Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 956: Spy rebellion

   My name is Shiro Katori!

   is a spy!

   I was born in the new world, but I was adopted by the world government because my parents had an accident!

   After a series of training that I didn’t want to mention, I became a CP agent!

   After a series of trials that I didn’t want to mention, I was finally sent to Saint Martin to perform a long-term spy mission!

   At the beginning, I was actually a little nervous about this task!

  Because I have heard before that there are many colleagues with good strength and abilities. When performing this task, they were all discovered by Saint Martin's powerful intelligence agency!

   For a spy, what does it mean to be discovered?

   Even if the enemy does not kill you, return to the organization, the organization will kill you!

   Because the organization will suspect that you have leaked the secrets of the organization!

   But there is no way, I cannot refuse the above order!

   can only promise!

   So, I can only bite the bullet!

   However, I don’t know if it’s lucky or Saint Martin didn’t care. I easily sneaked into Saint Martin and became an ordinary construction worker in Saint Martin!

   Later, after more than ten years, I don't know if it was forgotten or it was not the time. The organization has not activated me.

   This is the case for me, and I have been continuing my undercover mission in San Martin!

   Perhaps it was because God saw that I was too hard in the first half of my life, so during the undercover period, I met a virtuous and virtuous girl, and gave birth to a well-behaved daughter with her and formed a warm family.

   At the same time, my career has gone smoothly. From an ordinary construction worker to a small official of the Ministry of Engineering of the Kingdom of Saint Martin, I am in charge of dozens of people!

   It can be said that the business family has a double harvest!

  Everything seems happy and unreal!

   I never thought before, I can have such a life as a spy!

   But just when I thought this life could continue, an accident happened...


   "Is it enabled? What is the recent "big move" of Saint Martin? Check the relationship between Frenzy and Saint Martin?"

   After returning home, looking at the note in his hand that was just stuffed into his hand by a passerby, and the secret mark on the note, Katori, who confirmed the authenticity of the note, flashed an indefinite light in his eyes while holding the note!

   He did not expect that after so many years, even when he thought he was forgotten by the organization, he would be activated again!

   At this time, a multiple-choice question also appeared in his mind!

   Do not execute?

   This question was many years ago, he did not hesitate!

  As a spy for the world government, he must execute the mission!

but now...

   "My child, his father, it's dinner!"

   A gentle voice came from the living room behind him!

  Subconsciously, Katori Shiro followed the voice and turned his head and looked over!

next moment!

   A mediocre looking, average body, but also very virtuous, in his eyes is the most beautiful woman in the world, holding a few dishes, entered his sight!

   Katori Shirou took a deep breath, forced a smile, and agreed, "Okay, here it is!"

   After finishing speaking, Katori Shirou took the note into his arms and stood up.

   Then, he went to the dining table and sat down!

   "My father, tomorrow Xiaonuan’s kindergarten will hold a personal event, you can not..." At this moment, a little girl who looked six or seven years old beside the table asked hesitantly.

   She knows that her father is usually very busy and does not have time to participate in such things, but she still can't help but want to say it!


   She really wants to participate in parent-child activities with her father!

   Looking at his cute and well-behaved daughter, Katori Shiro's eyes flickered, and a smile was squeezed out on his face. He stretched out his hand, gently touched his daughter's head, and agreed, "Okay!"

   At this moment, he suddenly had an answer in his heart!

   He doesn't want to, and doesn't want anyone to destroy it all!

   He doesn't want to, and doesn't want his daughter to suffer any harm!

  He doesn't want to, and doesn't want his wife to go to the world with him!

   Under these premises, there is actually only one he can choose!


   "The spies of the world government have rebelled, want to really join Saint Martin?"

   Looking at the information sent by his subordinates, Arthur's face was light, not too surprised!

   In the past ten years or so, Saint Martin has successively accepted the mutiny of many world government undercover spies in Saint Martin.

   There are many reasons for their betrayal!

Some are because they don’t want to worry about life anymore, some are reverse operations, using the name of rebellion to become a spy with a bright and upright mind, and some are because they are comfortable in Saint Martin and don’t want to travel like a world government spy anymore. Life on the verge of death!

   In short, there are various reasons!

   But among them, the most are like Katori Shiro who is going to betray right now, because in San Martin, I have a warm family and a good job, and I live a happy life. I don't want my family and life to be affected, threatened and betrayed!

   Regarding these betrayals, whether it is a real betrayal or a false one, in short, St. Martin has accepted them one by one.

   In addition to allowing people to monitor their lives, they are also listed as models, hoping to make more spies like them, betray the world government, and fall into the arms of Saint Martin!

   "But... this time you are rebelling, it seems you can use this to make some articles!" Arthur couldn't help thinking!

   As for Shiro Katori's rebellion, Arthur didn't care much about the tasks given to him by the world government!

   Because these are all in his expectation!

   No matter what the "big move" or the mad fish disaster, these are the methods he uses to attract the attention of the world government, and he has long known that these will attract the attention of the world government!

   So, he doesn't care about it!

   Please pay attention!

   just can conceal his action of sending manpower and material resources to Beihai!

   However, such a betrayal at this point in time also gave Arthur some ideas!

   He thinks ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can use this to make some articles!

   For example, start a new show on TV... Spy confession!

   Let Katori Shiro appear on the TV station, tell about the spiritual journey of being a spy, and then tell about the darkness of the world government, in order to increase the insight of the civilians, and also increase the disgust of the world government!

   Of course, the most important thing is the latter!

   Increase the hatred of the world government!

  This point has increased. From now on, Saint Martin can stand on the moral high ground and deal with the world government in the name of righteousness!

  Furthermore, this can also interfere with the spy work of the world government in San Martin by the way!

   Looking at colleagues who are also spies, after the rebellion, they not only live a normal life, but can also be on TV. Those spies who are still undercover in San Martin will have some different thoughts!

   Why can someone else do it, but I can’t?

  With this mindset, not only the spies do not have the mind to work seriously, but even the spy leaders will have a headache!

  Because, always guard against rebellion and confess yourself!

   In this way, the efficiency of spy work is greatly reduced!

   Thinking, Arthur raised his mouth slightly and made up his mind, "That’s it!"

   Please remember the domain name of this book’s first publication:. The fastest mobile version update URL:

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