warships from various countries!!!"

??? "Too shocking!"

??? "I have never seen such a scene before, this mighty army, you can't see it at first glance!"

??? "For such a team, Saint Martin is definitely not an opponent, right?"

??? "Saint Martin is not an opponent? Impossible! There is no way for us to watch Saint Martin's live broadcast, otherwise you will see an even more amazing scene!"

??? "A more amazing scene? How do you know?"

??? "My brother is in Saint Martin now, he just called me and said!"

??? "Oh!? What about Saint Martin's side?"

??? "Well... St. Martin built a huge wall directly on the sea!"


??? People all over the world were shocked by this scene!

??? Among them, after seeing such a shocking scene, a large number of people feel that such a huge team is absolutely irresistible to Saint Martin!

??? However, there are also people who know the situation on St. Martin because their relatives, friends, and family are on St. Martin’s side. Although the scene here is shocking, it is not as good as St. Martin!


???at the same time!

??? Arthur in St. Martin also received the news!

??? "Have the armies of the world government set off?" Arthur murmured, his face covered with...Chapter 1189 The Prologue Before the War Departs (Chapter 1 /4 pages),. heavy,

??? Finally waited for this day!

??? Although all kinds of preparations have been made long ago, in fact, when things really came, Arthur felt a little nervous in his heart!

??? He is not sure how many hole cards the world government has, nor is he sure whether Saint Martin can deal with them!

??? "Do your best, obey your fate!"

??? After thinking for a long time, and finally after such a thought flashed through his mind, Arthur let out a deep breath!

??? He has done everything that should be done. If he really loses in the end, there is no way. He can only pull the world government and die!

??? "I hope I don't get to that point!"

??? Arthur checked the Earth Destruction Bomb that had been pressed in the corner of his portable space for a long time, and couldn't help muttering.

??? "Boom!"

??? At this moment, the door of the room was knocked suddenly!

??? "Come in!" Arthur said casually.

??? "Crack!"

??? Dewen opened the door and walked in!

??? "Your Majesty, everything is ready, just waiting for you!" German said respectfully.

??? "Well, let's go!" Arthur took a deep breath, stood up, and walked outside the door!

??? Naturally he would not hide in the palace of such a major event, he must be on the battlefield in person!

??? But when he just walked out the door, he happened to ran into Ishihara Rimi and his wives and children!

??? "Are you... going to leave?" Ishihara Rimi asked uneasy and uneasy.


??? After Arthur nodded, he seemed to think of something, and solemnly added, "I, must go!"

??? Listen, a trace of sadness flashes across Ishihara Rimi's face!

??? But soon, her face returned to normal, and she said with a strong smile, "I will take care of them. If it is dangerous, I will take them into the half space. You can rest assured. !"

??? Hearing this, Arthur was taken aback for a moment, and then...Chapter 1189 The Prologue Before the War Departs (Page 2/4),. With a smile on his face, he stepped forward and hugged Rimi Ishihara in her arms, stroked her hair, and said, "I will definitely come back safely!"

??? With that, Arthur hugged Rimi Ishihara!

??? After a while, the two people separated!

??? And then, after Arthur bid farewell to his woman one by one, he ordered his eldest sons, and after his daughter had protected his family, he left the palace and went to the battlefield!


???Chambord Islands

??? "War?"

??? Sitting on a table on the street, Rayleigh drank a cold beer while looking at the projection screen erected by the newspaper not far away and the mighty movement towards the upside-down mountain in the screen. The army that went away couldn't help but whispered.

???this moment!

??? He used to feel that wars far away from himself, a retired pirate, seemed to have happened before his eyes!

??? "But, it doesn't seem to be my business!"

??? Suddenly, Lei Li laughed!

??? He knew in his heart that the outcome of this war would definitely affect the direction of the next world, but at the same time, he also knew in his heart that all this had nothing to do with him!

??? Not to mention his retired pirate status, just his age!

??? This year, he is 78. In addition to feeling that his strength is declining, he can also feel that his vitality is constantly passing away --- he is dying!

??? In this case, let alone influence the direction of the world, even if it is a flood, it has little to do with him!

??? After all, after he died, he couldn't feel anything!

??? "Forget it, let's train Luffy!"

??? After watching for a while, Raleigh drank the last sip of beer, then glanced at the projection not far away, smiled, stood up, turned and left!

??? Calculated from the time, although the seven war bases are very close to the Upside Down Mountain, they also have a one- or two-day voyage, which means that in the next one or two days, he can watch... Chapter 1189, the prologue before the war starts (page 3/4),. There is only this world government army in front of me, the mighty scene of sailing!

??? So ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Raleigh is going to train Luffy first!

??? Let's see when time is almost up!


??? BIGMOM Pirate Group!

??? Inside the castle!

??? "Mom, the army of the world government has set off!" Kata Kuli reported with a serious face.

???"let's go?"

??? Charlotte Lingling lay on her side, and after a random question, she propped her head with one hand, and took a huge cake with the other, put it into her blood basin, chewed it twice, and swallowed it. .


??? Kata Kuri nodded solemnly, and then asked, "Mom, what should we do next? Arthur is my brother-in-law, the son-in-law of our Pirates. Do we need to respond to him in this war? ?"

??? After hearing this, Charlotte Lingling thought about it for a while, then took a piece of cake and ate it again. At the same time, she slowly said, "Let the people gather... As for the sound, it depends on it. He is capable!"

??? Charlotte Lingling's meaning is very simple, that is to see the wind and make the rudder!

???It is true that Arthur is a son-in-law, but Charlotte Lingling is obviously not the kind of person who will lose her own interests because of a son-in-law!

??? According to her idea, if Arthur has the upper hand, then she will help, if Arthur has the upper hand, she will not help, like a wall of grass!

??? In this way, she will not lose her own interests anyway!

??? "Yes, I will do it!" Although Kata Kuri felt this was wrong, it was his mother's order after all, so he could only obey it!


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