Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 909: Barati


   Sea Restaurant Bharati!


  Looking at the sea restaurant Bharati not far away, Luffy and the newcomer Usopp kept sucking the saliva that was about to remain at the corner of their mouths, showing a greedy look.

   "Ohhhhh~ I said you two, can you not be so unpromising?" Nami looked at the two of them and couldn't help but said.

   The two Luffy look like this, it really looks a bit embarrassing!

   "But... it tastes really good!" Luffy said, sniffing hard, showing a look of intoxication!

   At this time, they are very close to Bharati, and the taste of the food on Bharati can already be passed on to their boat!

   "Yes! Yeah! It smells really good!" Usopp also sniffed, showing an intoxicated look, and at the same time nodded vigorously, agreeing with Luffy's words!

   Looking at the two of them like this, Nami on the side has nothing to say.

   could only cover his face, walked to the side, pretending not to know the two!

   And just now!

   A navy ship came next to the Golden Meri.

The Captain of the Navy Headquarters, Fein Budi, who came to Bharati for dinner with the beautiful woman, walked to the side of the ship and looked down at the people on the Golden Meri. After looking over them for a while, he showed a look of disdain. , Sneered, shook his head but said nothing, then turned and left!

In the original plot, Fendi had launched an attack on Luffy and others, but that was because Luffy and others were flying the Pirate Flag, and now Luffy is flying the adventure flag, and Fendi naturally disdains it. Pay attention to him!


   Both parties put down the small raft they were carrying on the boat, rowed the small raft and entered the sea restaurant!


at the same time!

   Not far away, a huge ship with a clown flag is slowly coming towards Bharati!

   On board!

   At this time, Newton, who controls Bucky's body, looked at Moqi and Kabaki crying in front of him, and shook his head helplessly!

   He didn't know why, Bucky would like these two things!

Over the years, he did not let Bucky enjoy the blessings, nor did Bucky see some big scenes and meet some truly outstanding people, but Bucky has never forgotten these two goods, and he has always had a love for the so-called Pirates. Obsession, refuse to disband!

   In this regard, Newton was a little unwilling, but there was nothing he could do with Bucky!

   After all, they all control the same body. Neither intimidation nor temptation can be used. Moreover, once the pirate group is forcibly dissolved, Bucky’s resistance may be encountered and the same body is used to make trouble everywhere!

   Then Newton would have a headache!

   So, he can only show Bucky some face, follow his meaning, let him go!

   Anyway, the things Bucky did are just trivial things in Newton's eyes, and he can end it!

   And for the troubles caused by the ending, Newton will pay Bucky's body use fees!

   As to whether Bucky will one day do something big that he cannot end...

Ha ha!

   Among the entire Bucky Pirates, a large part of it was from the Newtonians. Bucky wanted to do this kind of thing, but he couldn't do it!

   "Boss Bucky, the restaurant on the sea is here!"

   At this time, a younger brother of the Bucky Pirates ran to Newton's side to report.

   "Hmm!" After Newton nodded, he said to Moqi and Kabaji who were crying, "You two will board the ship with me!"

   "Okay, boss!"

   When the two heard the words, they immediately put away their crying expressions, and responded with horror!

   Through contact with Bucky these years, the two have also learned about the existence of Newton!

   Of course, they don't think that they are two people, but that Bucky is schizophrenic.

  Newton is another personality of Bucky!

   However, whether it is two people or schizophrenia, it does not hinder their fear of Newton!

   They can feel that Newton is different from Bucky. Bucky is still nostalgic, but Newton will really kill them.

   So when Newton spoke, the two became nervous!

   and soon!

   Newton took Moqi and Kabaji and drove the small raft that was lowered from the boat, and rowed towards Bharati!

   In a while!

   They rowed a raft into the sea restaurant Bharaty!


   After arriving at the restaurant door and pushing open the restaurant door, Newton first saw the silent restaurant, and the iron fist Fendi who was lifted up by Sanji's neck!

   And beside the two of them, there is a broken dining table, broken plates and dishes scattered all over the place!

   Apparently, they had a conflict!

   "Boss, Boss, you see, it's them!"

   At this time, Moqi happened to see Luffy's group of people dining in the corner of the restaurant, so he pointed to the group of people and yelled, breaking the silence in the restaurant!

   Hearing this, Newton glanced at Lu Fei and the others who were dining in the restaurant!

   And as his gaze came, in addition to Luffy and Luffy's gang who were feasting and eating, everyone else, including the newly joined Usopp, showed a vigilant expression!

   "Are you going to hit it?" Sauron whispered, a light flashed in his eyes, but he put his hand on the knife on his waist!

   However, the next Newton's actions were beyond his expectations!

"Hey, the waiter over there, stop calling, come here and I want to order!" Newton ignored them and ignored Mochi. He went straight to an empty seat and sat down while holding Fenbu. Di's Sanji shouted.

   While listening to his voice, everyone present, including Sanji who was holding Fembdi, all subconsciously turned their eyes to him!

   "It's Bucky, the general of the Sugar Kingdom!"

   "Yes, it's Bucky!"

   "I didn't expect it to be Bucky, the mad demon!"


   Some of the businessmen who dine in the restaurant, after the nobles followed the sound, a large part of them recognized Newton at a glance!

  With the development of the Sugar Kingdom in the East China Sea these years, Bucky’s reputation has also grown!

   Well, it's mainly because Newton has done a lot of great things in Bucky's skin!

   However, these merchants and nobles dare not step forward to disturb Newton!


   Newton circulated more of a bad name!

   Such as the reputation of how many people were mutilated, how many people were cut off their hands and feet, and the limbs of a king of a certain kingdom were cut off!

   In this regard, Newton is also very helpless, but there is no way to defend it!

   Although he didn't intend to do this to all his enemies, he was a person with the ability to split the fruit. Once the devil fruit ability was used, he would naturally break his hands and feet!

   As for not using the fruit...

   are all enemies, why not?

   And, when you really fight, how can you manage so much?

the other side!

   Listening to Newton’s words, Sanji was taken aback for a moment, and then he was very professional and apologized to Newton, "Sir, I have something to do on my side, please wait a moment!"

"He is the Navy, you must be in trouble if you hit him! Even if you are not afraid, you have to consider your restaurant and your boss! If you come to order me now, and can make me satisfied Dishes, then I will help you solve this little trouble!" Newton said lightly.

   It is not a big deal for Newton who hit the navy!

   Sugar Kingdom as a franchise country~www.wuxiaspot.com~ As long as you make a call, the navy will give you this face!

  Well, even a kingdom like Germa 66 that is obviously at odds with the world government can let the navy revise the reward order, let alone the sugar kingdom, a kingdom that pays taxes on time?

   After listening to Newton's words, after a moment of hesitation flashed in Sanji's eyes, he put down Fembdi in his hand and came to Newton!

   What Newton said makes sense!

  Although he is not afraid of any navy, he still has to consider Bharati and Zepp!

   Offending the navy is not a good thing for Bharati, for Zep, who used to be a pirate and still has a reward!

   "Then sir, what do you want to eat?" Sanji walked up to Newton and asked.

   "You can figure it out, just serve a few good dishes that you are good at!" Newton said faintly, then said, "However, I hope you make it yourself!"

   After a flash of surprise in Yamaji's eyes, he nodded and said, "Good sir!"

   He didn't expect Newton to let him do it!

   You know, he is now dressed like a waiter, and most people don’t say let him cook!

   But he didn't think too much. After he agreed, he walked directly to the back kitchen!

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