Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 945: Rolling

   Lu Fei’s sudden self was something that no one present had thought of!

Right now, the evil dragon pirate group and the axe gang, under the mutual conflict of Chen and evil dragons, their atmosphere is a bit tense, plus the thousands of fully armed elites brought by Chen, surrounded In the entire Aaron Park, the hearts of the fish people of the Dragon Pirate Group raised their climax!

   And Luffy's click, like the last straw that crushes a camel, directly scared a highly nervous murloc and threw the harpoon in his hand subconsciously!


   Accompanied by a sharp piercing sound, the harpoon plunged into the ground less than one meter in front of Brother Chen!

  Although there was no hit, everyone in the room still shot their eyes on the harpoon.


   was silent for about three seconds!

   "That murloc attacked, kill!"


   "The opponent rushed over!"


   With all kinds of shouts and killings, a battle triggered by a harpoon appeared without warning!

   The fish people of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group, holding various weapons, roared directly towards Brother Chen.

   But the next moment!





   Accompanied by the dense gunfire, the axe gang that had been prepared for a long time was not to be outdone. They pulled the trigger together, and hundreds of bullets flew out and shot directly at the fish people!





   In the screams, screams, and vomiting blood, among the hundreds of murlocs, the fifty people who rushed into the front seemed to have hit an invisible wall, and fell one after another!

   Among them, more than forty people were beaten into hornet's nests and lay on the ground with their eyes wide open. In the blood holes on their bodies, blood was "gurgling" out, and there was no sound.

   And those who did not die on the spot are not getting better, more than a dozen people lay on the ground and wailed nonstop!

   As for the remaining fifty or so people, because the bullet came too fast and the others fell too fast, they didn’t react for a while, and they rushed forward recklessly!

   See it!

   "Crack! Click! Click!"

   In a sound of changing bullets, the heavily armed members of the Axe Gang quickly changed bullets!





   The next moment, the axe gang pulled the trigger again!


   And this time, the remaining fish people also screamed and lay down!

   "Catch those who are not dead!" Watching this scene, Chen gave the order indifferently!

   Then, he turned his gaze to the swimming pool in the park!

   The swimming pool is huge and the water is very clear. Through the clear water, the two remaining members of the Dragon Pirates can be seen with naked eyes.

   A gray-black figure is an evil dragon!

   A pink figure covered with mouthpieces, it is Xiao Ba, a cadre of the Dragon Pirates!

  Well, just when the two bandits were killed easily because the axe gang was too powerful, the evil dragon instantly realized that he still underestimated the axe gang.

   He originally thought that as two forces in the East China Sea, the difference between the two forces should not be very large!

   Because of this, he dared to let people rob the Axe Gang's arms!

   But when that scene happened just now, he immediately realized that he was wrong, which was very wrong!

  Why is the gap between the two sides not so big!

   is the gap between heaven and earth!

   While realizing this, he also realized that with this gap, if he insisted on staying, he would definitely be shot to death!

   Therefore, he betrayed these men without hesitation, turned and rushed into the swimming pool.

   The reason why Xiao Ba also appeared in the swimming pool was also related to the evil dragon!

  Because he was standing near the swimming pool, he saw the scene of the evil dragon rushing into the swimming pool, and subconsciously followed it!

   "Hurry up, hurry up, as long as I reach the secret waterway at the bottom of the swimming pool, I can swim into the sea through the waterway!" The dragon was struggling downstream while thinking secretly!

   Just when he was about to swim to the bottom of the pool, a harpoon suddenly appeared.

   pierced his left thigh and he couldn't help but exhale in pain. At the same time, the harpoon nailed his left thigh and the whole person to the bottom of the pool!

   At the same time, Xiao Ba was also nailed to the bottom of the swimming pool by a harpoon!

   Above the swimming pool!

   Looking indifferently at the two people nailed to the bottom of the swimming pool, Chen Ge casually patted his suit, then turned and left the swimming pool!

"Drain the water in the swimming pool, and then catch these two murlocs!" Chen Ge said lightly as he walked, "Besides, come and fifty people, come with me, and look for the Dragon Sea. The treasure of the thieves!


   The subordinates didn't think much, they nodded and agreed.


   In half an hour!

  Evil Dragon Park Plaza!

   "Woo woo woo~"

   Nami sat in the center of the square, watching the dragon **** in front of him and the group of murlocs who were lucky enough to survive, tears dripping on the ground like broken beads!

   And Luffy and Sauron were standing aside, watching this scene, after looking at each other, they seemed a little at a loss!

   It's okay for them to beat people, but they don't have any experience in this situation right now!

   However, watching Nami cry like this, Luffy after hesitated for a while, still bite the bullet and walked up, comforting, "Nami, don't cry! Everything is over!"

   Just now, Luffy used the method of mouth escape, coupled with the reason why the dragon was subdued, and successfully got some reasons from Nami's mouth about how she helped the dragon!


   Nami waved her hand, and after refusing Luffy’s kindness, she continued to lower her head and cry loudly!

   In the past few years, the countless grievances, countless sufferings, and countless suffocations she suffered to save the village were completely released at this moment and in these cries!

   And just when Nami was crying miserably!


   "Miss Nami!!!"

   "Everyone, let's fight with the Dragon Pirates today!"

   "My father and my mother were killed by those **** because they couldn't pay the money. Today I must take revenge!"

   "Son! Dad will fight with them today!"


Under the leadership of Sanji, a group of villagers armed with rakes, hoes, axes, shotguns, etc., screaming and killing with various tones and emotions, rushed to Ah. In front of Long Park!


   And they were greeted by a group of heavily armed people and the sound of bullets being loaded!

   Watching this scene, the villagers slammed the brakes and stopped at the entrance of Along Park. After looking at each other for a while, they were a little at a loss!

what's the situation?

   Along Park, isn’t there only murlocs?

   Where do these people come from?

  While the villagers thought about it like this, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Sanji recognized this group of people, and they were obviously from the Axe Gang!

   Immediately, without hesitation, he immediately asked, "This brother, is this...?"

   "The people of the Evil Dragon Pirate Group were defeated by us!" The leader of the axe gang guarding the door looked at Sanji and recognized that he was with Luffy at a glance, so he explained briefly!

   And listening to this, Sanji's eyes lit up, and he asked quickly, "Then Miss Nami is okay?"

   "Nami?" The axe leader said sternly, "It's okay! Just crying inside!"

   "Then can we go inside?" Sanji quickly asked when he heard it.

   "Up to five people can go in!" The axe gang leader said in a deep voice after taking a look at the group of villagers who looked like a mob.

   "Great!" Sanji didn't think much about it. After he agreed, he rushed in regardless of the villagers behind him!

   The villagers who followed him also reacted at this time.

But because the nightmare of being ruled by the evil dragon for so many years ended so easily, they couldn't believe it, so after discussing it, they decided to let the sheriff in the village help, and the village doctor Na Gao and Nuo Qi Gao went in first. Take a look!

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