Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 964: Wind dream

"That's it..."

After returning, Lainna told Augustus about her experience in the bar!

While Augustus listened, nodded, but turned his head to the other side, and asked Hagens, "How are you asking?"

Hagens shrugged and said, "It's basically the same as the information!"

After Augustus nodded again, he fell into thinking!

It's the same as in the data, it's a little troublesome!

After thinking about it for about half a day, Augustus said seriously, "From the current situation, it is definitely impossible to kill by force. Although the force of the spy Katori is not very good, it is a little stronger than ordinary people. But Saint Martin values ​​him too much, the defense around him is too strong!"

"So, we need to use some means! For example...poison!?"

At the end, there was a little uncertainty in Augustus' voice!

But what is uncertain is not whether the poison can help them complete the task, but whether the "poison" that is enough to help them complete the task is willing to help them!

"You mean... Edla?" Linna asked with a slightly uncertain eyes, narrowing her eyes.


Augustus nodded blankly, and said again, "Edra is known as the wind poisoner in the underground world. Although he is not good at martial arts, no one in the underground world dares to say that he is better than him in terms of poison! "

"And when he became famous in the First World War, he used a poison called Feng Zhi Meng. This poison can spread to the surrounding area with the wind, making people and animals sleep in a certain leeward zone!"

"If we can get his help...or get this poison, then this mission has a little chance of being completed!"

As he said, Augustus changed his voice and said with a little deep meaning, "As for whether he wants to...In addition to sending us from above, we have also paid a huge reward in the underground world...I think he An assassin of this level, wouldn't it be here to play?"

Rheinna and Hagens both touched their chins and nodded in agreement.

But then, Hagens couldn't help frowning, "But...if we borrow his hand, then who will be the head of this person? If we count, will he be willing?"

"And if we count him, then is our mission completed this time, or is it not completed? And when the time comes, the top will have to pay the bounty in the underground world, will the top be willing?"

Augustus had obviously thought about the question raised by Hagens, so immediately after Hagens’s voice fell, he immediately said in a non-emotional voice, “Your question is very simple... After the mission is completed, he is dead, so there are not so many problems!"

Rheinna and Hagens both felt a chill in their hearts.

But immediately after looking at each other, they all nodded again.

They just turned their faces and didn't recognize people, they were used to killers long ago!

"Then use this method!" the two responded in unison.


Early next morning!

Lainna found Edela and told him about her origin and purpose!

Of course, she did not say anything that turned her face afterwards!

"Are you a member of the world government?" Edla did not ask about the murder, but asked somewhat surprised.

Although he guessed that Leinna was a colleague, he really did not guess Leinna was a member of the world government!

no way!

His profession is destined to be two parallel lines with the world government. If there is no accident, there will be no intersection in this life!


Linna smiled slightly, nodded, and then said, "You received a bounty mission in the underground world, and it was also ours... to be precise, it was ours!"

"Then what do you mean?" Edla asked somewhat puzzled.

On the one hand, he placed an order in the underground world, and on the other hand, he came to kill people himself. He really couldn't understand this operation!

It's like ordering a takeaway order on a certain group and then picking it up at the store again, contradicting itself!

"As long as you cooperate with us! When the task is completed, we will complete the task, and you can go to the underground to collect the bounty!" Lehina said, as if she had thought of something, she added,

"Well, we have already reported this to the above... St. Martin's defense force is too strong, so we can only hire foreign aid! And the above agreed!"

Edla listened, lowered his head and fell into thinking!

Not after a while!

He suddenly raised his head with a bright smile, and said, "Okay, that's it!"

With that said, a fierce look flashed deep in Edla's eyes!

Have you reported to it?

Did the above agree?

Ha ha!

Edla sneered in her heart, but she didn't believe what Lehna said!

Although he has never been an official, he still has a certain understanding of officials...mainly because the assassination targets are often officials!

He knows that officials do not say that they are stingy, but most of them will not pay twice the price for a task.

And this time if Lainna and others have completed the task, and at the same time he has completed the task, then even if Lainna and the others don't use money, it is just credit, which is equivalent to giving twice the price!

Therefore, he felt that Lainna was fooling him!

However, I knew in my heart that he didn't say anything on the surface!

To be honest, this mission is really rare. If you don't borrow external force, Edla feels that it is almost impossible for him to complete the task alone, so it is good to borrow some external force.

As for the final task...hehe!

The dead will not grab the task!

As for whether the world government will trouble him afterwards...

After receiving the money~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he is basically enough to retire, then find a remote place to hide, ha ha!

The sea is so big, it is not easy for the world government to track down!

In this way, the two conceited parties reached a cooperation agreement!



Under the plan of Augustus, the four of them came to the suburbs together behind a small hill about ten miles away from the plain where Katori Shiro's house was located!

Well, this time Edla was never caught again!

Augustus and the others have all the information in their hands, and they have all the time for the guards to patrol, so the four of them did not encounter any obstacles or even anyone on the way!

Of course, such a smooth road is here, and if they go down, they will definitely be discovered!

The road after that is all plains!

"Wait for a while when the wind is right, you will use your poison, and then when the guards are asleep, we will go over and finish the task!"

Augustus said lightly, "The whole process is best completed within ten minutes! According to the information we have, the other party will contact the people in the city every ten minutes. If there is no contact, the people in the city will rush. come!"

"Okay!" After taking a glance at Augustus, Edla nodded heavily.

Then, the four waited for the wind behind the hillside!


About half an hour later, a breeze hit!

The time has come!

The eyes of all four are bright!

Immediately, the three of Augustus focused on Edla!

Seeing this, Edela took a deep breath and carefully took out a bottle of light blue potion from her waist!

But at this time, just halfway through the potion, an accident happened...

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