Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 875: Tree Spirits

How to deal with groups of unknown creatures is indeed a problem!


These unknown creatures don't know why, and they are very obedient to Arthur himself, so although how to deal with these unknown creatures is a problem, it is only a small problem!

After thinking for a while, Arthur had a decision!

"Well, don't interfere with their lives, let them live as they are, and then call in historians, linguists and intelligence analysts in the kingdom to study the murals and the language of these unknown creatures. And try to communicate with them!"

Arthur knew that the main problem now was how to communicate with these unknown creatures!

In the situation where the two sides are unable to communicate, even if he has all kinds of doubts and all kinds of thoughts in his heart at this time, it can only be suppressed in his heart!


In the next few days, perhaps because of the existence of Arthur, or perhaps because of the danger of Saint Martin, these unknown creatures all cooperated very well, and they did not produce any moths!

And, with the arrival of linguists, these unknown creatures and Saint Martin also started some exchanges!

"Wow, la la la la~"

"what do you mean?"

"Wow, la la la~"




For a while, both sides didn’t know what the other side was saying. After the chicken and duck talk, linguists discovered that although the language of these unknown creatures is very different from that of Saint Martins and the outside world, they cannot communicate directly, but they only have IQ. On the one hand, it's still online!

Therefore, linguists soon thought of the simplest, most rude, but also the most practical, and oldest method of communication that can allow both parties to communicate-body language!

For short, make a few gestures!

And it turns out!

This method is indeed effective!

Compared to the previous situation where both sides were confused, now relying on gestures, physical performances, facial expressions, etc., even if you guessed it, Saint Martin probably has some information about these unknown creatures!

First of all!

The race of this unknown creature is called the Tree Spirit Race!

Well, it may also be called the Grass Spirit Race or the Wood Spirit Race!

I'm not sure about the specifics. The method of gestures based on the limbs is indeed a bit wrong, but the meaning is probably what it means. In short, it is related to plants!


They have lived here for a long time!

Although there is no specific number, these tree spirit people do not have a calendar or other timekeeping method, but according to the meaning of these tree spirit people's gestures, the other party has lived here for at least thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years!

At last!

The tree spirit tribe is like the fur tribe, a race with special abilities!

According to the meaning of their own gestures, and the observations made by the people of Saint Martin on the tree spirits these days, people of the tree spirits can communicate with plants, cultivate plants, and let them grow vigorously.

And after death, they can selectively integrate with certain plants in the cave to protect the tree spirit race!

However, after fusion of plants, it does not mean that the dead tree spirits are still alive!

The plants after their fusion will change from ordinary plants to plants with a certain simple thinking, but they are indeed not the tree spirit tribesmen in his lifetime!

According to Arthur's own understanding, the tree spirit tribe after fusion is equivalent to zombies, zombies and the like!

People are dead, their bodies are still alive!

This is why the giant tree would uproot and bind the Saint Martin soldiers!

The giant tree is also a fusion of the tree spirit tribe!

However, according to the meaning of the tree spirit people's gestures, the giant tree is not just a fusion of the tree spirit people, but hundreds of them!

Because the size of the giant tree is too large, a single person cannot completely integrate the giant tree. Therefore, after the death of the tree spirit tribe, they can only choose one of the roots to be integrated into it!

The above is the general information about the tree spirits that St. Martin has even guessed!

As for the information about the murals that Arthur wanted to know the most, and the reasons why these Tree Spirit tribes were so respectful to him, judging from the current progress, none of them knew!

no way!

This kind of body language communication method is too rough for meticulous communication!

"Wait a little longer! After a month or two, linguists and tree spirit people should be able to initially learn the language of each other, and at that time, let's study these again!" Arthur thought helplessly .

Such things as language barriers are really cheating!

Even if Arthur is a king, there is no good way!

"But... after all, the special abilities of the Tree Spirits seem to be a bit messy!" Arthur murmured, touching his chin.

The special abilities of the tree spirits can cultivate plants, communicate with plants, and also make plants thrive. At first glance, there is nothing, but when you think about it, it is indeed a good ability!

There are many rare plants in the Kingdom of Saint Martin!

Such as fairy beans, such as the various magical plants of Hogwarts!

The value of these plants will not be explained in detail~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Anyway, they have a certain value, and the fairy beans are almost invaluable.

In this case, it would be great if the tree spirit race, a race that can communicate with plants, cultivate plants, and allow plants to thrive, take care of them!

It is equivalent to creating a lot of wealth for the kingdom!

Furthermore, the tree spirit people's ability to fuse plants after death is also good!

This ability reminded Arthur of something in the game, the ancient guardian of the elves in Warcraft!

A tree-shaped defensive tower that can hit people!

If the people of the tree spirits were to be combined with the trees in the kingdom's various defensive areas before they died, then maybe it would have a miraculous effect when others attack!

After all, no one would have thought that trees would uproot themselves and beat people!

However, Arthur gave up this idea immediately!

no way!

The population of the Tree Spirits is simply not enough to support Arthur to complete this idea!

The tree spirit tribe’s low fertility is scary. Today, they have lived in this cave for thousands of years, maybe even tens of thousands of years, and their total population remains a little over 4,000!

Such a small population, even if they were all dead, would not be enough to support Arthur's ideas!

"Forget it, let them help raise flowers, raise grass, and raise some special and valuable plants!" Arthur thought of the scarce population of the Tree Spirits, and finally gave up his own kind of even death. The idea of ​​a beast that I will never let go of!


at the same time!

After setting off for many days, Luffy took the cheap kid Kirby he rescued along the way to Shelz Town!

And on this day, he heard about the pirate hunter Sauron, and decided to invite Sauron into his adventure group!

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