Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 886: Enthusiastic response

   The setting sun goes down!

   Just after get off work, Tōmoto returned home with exhaustion!

"I am back!"

   "Are you back? Do you want to eat first or take a bath?" The wife's gentle voice came from the kitchen.

   Hearing this voice, Domoto felt as if there was a spring breeze blowing through his body, his exhaustion disappeared a bit, and his whole body became energetic.

   So, he smiled and agreed, "Let’s take a bath first!"

   "Okay!" After the wife agreed, she turned around and ran to the bathroom!

   Soon, the wife said gently again, "The water is ready! The bathrobe and bath towel are also ready for you!"

"Got it!"

   Hearing this voice, Domoto Wu smiled and agreed, then entered the bathroom!

   About half an hour later, Domoto Wucai walked out wearing a bathrobe!

   "Ah~ Really comfortable!" With a sigh, Domoto Wu came to the living room.


  At this time, the wife took small steps, walked in from the kitchen with a few exquisite dishes and a bottle of cold beer, and smiled as she walked, "This is beer, you drink first, and the meal will be ready soon!"

   "Yes, not bad! And my favorite deep-fried diced fish and pickled radish!" Domoto said with satisfaction looking at the cold beer and side dishes his wife was holding.

"Please enjoy!"

   After putting everything on the table, the wife turned around and entered the kitchen again!


   Domoto saw nothing, and sat straight on the main seat, opened the beer casually, and then took a sip.

   Immediately, he ate a weakly-fried diced fish happily, picked up the remote control on the side, and turned on his newly bought TV!

   The TV is a new thing from St. Martin, the price is relatively expensive, and it costs five thousand St. Martin's to buy it!

   This is already two months' wages for ordinary workers in Saint Martin!

   Even if Domoto, who has become a factory supervisor, wants to buy such a TV, I feel a little distressed.

   But in the end he bought it!

   It's not because of anything else, it's because you can hear your majesty's voice and see your majesty's figure on TV!

   Recalling when he was a child, what was his life when His Majesty was not enthroned in those years?

   can't eat enough!

   is not warm to wear!

   Even sleeping in a room with a few brothers, sisters and parents.

   How bitter it is!

   If his Majesty had not been enthroned later and used a series of methods to change the kingdom, how could he have today? How can you not only eat and wear warmth, but also have a gentle wife, naughty son, and drink so little wine every day?

   So, he bought a TV!

   is to see your Majesty on the news network of the Kingdom Channel every day!


   At this moment, a rush of footsteps came from far and near.

   A sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy with a schoolbag on his back, just broke in!

  Domoto glanced unconsciously, but he said indifferently, "Boy, why come back so early today? Don't you usually come back until seven or eight?"

   "Daddy, you don't know, today that Adventure King is on the air!" After the young man said happily, he put down his schoolbag and picked up the weak ding fish without washing his hands.

"Smelly boy, how many times have you said that you need to wash your hands when you eat!" Domoto rebuked, curiously, "Adventure King? It's the thing that has been promoting recently, what is that called anime? "

   "That's right! That's it!" The boy nodded and said again, "It is said that the King of Adventure tells a group of people chasing dreams to find the story of the treasure left by Majesty Martin, the founding king of our kingdom!"

   "What? His Majesty Martin's treasure? Shouldn't it be His Majesty Arthur's? Why should others take it?" Domoto was a little annoyed!

Listening to the angry voice of the old man, the boy said helplessly, "Father, you think too much! Think about it, this TV channel belongs to the kingdom? The kingdom belongs to your majesty? Then this TV channel broadcasts What does your Majesty know?"

   "And since your majesty knows it, it can be broadcasted, it means your majesty has agreed, or your majesty has his own consideration, so you don't need to get angry!"


   Since it is broadcast on the national channel, how could your majesty not know?

   Since your majesty knows, it must have been approved by your majesty!

   Thinking about this, Domoto's unintentional anger gradually subsided!

   "Hmph, I want to see, which **** took your majesty's treasure!" After Domoto said a bit irritably, he didn't say anything!


After the wife brought up all the food prepared in the kitchen, the family watched Domoto’s favorite news network and finished the meal. After the meal, the wife washed the dishes and cut a plate of fruit. In the living room!

   The family just ate the fruit while waiting for the premiere of Adventure King!

   In a while!

   "Pendragon, the adventure king with wealth, fame, power, and the entire world. The legend left by Martin after his death made people rush to the sea!"

   With a narration, the Adventure King begins!

   "This is really funny called Luffy!"

   "This is called Lu Fei, a demon fruit capable person, right?"

   "It should be! I heard that those with devil fruit ability are like this!"

   "I remember if soldiers with good grades in the army can get this kind of thing?"


   "Smelly boy, you have to work hard! You are admitted to the military academy, get a devil fruit to eat, then let the old man see it!


At the beginning, there was still a grudge against Luffy. After watching Luffy’s various funny performances in the animation, he was infected by the nervous Luffy, and gradually he let go of the grudge in his heart~www.wuxiaspot. com~ and the family just looked at it so happily!

at the same time!

  In the various islands and cities of the West China Sea, the families who own TVs are like no half of Domoto. They look like the King of Adventure!

"Not bad!"

   "That guy named Lu Fei is so funny!"

   "Rubber people, I didn't expect that there are such people in this world!"

   "Hey, you said he can stretch all over his body, then will that place...hehe!"

   "Hey! I understand, I understand!"


  For Adventure King, although it is only the first broadcast, because of the good publicity in the early stage and this is the first animation in the kingdom, it has aroused enthusiastic responses from all over the West Sea. Everyone watched it and discussed it!

With the passage of time, one episode of the animation was played. In the next few days, the popularity of The Adventure King's animation became more and more heated. It once caused widespread heated discussion, and even in the end, it occupied the world. The headline of the newspaper!

   "The Adventure King Comes Funny! Rubber Man Luffy embarks on an adventure! "---Le Monde!

   And when this newspaper spread to the world, the great sea route, and even the new world, it caused an uproar among "some people"...

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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