Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 991: Very rusty

The breeze smokes!



On the blue sea, a ship was driving and pushed away the waves, while seagulls hovered over the ship and sang, everything seemed so beautiful.

But at this time Luffy and his party on the ship were all silent, and the atmosphere was very depressing.

Everything experienced in the Whiskey Peak was like a dream, illusory and real, so that the five of them didn't know whether to be lucky to survive now or to be angry with their incompetence!

"Okay, don't do this, everyone. It's just a small failure. No big deal. The real strong can stand up no matter how many failures they have experienced, but they won't be depressed by one failure!" Luffy He stood up, grinned, and a big smile appeared on his face.

Hearing this, the other four people couldn't help but raised their heads and looked at Luffy with surprised eyes!

They didn't expect that Luffy, a simple-minded person, could even say such reasonable things!

At this time, Luffy's voice changed, he patted his stomach again, and said with a smile, "Of course, the main thing is that I am hungry now! Sanji is going to cook, and I'll be in a good mood after a big meal!"

While speaking, Lu Fei's stomach made a cooperating sound.


There was another silence on the boat!

Sure enough, I said how a simple-minded person like Luffy could say such reasonable words. I was so hungry and wanted to find a reason to start a meal!

Thinking about it, Nami couldn't help holding her forehead, showing a helpless look.

This pit cargo captain is really doing things that make her regret getting on the ship all the time!


Suddenly, the same voice from Lu Fei's belly came from her belly, but Nami's cheeks couldn't help but flush.

"Um... what... Sanji, I think we should have dinner." Nami's cheeks flushed and she was babbling, her words were a bit unfavorable!


Taking a deep puff of smoke, Sanji stood up with a smile on his face, and said in deep thought, "In this case...then I will show my skills and make a table of delicious meals and use food to make us forget That unpleasant thing!"

With that, Sanji rolled up his sleeves and walked toward the cabin!


Upon seeing this, Luffy jumped up happily!

At this moment, after watching the scene, Sauron and Usopp looked at each other, Sauron consciously walked to the deck, did push-ups upside down, and began to practice crazy!

As a swordsman, Sauron allows himself to lose, but he does not allow himself to be lazy after losing. He must redouble his efforts to train and strengthen his strength to defeat those who defeat him!

And Usopp didn't say anything, walked directly into the cabin, and started to study in his room!

Although he is cowardly and afraid of death, there is one thing that other people who are also afraid of death cannot look at!

That is to know the shame and then be brave!

After experiencing an ordeal, he will always find ways to improve his abilities and improve his weapons, so as to avoid experiencing the same thing again next time!

In this way, the five people walked out of the depressed atmosphere just now, and each started to do its own thing!

After a while!

Sanji made a table of food!

"Okay, let's all come to eat!" As he put the last plate of cut fruit on the table, Sanji smiled and greeted the others to eat.

Immediately, he greeted Nami in particular, and said, "Miss Nami, it's time to eat! I made a glass of orange juice for you!"

"Come, here, my stomach is really starving to death!"

"Well, here comes it!"


"Thank you!"


After the four people responded, they also put aside the things at hand and came to the table!

"I'm going to start!"

Luffy, who was already hungry, said with a smile, he unceremoniously picked up a big chicken leg and gnawed it!

Upon seeing this, the other four also began to eat unceremoniously!

Just when the five of them were having fun!


A roar of motors suddenly came from the side of the ship!

Subconsciously, the five turned their eyes to the place where the sound came from!

next moment!

Wearing a black tight leather jacket, wearing a black cowboy hat, carrying a black school bag, tall, with long hair fluttering, riding a very cool black unknown vehicle, the beauty who looks very sassy appeared here In their eyes!

Before the five people could react, the beauty suddenly pressed her hands and pressed down the front of the unknown vehicle she was riding, and then reacted, controlling the unknown vehicle to jump up!


Finally, the unknown vehicle hit the deck of the Golden Meri!

"Everyone, borrow your boat for a break, no problem, right?" The beauty smiled and looked at Luffy's group!

At this time, the five Luffy talents reacted!

"Wow, it's so cool!" Lu Fei couldn't help but ran to the unknown vehicle and exclaimed as he touched it!

"So handsome!" Usopp looked at the beautiful women and unknown vehicles, smacked his lips, and couldn't help but sigh!

"It's okay! Borrowing a place for beautiful women to rest is what a gentleman should do!"

But at this moment, Sanji didn't know when he had already arrived in front of the beauty. He acted like a gentleman. He stretched out his hand to give a kiss.

But the beauty took a step back, smiled, and silently refused his kiss gift!

Upon seeing this, Sanji put away his hand casually!

"who are you?"

At this moment, Nami stood up and asked, frowning.

Compared to the other three, Nami doesn't care how shabby or beautiful this beauty is~www.wuxiaspot.com~ All she cares about is who this woman is!


The beauty smiled and introduced herself, "My name is Robin, Nicole Robin! An archaeologist who pursues true history!"

"Wow, an archaeologist who is looking for real history, sounds so cool!" Lu Fei immediately became excited.

"Yes, yes, it sounds really cool, just as cool as a brave sea warrior like me!" Usopp on the side touched his chin and nodded in agreement.

"Then Robin, do you want to join our adventure group? It just so happens that we don't have a historian in the adventure group yet!" At this time, Luffy seemed to have thought of something, grinned and invited.

Robin was taken aback for a moment, seeming to be shocked by Luffy's sudden invitation, but then she smiled, but agreed briskly, "Okay!"

Now it's the turn of the others on the ship to be dumbfounded!

It's no surprise that Luffy suddenly invited them. Basically everyone has experienced this experience, but Robin agreed so simply that they hadn't thought about it!

You know, they all agreed to board the ship after being infected by Luffy's blood!

At this time!


A small hand shuddered on Luffy's head.

Immediately, Nami said angrily, "You idiot, don't invite others aboard casually! This will cause trouble to others!"

After that, Nami turned her head and bowed to Robin, apologizing, "I'm sorry Miss Robin, our captain has caused you a little trouble! If you don't want it, you really don't have to force it!"

As she said, a gleam of light flashed deep in Nami's eyes!

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