Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 947: Intelligence hunter



   Gilgamesh looked at each other, and finally Iskandar came forward and asked, "Second Uncle, what's the advantage?"

   "Have you heard of...ALLBLUE?" Kata Kuri said mysteriously.

   "Is that the paradise claimed by the chefs, the legendary sea where all the fishes from the four seas gather?" Gilgamesh asked uncertainly after thinking about it.

   "That's right!"

   Kata Kuli showed a teachable expression and replied, "That's the sea!"

   "Did you find the second uncle there?" Iskandar couldn't help asking.


   That is the place that chefs dream of!

   Most chefs in the world want to meet!

   But, only the wrong name, no wrong nickname!

   The reason why this place is called the Sea of ​​Legends is because there has always been a legend in the world, but no one can prove its existence, and no one knows its location!

   Of course, maybe in a corner where you don’t know, someone can prove, someone knows, someone has been there!

   But in general, ALLBLUE is indeed like his nickname, it has always been a legend!


After Kata Kuri shook his head, he said enthusiastically, "However, we recently heard a news that a fish that claims to be one of the top delicacies in the legendary sea left the legendary sea by accident. Appeared in the nearby sea!"

   gourmet food?


   This is the so-called benefits and gains!

   A hint of disappointment flashed in Iskandar's eyes.

   He is not delicious!

But in a blink of an eye, he suppressed the disappointment in his eyes, frowning and questioning, "The top delicacy in the Legendary Sea? Second Uncle, didn't you say that the Legendary Sea was not found there? Then how do you know it is? The top food in the legendary sea?"

   "And, how can you be sure that the fish is the top delicacy in the legendary sea?"

"Ha ha!"

Kata Kuri smiled slightly and said mysteriously, "Don't worry! Although I haven't found it, and I don't know where the legendary sea is, I can be sure that it is the top delicacy of the legendary sea, and it is also produced in the legendary sea. of!"


   Iskandar still looked at him a little puzzled!

   "Have you heard of a cryptographer?" Kata Kuri said mysteriously.

   Listening to the name, Iskandar didn't say anything yet, Gilgamesh did indeed flash a hint of surprise in his eyes.

   Immediately, with the color of surprise, he hesitated and said, "Could it be..."

   "That's right!" Before Gilgamesh finished speaking, Kata Kuri said with certainty, "It's the news he released!"

   "No wonder you are so sure!" Gilgamesh said suddenly.

  The cryptographer is a legend in the intelligence world and an intelligence hunter!

  Speaking of which, someone may ask, what is an intelligence hunter?

   Say so!

   The information network of the Charlotte family is known as the first in the industry, but even if they are not all-knowing and omnipotent, they don't have any information!

  Similarly, all intelligence organizations including the Charlotte family are the same, not all intelligence is available!

  In this world, there are always some intelligence that the intelligence organization does not know!

   And if you want to find information about something, or something, but it happens that there is no intelligence organization in the industry, what should you do?

   Then, the role of intelligence hunter came into being!

   They are either one person or a team, the number of which is variable, but the work content is similar!

  As long as you give money and give enough money, they can search for information for you according to your requirements. Even if all the intelligence organizations in the intelligence industry do not have them, they can also specifically find it for you!

   To put it bluntly, it is a character similar to a detective!

   But their charges are countless times more expensive than detectives, and the scope of collecting intelligence is countless times wider than that of detectives!

   Whether it's character news, treasure news, or designated devil fruit news, they can inquire for you!

   And the cryptographer is the top character among the intelligence hunters!

  His origin is a mystery. No one knows whether he is a person or a team, but there is no doubt that his intelligence ability is the top in the intelligence hunter industry!

   even claims that as long as you pay enough money, you can find all the information in the world for you!

   Well, it sounds a bit bragging!

   But it is true that as long as the money is given, he can find any information.

   From his debut until now, no one has said that he has been given money, but he has not received a trace of information!

   And since the debut of such a mysterious cryptographer, there has always been a reserved program!

   That is to release an irrelevant but rare news every three months!

   just like this time!

   The top food in the Sea of ​​Legends. This news is of little value in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is really rare!

  How could ordinary people know that the fish of the legendary sea came out?

   They can't even find the legendary sea!

   If you are not even a chef, you might not even know the Sea of ​​Legends!

   The reason why the cryptographer wants to do this is because when he first debuted, in order to make a name, to gain recognition in the industry, and to get orders, he deliberately released this kind of news to win the trust of others!

   Later, when he was already very famous, because this has become his signature, and because this approach can distinguish them from other intelligence hunters, it has not changed, and has been retained until now!

   Well, to put it bluntly, it’s just to show your compulsion and distinguish yourself from ordinary intelligence hunters!

   But anyway, this kind of show has been retained until now!


   Gilgamesh and Kata Kuri talked about the mystery of the gods, and Iskandall, Altria, and Skaha who listened to them were bewildered!

   None of the three of them have heard of the name cryptographer!

   "The cryptographer is..."

   Seeing such a confused look on the three of them, Gilgamesh reluctantly explained to the three of them!

   "Oh! It turned out to be an intelligence hunter!" After Iskander said suddenly, he said in admiration, "Unexpectedly, brother, you know this kind of thing?"

Gilgamesh gave him a blank look, and couldn't help but shook his head, saying, "This is in the intelligence department of our kingdom, and it is not a secret thing. As a prince, the princess usually doesn't pay attention to it except having fun. Are these?"

   "Ah, ha!"

   After listening to this, Iskandall’s eyes flashed with embarrassment, and he hurriedly made a haha, he wanted to transfer the topic!

   At this moment, something suddenly appeared in his mind!

"Oh, that's not right!" Iskandar looked at Gilgamesh suspiciously, and asked with a frown, "Big brother, when have you been so concerned about the Kingdom's intelligence department? I remember you don't seem to care about these things, right? Tell me the truth , How do you know?"

   Following Iskandar’s question, Altria and Skaha also looked suspiciously at Gilgamesh!

   "Okay, okay! I'll explain!"

   Gilgamesh felt these gazes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The pressure in my heart was so heavy, I finally had to smile awkwardly, and honestly confessed, "You know, I have always liked to watch those amazing stories!"

   "It just so happens that in our intelligence department, there are often some strange information about strange people, just like the story, once I accidentally saw it, I often went to the intelligence department to see it! The cryptographer also saw it at that time!"

   "So you are such a big brother (little brother)!"

   Suddenly, the three of them looked at Gilgamesh with contemptuous eyes!

   Gilgamesh felt it, and could only touch his nose with embarrassment!

   "The fish that came out of the legendary sea is called the swimming dragon koi. It is said to have some dragon blood. It is not only delicious to the extreme, but also has a mysterious effect when eaten!" At this time, Kata Kuri said again.

   "Mystery effect?" The four of them immediately put aside the matter just now, and curiously asked in unison.

   "Yes, according to the cryptographer, the dragon koi has a mysterious effect, but he didn't say what the mysterious effect is!" Katakuli said sternly.

   After listening to this, the four of them raised their curiosity!

   After looking at each other, the four of them said in unison, "Go, find!"

   They don’t have anything else to do now, so it’s not bad to see them!

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