Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 981: Framed

   Three days later!

   An island port on the edge of the territory of the BIGMOM Pirate Group!

   "Second uncle, goodbye!" Standing on the boat, Iskandar grinned with a smile, and waved his hand towards Kata Kuri on the shore!

   As for this, Kata Kuri didn't say anything, and after waving his hand with a smile, he turned around and left!

   "Well, we should go now!"

   Upon seeing this, Gilgamesh walked up to Iskandar and patted him on the shoulder.

   "Hmm!" Iskandar nodded, and then took a deep look at the back of Kata Kuri's departure before closing his gaze back.

   Then, the two turned around and entered the cabin of the Skybreaker.

   In a while!


   With a sound of mechanical operation, the anchor of the Skybreaker automatically retracted, and the ship slowly opened up and headed out of the port.

   At the same time, the fleet of ships that followed Gilgamesh also followed!

   Just like that, the group left the port!

   At this moment, in the attic of a two-story building not far from the port, a window that had opened a gap was also closed!

   "The target has gone to sea!"

   A small voice came from the gloomy attic.


   The speed of the fleet is not slow. One hour after leaving the port, Gilgamesh and his team can no longer see any traces of islands around the fleet, only the endless sea!

   At this time, on the deck of the Skybreaker!

   "Come on, have a drink!" Gilgamesh took a bottle of ice and handed it to Iskandar, who was standing on the bow of the ship blowing air.


Iskandall took Bing Kuo Luo casually, opened it and took a sip, smiled and looked at Gilgamesh, and asked excitedly, "Big brother, you said that if we go back this time, will the father reward us? ?"


Gilgamesh, after pondering for a moment, looked at Iskandar seriously, and said, "With my understanding of my father, if you ask him for a reward, he will definitely reward you with an unforgettable bamboo shoot. Fried pork!"


   Iskandar was stunned, and then recalled Arthur's character.

   Well, if he really wants to reward Arthur...it seems...probably...like Gilgamesh said, he will have an unforgettable meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots! ?

   Thinking, Iskandall was so excited, he waved his hand quickly, and said, "Forget it, forget it! It's normal for a son to do things for his father, so he should not need any reward!"

"Ha ha!"

   Upon seeing this, Gilgamesh chuckled and shook his head, but said nothing.

at this time.

   In the distance, there was a first five ships and six ships, and they suddenly appeared in the sight of Skybreaker.


   Gilgamesh raised his brows, and after a closer look, he muttered, "The pirates are chasing and killing the people of the world government?"

   "It looks like they are chasing the people of the world government!" Iskandar narrowed his eyes and confirmed after carefully looking at the sights that are not far away.

"Da da da!"

   At this moment, Altria and Shakar walked out of the cabin.

  Shaka glanced at the sight not far away, and asked as he walked, "What are you going to do?"

"Ha ha!"

  As soon as the words fell, Altria smiled disdainfully, and said coldly, "Pirates are rubbish, and the world government is also not a good thing. Don't do anything, let them kill each other!"

   Hearing this, the other three thought about it for a moment, but they did not object.

Although there are strange pirates among the pirates, they are still in the minority. Most of the pirates are rubbish. Needless to say, the world government is the enemy itself, so doing nothing. Let them kill each other. One of the good choices.

   However, Gilgamesh and his party thought so, but the pirates and people from the world government who appeared in their sight did not think so.

   After discovering Gilgamesh's fleet, the ships of the world government seemed to have seen a savior, and they came straight towards their fleet!

   "Hehe, is this taking us as saviors and preparing to bring disaster to the east?" Gilgamesh looked at the approaching ship, squinted and revealed a meaningful smile!

   "Hmph, then kill them!" Altria said coldly.

   "Alright, kill them when they come over!" Gilgamesh said indifferently.

  Although he has a good personality, it depends on who the other person is!

Now the people of the world government are here, and they also intend to cause disasters. Gilgamesh will not have any psychological burden if they kill them. Needless to say, the pirates, nine out of ten pirates are burdened. Because of the sin, there is no psychological burden to kill!

   But while Gilgamesh and his party waited for the ship to approach, things changed again!

   They saw the pirate ship chasing the world government. A figure jumped up and jumped directly onto the world government ship.


"help me!"

"Let me go!"


   Then, a faint scream was uploaded from the world government ship to the ears of Gilgamesh!

   Regarding this, Gilgamesh's faces were pale, but nothing changed!

   One side is the pirate, one side is the world government, no matter who is dead on both sides, it is the same for them.

   It's been a while!

  The faint screams stopped.

   "It seems to be over!" Gilgamesh murmured, making a judgment in his heart.

   And just now!

   Suddenly, an unknown object flew out of the government ship!


   Immediately after drawing a perfect arc in the air, the unknown object slammed directly at Gilgamesh and the others.


   Upon seeing this, Gilgamesh subconsciously stretched out his hand and directly grabbed the unknown object coming towards them.

   At this time, Gilgamesh could see clearly what the unknown object was!

   is a corpse!

   To be precise, it is the corpse of a Draco!

   Immediately, Gilgamesh fell into silence.

  ? ? ?

   What kind of ghost development is this?

   Why are there bodies flying over?

   Why are there dragon people here?

   When thousands of doubts arose in his mind, a dazzling flash suddenly interrupted Gilgamesh's thinking.





   Immediately, a series of flashes appeared, squinting Gilgamesh's eyes involuntarily!

   But in just three seconds, the flash disappeared again!

   At this time, another figure jumped up on the ship of the world government and jumped onto the ship of the pirate.

   Then, before Gilgamesh and others could react~www.wuxiaspot.com~The five pirate ships turned around and left!

   Seeing this, Gilgamesh looked at the corpse in his hand, carefully recalled the flash of light just now, and suddenly realized something---he seemed to be framed?

   That flash is clearly the light of photography!

   The light of photography, the body that suddenly flew over, this combination...

   is not framed what is it?

   Thinking, Gilgamesh is a little broken!

   This Nima!

   Who did I provoke?

  Walking on the main road...Oh no, on the road to the sea, were all framed?

   At this time, several people around Gilgamesh also recovered.

   "This... is framed?" Iskandar looked at the corpse in Gilgamesh's hand and asked hesitantly.

   "Well, it must be!" Altria said quietly.

   "If I didn't guess wrong, this should be a premeditated frame-up!" Shaka said calmly, "From the situation just now, this is not like a temporary intention, but like a plan for a long time!"

   After finishing speaking, the four of them fell into silence!

   was silent for a long while, and the four of them suddenly looked at each other, and then said in unison, "Chasing!!!"

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