Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 891: Landmines

   Anger is really angry, and calm is also really calm!

   Garnett calmed down because of his anger!

   How to get revenge?

   This is Garnett’s first thought to calm down!

   More than 10,000 people died. For Garnett, this is a vengeance!

   You know, in the past ten years, although the army of the Kakzi Kingdom led by Garnett has not suffered any casualties, it is only one time before the eyes of more than 10,000 at a time!

   In this case, can he not take revenge?

   However, after Garnett's gaze scanned the surroundings, he put the matter of revenge first!

  At this time, in addition to the deaths of more than 10,000 people, there are also many wounded soldiers who have been injured to varying degrees because they are close to the explosion point, lying on the ground wailing!

   These are the most important things now!

   Thinking, Garnett called to Manu, his face solemnly commanded, "Make arrangements to let the uninjured soldiers come over, bring the wounded soldiers back to the ship, and let the military doctors with the army get treatment quickly!"

   "The priority is given to those who are seriously ill but there is still a chance of rescue. Those who are slightly injured will be put back a little bit, and those who are basically unsuccessful or there is no way to save... Give up!"

   At the end, there was a trace of sorrow on Garnett's face!

   "Yes!" Hearing Garnett's words, Manu's eyes flashed unbearably, but finally he nodded heavily!

   And soon, with Manu's arrangement, the wounded who had been everywhere were taken back to the boat and began to receive medical treatment!

At this time, Garnett scanned the surrounding circle again, and his heart moved, called the soldiers on the side, and said, "Go and call some uninjured people over and collect all the broken arms and corpses! "

Having said this, Garnett seemed to have thought of something, adding, "If you can find the name, burn it, collect the ashes, and take it back when we go back! If you can't find the name, then gather it. , Burned together, let's build a monument together in the future!"

The explosion was very powerful. More than 10,000 people died, but only the front of the explosion was unable to retreat in time. The bones at the center of the explosion were completely absent, and the rest had a bit of limbs and arms, even in Some of those on the edge of the explosion still have whole bodies!


   The soldier nodded solemnly, turned around and trot away!

   In the following time, a series of things such as treating the wounded, distinguishing the corpse, cremating the corpse, etc., under the arrangement of Garnett and the efforts of the remaining 180,000 soldiers, proceeded in an orderly manner!

one day later!

"Preliminary treatments for all the wounded have now been completed! Except for 132 who died due to their injuries and 15 are still being rescued, the rest of the wounded have basically saved their lives!" Manu respectfully moved towards Gane Special report.

"My lord, all the stumps and corpses have been collected! Except for more than a thousand people who were able to distinguish their identities on the spot, others were unable to distinguish their identities due to the absence of corpses, incomplete limbs, unrecognizable and other reasons!" A soldier said Report.

   Listening to the reports of the two, Garnett took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Leave one of the teachers here to deal with the funeral affairs here, and station at this port, the others tidy up and get ready to go!"


   Listening to Garnett's words, Manu and the soldier nodded together.

   But then Manu hesitated and asked, "My lord, how should we fight next?"

   "No matter what else, kill all the way to the other country's capital!" Garnett responded without hesitation without even thinking about it.

   "My lord, calm down!" When Manu heard this, his heart "cocked" and quickly persuaded him.

   He thought Garnett was very angry, so he wanted to directly kill the opponent's country regardless of his desire.

"I'm very calm!" Garnett took a deep look at Manu, and said in a deep voice, "I know, you think I was so angry because of the death of these soldiers, that I wanted to kill directly. To the other side’s capital!"

   "But in fact, I am very calm now! The reason for directly killing the other country's capital is just the most correct choice I think is made based on the current situation!"

After that, Garnett explained, “It’s only a few months since the last time the Kingdom of Ricus was overthrown. In such a short period of time, you think the Revolutionary Army can buy everyone’s hearts. ?"

"Impossible! It took only a few months for the people of the Kingdom of Richus to accept the rule of the revolutionary army! In this case, the Kingdom of Richus can be said to be under the control of the revolutionary army. The control of other local revolutionary forces is not high!"

   "Therefore, as long as we directly defeat the revolutionary army in the capital of the Kingdom of Regius, it will be much simpler to go back and clean up the rest of the Kingdom of Regius!"

   Listening to Garnett's explanation, Manu let go of his hanging heart!

   "That's how it is!" Manu said suddenly.

   "Well, if there is no problem, let's go!" Garnett ordered again.

   "Okay, my lord!" Manu readily agreed this time!

   Soon, only the remaining 180,000 troops set off again, heading for the kingdom of Liqius!


   Three days later!


   Listening to the explosion from the front of the team, a trace of helplessness flashed across Garnett's face!

   encountered a landmine again!

   This is not the first time I have encountered a landmine in the past few days!

   In the past three days, their team encountered landmines one after another on their way to the capital of the Kingdom of Richus.

   More or less, weirdly buried, or buried upright, there is no time to live on the road!

   In this regard, Garnett is helpless except for help!

   This hand of the Revolutionary Army that buried a landmine, he understands!

   is nothing more than to consume their soldiers and deplete their morale, delay their advancement speed, and give the revolutionary army more time to prepare!

   can understand, he still has no solution!

   Landmines are hard to guard against!

   Unless his army stops advancing, it will not be completely resolved, and the best situation is nothing more than the soldiers clearing the mines.

   But in this way, the time required for mine clearance is also a problem!

"How to do?"

   A hint of mania appeared in Garnett's mind. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com


   But soon, he took a deep breath and suppressed the irritation. The whole person became calm and began to face the opponent of the Revolutionary Army!

   "The opposing commander is not easy!" Garnett thought calmly.

  Before, because I knew in advance that the other party was a revolutionary army, and knew that the other party didn't know the true details of his side, Garnett was like a person with a God's perspective, somewhat despising the other party!

   But after the southern port and the mines in front of him, he didn't dare to despise each other anymore!

   Knowing the identity belongs to knowing the identity, but war is another matter!

  Although he knows the identity of the opponent, it is of no use to the war and cannot affect the war!

   Thinking like this, Garnett was taken aback!

and many more!

   Knowing the identity, it seems...can influence the war! ?

   At this moment, a horse fork worm operation suddenly appeared in Garnett's mind, causing a smile on his face!

   "Since you disgust me, don't blame me for disgusting you too!" Garnett thought secretly in his heart.

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