Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 906: Mumuguo's predecessor

   The same breath as the tree god...

   Kuki Fruit! ?

  After thinking about it, this was the first thing Arthur thought of!

  The name of the tree **** is related to wood, green trees, trees, etc. It can't be the fruit of shadows, right?

   As for the Nijia mask, Arthur didn't even think about it!

   That thing is a system product, how can it be related to what **** and tree in this world?

   So it can only be Kuki!

   "That means... the tree **** is a certain capable person of the wood fruit?" Arthur secretly said in his heart.

   After thinking for a while, Arthur said again to the linguist on the side, "Ask him, how did the tree **** save them? How do they perceive the breath of the tree god?"

After the linguist nodded, he turned to look at the tree spirit patriarch, and said, "Wah la la la la la... wow la la la la... wah la la... wah la la la... wah la ?"

   After listening to the linguist, the patriarch tree spirit took a deep breath and said, "Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow..."

While    was speaking, the patriarch of the tree spirit clan showed a pious expression while gestures, as if he was admiring something!

   After about five minutes, the tree spirit clan chief stopped talking.

   While listening to his words, the linguist thought for a while, and after finishing the language in his mind, he said to Arthur, "Your Majesty, he said that the tree **** saved them with divine power!"

   "What? Divine power?" Arthur looked at the linguist with a dazed expression!

   "Yes, supernatural power!" The linguist nodded heavily, and said to Arthur, "He said that according to their tree spirit family records, tens of thousands of years ago, their tree spirit family faced a huge crisis!"

"The sacred tree of the tree spirit family has guarded them for thousands of years, and gave birth to the tree of life of their tree spirit family, that is, the mother of the towering giant tree over there, which was destroyed by the devil. !"

While    was speaking, the linguist pointed his finger at the towering giant tree among the tree spirits!

"Later, the tree **** summoned thousands of trees with divine power to drive the devil away, and sacrificed his own life. Only from the destroyed tree of life and the remaining roots, a new one was condensed. The seed of the tree of life!"

   "For this reason, they have the tree of life in their current clan!"

"The reason why they can feel the breath of the tree **** is because they have been with the tree **** to save the tree **** with their lives for the past tens of thousands of years, and they have stayed with the tree of life infected with the tree **** breath. The breath of the tree **** in your shadow!"

   Listening to this, after Arthur pondered for a while, his doubts were resolved.

   First of all, he can be sure that the tree **** should be someone with the ability of any tree fruit.

   And the so-called summoning thousands of trees... Isn’t that the power of the fruits of the trees?

  Secondly, the reason why the tree spirits are so respectful to him is also because of the tree god!

   Tree Spirit Clan The sacred tree in the clan at this time was condensed from the roots of the tree of life destroyed by the devil, with the breath of the tree god!

   And because the tree spirits get along day and night, they are very sensitive to the breath of the tree god, so after Arthur's arrival, they immediately felt the wooden fruits in Arthur's shadow!

   Well, what Arthur can be sure of is that the method used by the tree **** should be the ability of the tree fruit at a certain stage!

   Otherwise, even if the sacred tree carries the breath of the tree god, the tree spirit tribe should not be able to sense it!

   After all, the tree **** is the tree god, and Arthur is Arthur. There is no connection between the two, and the aura of the two is completely different!

   If it weren't used by the tree god, and the means of saving the tree of life was the ability of the tree fruit at a certain stage, then the tree spirit race would never think that Arthur belonged to the tree **** from the aspect of breath!

   As for which stage...

   Arthur is definitely not the first or second stage!

   Judging from his current experience of the second stage of Mumu Fruit, the power of Mumu Fruit has indeed increased significantly compared to the first stage, but Mumu Fruit is still a Mumu Fruit!

The wood summoned by    is still dead wood, not the kind of living green tree!

   So, the second stage is absolutely impossible!

   As for the third stage...

   Arthur’s Mumu Fruit has not entered the third stage, but the Thunder Fruit has entered!

   After the Thunder Fruit entered the third stage, Arthur also had many experiments!

   At the beginning of the experiment, he only found that the power of the Thunder Fruit increased in the third stage, but after many experiments, he discovered that in addition to the power increase, the third stage of the Thunder Fruit has an incredible ability!

   That is to permanently change the weather in a certain area, and make that area thunder and lightning frequently!

   And based on the incredible ability of the Thunder Fruit, Arthur felt that if the guy called the tree god, Mu Mu Guo entered the third stage, it was indeed possible to do what the tree spirit clan chief said!

   From the roots of the destroyed sacred tree, a seed is condensed!

   However, after solving some of these doubts, according to the words of the tree spirit clan chief, Arthur has more doubts in his heart!

  What is a demon?

   refers to a powerful and irresistible enemy?

   Or does it really point to the devil?

   Besides, the name tree of life...

   is not exactly the same as the tree of life of the elves! ?

   Arthur doesn’t believe this is a coincidence!

   Before, he had doubts about the connection between the tree spirit tribe and the elven tribe, but now that the tree's name is the same, he is even more suspicious!

   And in his heart, Arthur also had a feeling inexplicably, it is very important for him to solve these doubts!

Thinking about it, Arthur frowned and said to the linguist, "Ask him, what does the demon mean? A powerful enemy, or is it really a demon? Also, ask him if he knows the elves? He said that their tree spirit race was bred from the tree of life, what is going on? Is it really bred, or is it a reference?"

   Listening to Arthur’s words, the linguist nodded and asked the head of the tree spirit tribe, "Wow, oh, oh, oh?

   Amidst the linguist's words that Arthur could not understand, the patriarch of the Tree Spirit immediately responded, "Wow la la la... wah la la... wah la la la..."


After a long conversation between the two of them, Arthur felt like it was a long conversation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The linguist immediately turned his head, sorted out the language in his head, and said, "The other party said that the devil is the devil! What is he? It's not clear now, because they haven't been out for tens of thousands of years!"

   "However, there is a saying from their ancestors that the devil is the source of all evil, and all the evil in the world comes from the devil!"

   "As for the elves... he said that he seems to have a bit of reflection, he seems to have seen it in some of their ancestral classics! If your majesty wants to know, he will immediately look for it!"

"The tree spirit tribe was bred from the tree of life. This is not a reference. He said that according to the information handed down by their ancestors, the original tree spirit tribe was indeed born from the tree of life, and then it evolved slowly. It became the tree spirit clan to give birth by themselves!"

   All the evil in the world?

   has a reflection on the elves?

   The first tree spirit tribe was born from a tree?

   Listening to this, before Arthur had digested the news, he immediately said, "Quickly, let him find it right away, about the elves!"

   Arthur had a hunch, he might be able to solve the mystery of the disappearance of the elves today!

   Well, it may not be all, but at least a large part can be solved!

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