Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 1195: The line of defense was broken!



   Along with the sound, a violent vibration appeared, and a rush of sea water also sprayed out from the bottom of the sea, shooting directly into the sky!

   But it's not over yet!

next moment!





   The dull loud noise appeared one after another!

   Amidst these noises, the vibration became stronger and stronger. Before the aggressive seawater had fallen, yet another wave of seawater spouted out of the sea and pushed it up!

"what's the situation?"

"what happened?"

   "Damn it, did the earthquake happen?"


In the midst of the violent shaking, the Saint Martin soldiers on the huge wall grasped various things that could stabilize their figure, or simply lay on the ground, barely stabilizing their figure, while exploring the shaking. source!

   At this moment, they really didn't expect it, and they didn't know why!

   But just as they stabilized their body shape, they were about to stand up and look for the source of the vibration.


   The sea water just sprayed into the sky, smashed in pieces! First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

  In an instant!

   The soldiers who had just stood firm were all drenched in the sea water, and the words that were about to be spoken were also blocked by the water!


   The sea is not rain after all, so it can’t go down forever. After only a while, it stopped!

   "Hoo~ finally stopped!"

   "Damn, my clothes are all soaked!"

   "Where does this water come from?"

   "Why is there such a large amount of water suddenly?"


  The soldiers complained while wiping their bodies.

   And at this moment, someone found something wrong!

   "Hurry up, everyone, the wall in the middle... seems to be sunken a bit?" a sharp-eyed soldier reminded.

"that is true!"

   "What's the matter? Why is the middle part sunken down!"

   "Did the shock just now collapse the foundation of the wall under the sea?"

   "Huh? Where are we standing sunken?"

   "Really, where we are now, it seems to be a bit shorter than the one next to it!"


  The soldiers who were soaked in the soup, after watching the sound, they forgot their still wet body, and they all showed surprise!

   In their surprise, there was an inexplicable look in Arthur's eyes not far away!

   dull sound, violent shaking, suddenly sinking wall...

Combining these, coupled with the ice slide just made by the blue pheasant, and the tiny ice flakes just floating up from the bottom of the sea not far away at this time, he already had an uncertainty in his mind, but he had a very sure guess--- The bottom of the wall in the middle was blown up!

  Thinking of this, Arthur was so thankful!

   Fortunately, when the city wall was built, although it was a bit rushed, it did not cut corners!

   Otherwise, the wall in the middle will not only sink, but the whole section will be crossed. By then, the tens of thousands of soldiers above will definitely not survive!

   "Thanks Steve, I feel like the Ministry of Engineering!" Arthur thought to himself!

   The main credit for the formation of this miraculous wall is Steve and the Royal Palace Engineering Department!

   is the efforts of Steve, the capable person of Cube Fruit, and the staff of the Royal Palace Engineering Department working overtime. This was done!

   But then again!

   Even though he was basically certain in his heart, Arthur still decided to verify his guess!

   is not his hypocritical!

   But the current situation does not allow him to be sloppy, nor does this war allow him to be sloppy!

   What if he guessed wrong?

   then it will be even more troublesome!

   Thinking about it, Arthur said to Arudiba on the side, "Arudiba, you can go into the water to see if there is an ice path underneath!"


   After showing a dazed face, Arudiba nodded and said, "Yes, I will do it now!"

   As he said, Arudiba jumped and jumped directly from the top of the huge wall into the water!


   Amidst a burst of spray, Arudiba fell into the water!

   About a minute later!


   Along with the sound of the sea being pushed aside, Arudiba's figure emerged from the bottom of the sea!

   I don’t care what I look like now!

Arudiba, who was still in the water, wiped the water on his face, while shaking his hands to maintain balance in the water, he shouted excitedly, "Your Majesty, there is an ice slide, and there is an ice slide underneath. , A hole was blown out at the place where it exploded, and an ice slide passed through the middle!"

   Listen, Arthur has a clear look on his face!

   His guess has been verified!

   The previous vibration and muffled noise were caused by the explosion!

   But without waiting for Arthur to give further instructions, at the position behind the wall, St. Martin was among the battleships lined up behind the wall, suddenly there was a riot!

   "It's not good! The enemy just came in!"

   "The enemy is coming in!"



   Amidst the panic notification sound, a naval battleship that suddenly emerged from the bottom of the center of the position directly exploded!

next moment!


   The powerful shock wave swept out with the explosion, directly destroying more than half of the Saint Martin warship around the explosion center.



   "My hand, my hand!"


   Along with the screams, a large empty area suddenly appeared in the center of Saint Martin's position!

   Since then!

   Saint Martin's defense line was officially breached!

   But this is just the beginning!






   One ship after another emerged from the bottom of the sea, and one after another explosion sounded.


   At the same time, a strong shock wave also swept out wave after wave with the sound of explosion, clearing the center of Saint Martin's position to a large area of ​​open sea!


   And when the sea area was emptied~www.wuxiaspot.com~ a new naval battleship emerged from the seabed!

   There was no explosion this time!

   However, after these warships appeared, hundreds of pacifists appeared on them!


the other side!

   There was a solemn look in Arthur's eyes watching this scene! New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   He watched the whole process!

   Although he also wanted to defeat the blue pheasant plan during this period, he still failed in the end!

   On the one hand, the whole process is too fast.

   On the one hand, it’s also a pheasant too!

   actually built an ice slide in the depths of several hundred meters!

   This also directly caused the move of Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekuni to be unable to reach!

   Although Yamamoto Motoyagisai Shigekuni directly uses 卍jie, it can even evaporate the sea directly!

   But, not worth it!

   You know, this war has just begun now!

The strong on St. Martin’s and the strong on the world government have not yet appeared on the stage. Right now it can only be regarded as a battle of wits and brave opening. At this time, let Yamamoto Motoyanagi Sajukuni use his solution and consume his strength. If you solve the ice skating thing, it's not worth it!

   After that, the strong of the world government will still want him to deal with it!

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