Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 935: external force

   Kazuo Nakamura is here!

  Everyone present knows it right away!

  Although their main energy is still focused on the opponent, this does not mean that they do not pay attention to things other than the opponent!

After all, those present are all strong, and no one is sure if they will fight. Suddenly there is a aftermath of someone else’s battle coming towards him. If you are not careful, then in case you are accidentally The aftermath of the battle is overcast...

   How wrong is that?

   Kazuo Nakamura is gone!

  The people present also knew the first time!

   However, everyone present didn’t care!

   Even if Kazuo Nakamura looked like he was shot dead by a huge wave caused by the aftermath of the battle, Gilgamesh and Kaido, who were the initiators of the huge wave, didn't care!


   None of them knew Kazuo Nakamura at all, so why would they care?

   This is one by one accidentally stepping on a pool of water, and the result is that the water droplets splashed, and it happened to drown an ant!

   Normal people who care about the life and death of ants?


   At the same time, the battlefield between Gilgamesh and Kaido!

   "Huh huh!"

   Gilgamesh was panting, and the movement of his hands did not slow down. He swung the sword in his hand with all his strength and slew towards Kaido!





   "Boy, it's okay?" Kaido joked while coping with Gilgamesh's attack amidst the metal crash.

   At this time, Gilgamesh's stamina has been significantly reduced compared to before, and Kaido's stamina is recovering quickly, so the stamina is still sufficient!

   In one plus one minus, there is a little gap between the two!

   Kaido is now a lot easier to deal with, so he is in the mood to make fun of Gilgamesh!

   "Can I do it, don't you know?" Gilgamesh replied, thinking about the way to deal with it!

   In fact, it is clear in his mind now that if the fight continues, there will be one ending---that is to lose!

no way!

   Kaido is too hard and his recovery ability is too abnormal!

   Gilgamesh's all-out attack only brought Kaido a little bit of damage!

   And the damage caused to Kaido with great difficulty, in the process of fighting Kaido with him, but he has recovered seven or eight, and only a few new wounds are left.

   And this wound was healed up to the naked eye!

   Are you angry?

  Under this situation, even if Gilgamesh wanted to fight, he still couldn't help it!

   So, he knew he had to find a way!

   As for what way...

   The first thing he ruled out was to rely on himself!

   If it is useful on your own, then it won’t happen like this!

   In other words, you can only rely on external forces!

  Well, although it sounds bad to rely on external forces, for Gilgamesh, it is not an unacceptable thing!

  Under the influence of Arthur, Gilgamesh is not a person who cares about honor. For him, victory is more important, so relying on external forces, he can also accept it!

   Thinking, Gilgamesh glanced at the scene subconsciously!

  Skaha and Jack are still 50-50!

   The two played fiercely, but they still didn’t know the outcome!

   Iskandar and Quinn did not show up, so he doesn't know the current situation of the two of them, but if he wants to come, he is only 50-50!

   After all, the difference in combat power between Iskandar and Quinn is not very big!

  In the end, Gilgamesh focused his attention on the person who has the advantage now and has the most chance to become his external force---Altoria!

   Altria, Hathaway and the five beasts under Hathaway will still be fighting fiercely!

   But the situation is very good!

   Hathaway’s spear and fruit ability can pose a threat to the general level, but to cause a threat is to cause a threat, and defeat is another matter!

   She can't really beat the generals!

   Even if it is an extremely restrained general-level powerhouse, Hathaway, as the pinnacle of the lieutenant general, can draw a draw at best!

   What's more, there is no restraint relationship between Altria and Hathaway!

   Well, to be precise, Hathaway could not restrain Altria, but Altria restrained Hathaway a bit!

Under the influence of the King’s Treasure, Hathaway and the Five Beasts have wiped out their own long-range advantages and the advantages of many people. Coupled with Altria’s strength advantages, it can be said that Hathaway and the Five Beastmaster, has been in a state of extreme disadvantage!

   Because of this, Altria has spare capacity to become the only external force supporting Gilgamesh!

"How can I ask her to support me? Just shout? No! Other people will know by then! Implied? Neither! With Altria's arrogant character, it is impossible to understand my hint!" Thinking about it, Gilgamesh frowned involuntarily!

   "I know? Hehe! I only know you may not be good!" Kaido said with a smile looking at Gilgamesh's frowning expression.

   "Not so good? Not so good? You have been beaten like this, and your whole body is bloody, then I'm going to do it, you can't kneel down!" Gilgamesh sputtered and thought!

  Don't say it!

   With such a mouthful, a glimmer of inspiration flashed through his mind, and he thought of a good way!

   Since he can't notify Altria, and can't hint at her, then just pull the battlefield over.

   directly pulled the battlefield between him and Kaido directly into the battlefield of Altria, Hathaway and others!

   Kaido has the advantage on his side, and Altria has the advantage on his side!

   If he drags the battlefield with Kaido to the battlefield of Altria and Hathaway, wouldn't one plus one minus equal to a tie?

Of course, considering that Kaido and Hathaway are not the same force, they cannot achieve the infinite trust between him and Altria ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, so their advantage is even greater. a little!

   "That's it!" Gilgamesh made a decision in his heart, and immediately took action!

   "Kneel down? Who is the one who knelt down? You have to fight until the end. I think you are in your current state, you are more likely to kneel down!"

   "Hehe! Who knows if you don't fight to the end! I also think you are more likely to kneel down!"

   "Be reasonable...you have no physical strength now, are you still fighting with me? You will definitely kneel in the end!"


Between the mouths and cannons of Kaido, Gilgamesh quietly controlled the combat range and position of the two by attacking, defending, moving, etc., making them unknowingly. The battlefield slowly moved towards the place where Altria and Hathaway fought!

   But soon!

  Kaido found something wrong!

   "That's not right? Why is our battlefield coming more and more?" Feeling the aftermath of the battle between Altria and Hathaway, Kaido frowned and said.

   As he got closer to here, Kaido was affected by the aftermath of the battle more and more frequently, and he was aware of it!

   "That's it!"

   After realizing something was wrong, Kaido looked at Gilgamesh on the opposite side and then at the battle between Altria and Hathaway, and he suddenly understood!

   He knew Gilgamesh's ghost idea!

   But, he doesn't care!

  As the strongest person in the world, Kaido doesn't care how many enemies there are or how strong they are. Anyway, he is not strong enough, and he can defeat him anyway!

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