Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 859: Thunder

   What happens if the rebels have enough rest?

   naturally launched an attack!

   In order to prevent someone from Alabastan from coming to support, Kosha did not come forward to have a regular front-line dialogue with Cobra after his subordinates had enough rest, so he gave the order without hesitation.


   And following his orders, half a million rebels moved together!





   Amidst the chaotic and deafening screams, half a million rebels with billowing smoke and dust, like a tsunami, rushed towards Albana!

the other side!

   Cobra, who was still hesitating about what to do, knew that he couldn't hesitate anymore when he saw the rebels' posture!

   Hesitating any longer, it can only harm others and self!

   Thinking about it, Cobra opened his mouth and is about to order!

But before he could say anything, he was tall and, while serving as the captain of the acting **** when Icarim was away, Jaka, who possesses jackal fruits, said anxiously, "Your Majesty, you can't hesitate anymore. The enemy is about to attack! At that time, our soldiers will be killed and injured, so let's order them to attack!"

   "Yes, Your Majesty! If you hesitate any longer, we are really not saved by Alabastan!" The deputy captain of the escort, Bell, who has the shape of a bird and a falcon, also quickly agreed.

   Listening to the words of his two cronies, Cobra, who had originally wanted to order, no longer hesitated anymore. While a trace of grief flashed in his eyes, he gritted his teeth and ordered, "Attack!!!"

   After finishing speaking, Cobra seemed to have exhausted his whole body strength, and his legs softened and almost fell to the ground!

   Seeing this, Bell quickly stepped forward and helped Cobra!

   "Your Majesty, go and rest first! Let us take the rest!" Bell said worriedly.

"no need!"

   Cobra shook his head and pushed away the Bell who was supporting him. He barely got up and said stubbornly, "I'm here, not going anywhere!"

   "Your Majesty..." Bell opened his mouth and wanted to persuade him!

   At this time, Cobra waved his hand, indicating that he didn't have to persuade him!

   Helpless, Bell can only say to Gaka, "You are responsible for directing the battle, I am here with your Majesty!"

   "Hmm!" Gaka nodded without hesitation.

   "No need, you go too!" Cobra said solemnly to Bell.

   After speaking, Cobra added another sentence, resolutely, "This is an order!"


A tangled color appeared on Bell's face. After thinking for a while, looking at Cobra who was still determined, he could only helplessly agree, and bowed a salute, then turned to direct the battle. !

   In a while!

   With the arrival of the sky full of smoke and dust, the half-million rebel army rushed to the vicinity of the city wall like a tsunami.


   Looking at the rebel army that had reached the range, Gaka gave the order without hesitation!





   Immediately, countless black cannonballs flew out from the city wall and headed towards the sky, and when they reached a vertex, they fell like a meteor from the sky towards the rebels!





   In the sound of the explosion of the shells, the rebels fell in pieces!


"help me!"

"my hand!"


   Some of them were not directly killed because they were on the edge of the explosion, or lying on the ground dripping with blood, or clutching their wounds, constantly wailing, and asking for help from people around them!

   But it's no use!

  Because there are too many rebel soldiers, and most of them are civilians without any training, there is no order at all in the fight.

So fortunately, these people who were not directly killed in the chaos of the rebel army were either trapped and headed towards Albana, or were trampled by countless people, and were trampled to death. , Became a pile of **** flesh!

   Soon, the rebel army with a total of half a million people rushed under the walls of Albana with artillery fire!

   "Shoot, don't care if it will overheat or not, shoot me to the level of a blast!"

   "Don't be stingy with bullets, shoot!"

   "Be careful not to let them climb up!"

   "Attention the gunners, the opponent's guns are also starting to shoot, hit me at the opponent's cannon and destroy them!

   "Call back, call back!"


  Jaka saw the situation, and while calmly observing the situation, he roared and commanded the soldiers, trying to repel the rebel army!

  Don't say it!

   His command is really useful!

The 100,000 soldiers who were summoned, under his command, all displayed 120% of their combat power. Ten minutes later, they even defeated the offensive of the 500,000 rebels. Go back some!

   In this wave, at least 10,000 people in the rebel army have died!

   Upon seeing this, after a trace of grief flashed in his eyes, Kosha suppressed his emotions and calmly ordered, "Farafra, you take the three hundred elite, attack!"

   The fighting power of the rebel army is really bad. Facing the standing army of only 100,000 people, it still dies every moment, which makes Kosha a little unacceptable!

   If this goes on, even if he wins the final victory, Koza can foresee it. By that time, there will be corpses all over the place, blood is flowing, and there are few rebels left, the kind of scene he doesn't want to see!

   Therefore, he ordered Farafra, with the only three hundred elite in the rebel army, to attack the city wall, hoping to break through Albana soon!

   "Yes!" Farafra nodded heavily, then beckoned to the elites of the rebel army behind him, and said, "Follow me, we break the city!!!"


   All the elites of the rebel army nodded together.

   Then, under the leadership of Farafra, they headed towards the wall of Albana, where the battle was most intense!

"Kebby, you go to inform the gunners, let them focus on the opponent's wall, suppress the opponent's firepower, and cover Farafra's rushing!" Kosha looked at the situation with a telescope, and then ordered to the side of Kebby. .


   Kebby nodded, turned around and ran towards the gunners of the rebel army!

After   , the battle continued!

   The elite of the rebel army led by Farafra is like a fish. They rushed up against the current among countless soldiers, and quickly rushed under the walls of Albana!

   At the same time, Gaka also found them!

   "These people are different from ordinary rebels!"

   After a brief glance, Gaka suddenly had a conclusion in his heart!

   Whether it is physical or mental, the elite rebels led by Farafra are obviously different from the ordinary rebels around them!

   Immediately, Gaka immediately turned to the boy Bell on the side and ordered, "Bell, there seems to be their elite, you take someone to deal with it, don't let his door rush to the head of the city!"

"No problem!" Bell followed Gaka's voice and looked behind the scenes, and found Farafra and his party~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He did not hesitate, and after agreeing, led someone towards Farafra A group of people went away to stop him!

   Not long!

   Both sides started fighting!

Gaka glanced at it, and after confirming that Bell could deal with Farafra, he turned his gaze to the rebel army in front of him, squinted and muttered, "No, if this continues, the rebel army will attack Albana sooner or later. of!"

Although he has just repelled a wave of rebels and killed many rebels, there are too many people in the rebels. If the other side persists, Albana will be destroyed sooner or later under the crowded tactics. !

   Thinking about it, Gaka is a little helpless!

   The crowded tactics are the simplest, rude and least technical tactics in the world!

   But at the same time, it is also the most difficult tactic to crack!

   There are not so many calculations, not so many conspiracies, pure tactics relying on life piles, it is really difficult to crack!

   While Gaka is commanding the battle while thinking about what to do!



   A thunder blasted out of thin air, causing the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the fierce melee in the battlefield to be taken aback, and they couldn't help but stop their movements!

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