Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 941: Luffy and Nami's Korean drama

What if a teammate who has not been together for long runs away?

According to the understanding of normal people, there is no relationship for long anyway, and there is no emotion. If you ran away, it was no big deal!

But, what if this teammate stole all your property while running?

According to normal people's thinking, no, normal people don't think about it, and of course they catch up and kill him!

The dog said, dare to use my money, how can you not kill you?


Luffy's brain circuit is obviously different from normal people!

After Nami secretly took him out to sea, the first ship that could be regarded as a real ship, was also the most valuable item except for the straw hat that was later offered a reward, after the Golden Meri was driven away!

The first thing he thought about was not to catch up and kill her!

It is to catch up, save her, and make her a real crew member and a real partner!

This Nima!

If it weren't for the fact that Pirate World is full of blood, just looking at the **** plot, Arthur would even wonder if he had entered the wrong theater!

Think about it, if in the plot, the role of Nami's crew, partner, and navigator is replaced by a girlfriend, would it be a proper Korean drama?

In order to save the village, a girl pretended to fall in love with the infatuated man who fell in love with her at first sight, and became his girlfriend. Then she found another chance to escape with all the wealth of the infatuated man!

However, the infatuated man didn't blame the girl for this, instead he was obsessed with the girl, and even chased the girl's village in order to restore the girl.

Then, after learning about the girl's story, the infatuated man was even more touched and confused, and vowed to save the village for the girl.

In the end, after a series of hard work and desperate efforts, the infatuated man not only successfully saved the village for the girl, but also successfully saved the girl's heart!

Of course, regardless of whether the dog is **** or not, all in all, at this time Luffy has taken Sauron, Sauron’s two younger brothers, Johnny and Joseph, as well as Usopp and the newly recruited crew and **** in the sea restaurant Barati Chef Sanji, chased after Kokoyashi Village!

And at this moment, their group happened to ran into the Axe Gang who came to seek revenge!


prior to!

Because the arms were robbed by the Dragon Pirates, Chris, who became Chen Ge under the pseudonym, once asked Arthur how to deal with the Dragon Pirates.

And the answer Arthur gave him was to let him figure it out!

Originally, Brother Chen was planning to directly kill the Dragon Pirates' territory and simply attack them directly. However, on the eve of the action, because a kingdom suddenly placed a large number of arms orders, he did not immediately solve it. It is to put this matter back!

He knows that the Dragon Pirate Group is the kind of pirate who cuts leeks and pays attention to continuous development. It is not the kind of pirate who shoots for another place. There is no tomorrow but a day after a day. It will not be easy. Move place!

Therefore, it is more important to catch the order first!

Moreover, in his eyes, the strength of the Dragon Pirate Group is just like that!

Although they are all murlocs, they have a great advantage for ordinary people, but compared to Brother Chen who came out of the environment like Xihai, they are just a group of weak chickens, and they have never been in the eyes of Brother Chen!

Dealing with it earlier and later, in the eyes of Brother Chen, there is no difference!

Therefore, Chen came to Cocoyashi Village only after the general fire order was over!

Because of this, he encountered Luffy and a group of people who came to chase love, Abu, and his partner outside Cocoyashi Village!

"Hey, what are those big ships for?" Luffy sitting on the bow collision corner, watching the six large sailing warships passing by their ships, said with some curiosity.

At this time, because the original ship, the Golden Meri, was stolen by Nami, Luffy and his group of six could only squeeze into a small fishing boat supported by Zep.

"Yeah! Those boats are so stylish, if I had them too!" Usopp looked at these six ships, his eyes full of yearning, but he murmured inadvertently, giving the cowhide he used to blow Pierced!

Compared with the two ignorant people, Luffy and Usopp, the other four people present, whether it is Sauron or Sanji, or Sauron’s two younger brothers, watched these ships and hanged on them. The flags that are held, almost all recognize the origin of these ships at a glance!

"Is that the axe gang?" Sanji frowned and said after taking a deep breath.

"Axe Gang? What is it? Can it be eaten?" Luffy asked subconsciously.

After Shanzhi gave him a white look, he took a deep breath and explained in a deep voice, "The Axe Gang is the largest gang in the East China Sea, and the largest arms dealer in the East China Sea!"

"According to the rumor, the Axe Gang has accounted for more than 80% of the arms trade in the East China Sea over the years, and in the wars that have occurred in the East China Sea over the years, nearly 50% of the wars have been used by one or even two of them arms!"

"In addition, the net profit they earn through the arms trade each year exceeds one billion Baileys! Well, some people say that it exceeds two billion, or three billion. There is no specific number, but it is certain that it exceeds ten. Number of digits!"


Listening to this, Luffy and Usopp both fell into a sluggish state after counting with their fingers!

Ten digits!

Although neither of them has seen the world and has no money, they still have the concept of money!

Especially Usopp!

His mother died of illness!

Although he died not because he had no money to treat the disease, but because he could not be treated, but because of his mother’s life, he could hardly take care of himself~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He did everything from buying medicine to buying food, and so did the money. He gave it, so he knows the value of money!

"Then what are they doing here?"

When Luffy and Usopp were dull, Johnny couldn't help asking, one of Sauron's two younger brothers.

"It's hard to tell, maybe there is a arms deal!?" Sanji said, but his words were full of uncertainty!

Well, he doesn't know what the Axe Gang is doing!

"Do you think they came to collect protection money, or looted?" Joseph couldn't help but raise his own suspicion!

As soon as his voice fell, Luffy couldn't help but jump out and said, "What, looting? What about Nami? No, we have to catch up and stop them!"

"Impossible!" Sanji listened, grabbed Luffy, and after stopping his actions, he slowly shook his head and said, "Although the Axe Gang is a gang, they are still engaged in the arms trade. But the reputation is really good!"

"In the East China Sea, I have never heard of their habit of looting. On the contrary, I have heard that many villages have voluntarily asked for protection fees. I hope the Axe Gang can protect them!"

As he said, Sanji changed his voice and said, "Moreover, how much money can you get from looting a small village? Not as good as the profit they make from an arms trade, and they will be wanted by the navy, for arms dealers like them. In fact, some of the gains outweigh the losses!"

"Yes!" Joseph nodded in agreement, then frowned, "Then what are they here for?"

"It doesn't matter, don't you know if you catch up with it?" Luffy waved his hand and made the decision directly!

Well, you are the captain, you have the final say!

Others have no objection to this!

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