Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 933: Fight

  Time is like flowing water!

   This fight is from day to night!

   However, the visibility of the whirlpool area has not changed because of the time from day to night!

   Well, under Altria's treasure of the king, the entire sea area was illuminated with golden glitter, almost blinding the eyes of everyone present!






   At this time, along with the sounds of various hands, the battle still continued fiercely.

   However, because the overall strength is similar, there is no major change in the battle scenes of several people!

   Gilgamesh still fought fiercely with Kaido, not weak, but did not have the upper hand!

   Altria is still fighting Hathaway and her five beasts, occupying a slight advantage!

  Skaha and Jack have played back and forth, neither side has any obvious advantages!

   Iskandar and Quinn, in the enchantment of the king's army, because Iskandar occupies the advantage of numbers, they still have the upper hand!

   But in general, the battle on the battlefield at this time is roughly equal!


at the same time!

   on the ocean floor not far from the battlefield.

   Inside the Skybreaker hidden in the seabed!

   "Look, the prince and Kaido have a good relationship with each other!" Abrodi exclaimed while sipping an espresso while admiring Kamou.

"It looks like there is a relationship now, but if you look closely, you can still see the difference between the two! The prince's chest is ups and downs, obviously, his physical strength has begun to have problems! And the Kaido opposite him Until now, his face is still calm, his chest rises and falls normally, and there is obviously no physical exertion!"

  Ka Miao shook his head and faintly analyzed, "Moreover, Kaido didn't use all his strength. From the beginning to now, he has only used human form, and he hasn't used his strongest dragon form yet!"

"Oh, really"

   Abrodi listened to Camu's analysis, put down the coffee in his hand, his eyes condensed, and carefully looked at the projected image in front of him.

   Finally, after watching it several times, he nodded and said suddenly, "Sure enough, as you said!"

   said, he asked with some curiosity, "Oh, then you say, when will the current battle situation change significantly?"

"At most until tomorrow night... Although it looks like they are all playing and interacting, in fact, there is still a big gap between Kaido and the prince. The strength of the prince is obviously inferior to Kaido. !"

  Ka Miao said in a deep voice, "According to the current situation that the prince has begun to breathe hard, before the time reaches tomorrow night, the stamina of the prince will definitely start to have major problems!"

   "At that time, Kaido can completely suppress the prince even if he doesn't use his full strength, and the battle will gradually begin to change!"

   Listening to Camu’s analysis, Abrodi couldn’t help frowning and worried, “Will the prince’s life be in danger by then? Will we have time to support it?”

   "Life is in danger?" After thinking about it, Ka concluded, "No, there is definitely no danger to life! Although the prince is not Kaido's opponent, he is not someone Kaido can kill in seconds!"

As he said, Ka Miao glanced at Abrodi and said, "And you don’t know that before going out, several princes and princesses have a lot of rejuvenation potions on them! As long as Kaido can’t kill, then the rejuvenation potions are It can make the prince invincible! When we want to support, naturally there is no problem!"

   "Hoo~ That's good!"

   Abrodi listened, slowly letting go of his worries!

   "Didi~ Some creatures pass by the periphery of the whirlpool area!"

   At this moment, a cold mechanical sound suddenly sounded in this hall!

  Kamiao and Abrody looked at each other, and they all saw the strangeness deep in each other's eyes!

   The whirlpool area called the Dead Sea, will anyone pass by so late?

   This is the thought that came up in the minds of the two at the same time!


   Outskirts of the whirlpool area!

   A small merchant ship sails cautiously!

   On board!

   "Oh~ really bad luck, I didn't expect that the sleep madman turned out to be...Oh!

   An old man with white hair in a kimono stood on the edge of the deck with a sigh!

  His name is Kazuo Nakamura!

   is from the country of Wano!

  Because he accidentally discovered a secret of Sleep Kuangshi Lang, the ruler of Wano Country, Heitan Orochi's confidant, he was chased and killed by the people of Sleep Kuangshi Lang, and had no choice but to escape from Wano Country.

And the reason why he appeared here so late is because the sleepy madman who chased him didn’t let him go even after he escaped from the country of Wano. He was still chased and killed, so he had to flee overnight. !

   Because of this, he will appear here!

   Well, if it is normal, who will sail the boat at night? Who will pass through the vortex waters?

   You must know that sailing at night is not only dangerous, because it is easy to hit the rocks because the line of sight is lowered!

   Moreover, the name of the Dead Sea is not just to talk about it. If you are not familiar with this sea, even if you just walk by the side, you may be involved in the sea, causing the ship to destroy and kill!

   "Hey, what happened there?"

   Kazuo Nakamura was standing on the edge of the deck with a sigh. While sighing, he inadvertently caught a glimpse of the corner of his eyes not far away. A dazzling golden light appeared in the whirlpool sea!

"I haven't heard of such things happening in the whirlpool sea area?" Kazuo Nakamura frowned and murmured, a trace of greed flashed in his eyes, "But... golden light? It looks like a treasure! Would you like it? ..."

   As he said, the greed in Kazuo Nakamura's eyes grew stronger!

   But in the end, reason defeated greed!

   The whirlpool area is not so easy to enter~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Once you enter, you can’t get out in all likelihood, and at that time, no matter how precious the treasure is, it won’t help!

   He can't use it anyway!

   Thinking, Kazuo Nakamura gritted his teeth as if he hadn’t seen him, and was about to leave here!



   But suddenly, not far away, a serpentine sea king broke the surface of the water, roaring and rushing towards Kazuo Nakamura!


   After Kazuo Nakamura subconsciously looked in the direction of the sea king, the whole person fell into a state of horror!

   This sea king class is not big!

   is only about 100 meters!

  If it was normal, Kazuo Nakamura wouldn't be too scared, because such a sea king can be expelled by artillery fire!

   But now he has to be afraid!

  Because when he ran away, he ran very convened, and only had time to buy a ready-made small merchant ship at the port, which can be driven by one person, and a little supply. He didn't buy artillery, let alone artillery shells!

   In this case, he met the Neptune class, as long as he runs!

   Moreover, only those sea kings with a slower speed have a chance to run, and those with a faster speed can't run at all!

   Unfortunately, the serpentine sea king in front of me is very fast!

  In a short while, he came to a place less than three kilometers away from him!

   "There is no time to hesitate, I can only fight!"

   While horrified, Kazuo Nakamura gritted his teeth and ran directly into the cabin, controlled the merchant ship, and rushed into the whirlpool waters!

   Both left and right are dead, it's better to fight!

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