Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 996: At the beginning

   In the next time, under the control of Inoue Yousuke, waves of resources, funds, munitions and other things were quietly sent to the mountain country through the secret channel established by passerby!

   As for this, while Tleike was excited to accept it, he also asked the members of the resistance organization to step up their training!

   However, at the same time, as the most powerful person in the mountain country, Sherlock Fokker also got some news!

  City on top of the cloud!

   In a mansion near the palace that is no worse than the palace!

   "What? Recently, a large amount of funds, materials, and arms have been sent to the kingdom?"

   Nearly eighty years old, Sherlock Fokker, fertile, gray-haired, and fierce, lying on the recliner listening to the news reported under his hands, couldn't help but sit up, frowned and asked!

   "Yes, this batch of funds, materials, and munitions are very secretive when they are delivered. If our brothers underneath are not sufficiently cautious, then we won't even be able to find any clues!" His subordinates respectfully reported.

   "Then, have you found the whereabouts of this batch of funds, materials, and munitions? Do you know who got it?" Sherlock Fokker asked quickly.

"I didn't find it! The shipment was too secret. We just found a clue. Someone seems to have discovered our whereabouts. The clues are broken. Now we only know that it was sent to the city of Yunding. Who doesn't know!" The subordinate shook his head and said.

   The clue is broken?

  Fokker looked embarrassed a bit, but he didn't let his anger spread on his subordinates either!

   These subordinates have been with him for many years, and he knows the bottom line. He knows that his subordinates must try their best to do it. Now he still hasn't found it. It's just because of his ability. It's not a passive sabotage!

   "But, by the way, who made such a batch of things come in?" Fokker thought, and several characters flashed through his mind, all of whom were the leading characters in the Mountain League except him!

   is the most hopeful person after him to inherit the position of the leader of the mountain alliance!

   It can be said that these people have reasons, and are capable of carrying such a batch of things in without his eyes!

   "Wait, could it be him?" Fokker thought, and another person's face flashed in his mind!


  Fokker knew that his nephew seemed to be very submissive to him on the surface, but he had already had the intention to get rid of himself in private, and even secretly formed a resistance organization in order to get rid of him!

   But after thinking about it, Fokker eliminated his nephew!

   He knows this nephew too well!

  Although he has the ability and means, the problem is that he knew what this nephew thought from the beginning, so the monitoring of this cheap nephew was strict and strict, and he never let this nephew disappear under surveillance for more than an hour!

   "Let your subordinates check first, and then let the surroundings strengthen some defenses!" Fokker thought, and in the end he could only make such a decision!

   Without knowing who the opponent is, although I don’t know what and why this batch of things are delivered to the city of Yunding, Fokker can only calculate with the worst plan!

   It was this batch of things that were transported to the city of Yunding in order to hit him!

   Because of this, he was going to order people to search and let people be more prepared!


   And following Fokker's order, in the next three days, the residents in the city of Yunding clearly felt that the city of Yunding was different from normal times!

There are more soldiers patrolling the streets, and the streets are also full of those sturdy figures, a pair of eagle eyes scanning everywhere, as if looking for something strong, which makes the city of Yunding a little more depressing, and more of a kind The mountain rain is coming and the feeling is full of wind!

   "What should I do? President Huasheng, our actions seem to have been discovered!" In this regard, Trek approached Inoue Yousuke overnight and asked anxiously!

   "Don't worry! This is normal, after all, such a large number of things, even if we are strong, we can't completely hide it! Anyway, he has not found evidence, and he can't be sure who sent the things in!"

   "Now we just need to hold our feet, and then you can let the people under you master the arms, and finally kill Fokker and it will be fine!" Inoue said calmly.

  Tlake listened and nodded after thinking about it for a long time.

   For now, he can only do this!

"Yes, yes! Many of my soldiers who are retired from the army are secretly recruited by me. They are quite familiar with munitions. As long as they are given some time, they will be familiar with them soon. Then we will win!" Trek seemed to comfort himself, but also panicked like an explanation.

   Immediately, without waiting for Inoue Yousuke to say anything, he immediately said again, "Now I have to go back quickly, otherwise it would be bad if Fokker's people find out that I am missing!"

   After finishing talking, Trek turned around and left in a hurry!

   While watching this scene, Inoue Yousuke couldn't help but shook his head.

  Tlake has ambitions and means, but he is a bit indecisive, afraid of this and that!

   But, Yusuke Inoue can understand this too!

   After all, Duke Fokker has controlled most of the power of the Alpine Kingdom from the time Tereck was born.

   And this situation didn't change until Trek became the throne. Instead, it got worse. Duke Fokker had more and more power, and the king of Trek became more and more like a decoration!

   In this case, Trek will inevitably cast a shadow on Duke Fokker!

   Therefore, he will inevitably hesitate and worry about dealing with the Duke of Tereck!


   just like that for a while!

   During this period of time, the people in the city of Yunding found that the feeling of the rain and the wind was not dissipating over time, but it became more and more intense as time passed!

   Almost all the people in Yunding City feel that something big will happen next!

   But they couldn't tell what was the specific big event, they just felt that something big would happen!

   And on this day...

"Chairman Huasheng, everything is ready! Things are going smoother than I thought. It took less than twenty days for the group of veterans under me to become familiar with the arms!" I found Yousuke Inoue again and said with some surprise.

   "Just right!"

Yusuke Inoue pushed his eyes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and smiled slightly, and said, "The people under me have already figured out the patrols, guards, etc. where Fokker is located, as long as we come together. A surprise attack will be able to solve him!"

   "That's great, do it!" Trek said happily.

   "Well, let the people under you prepare, let's act tomorrow night!" Inoue Yousuke agreed.

   Listening, after Trek nodded, he didn't say much, then turned around and left the room impatiently, and went to prepare!

   At the same time as he left, Terek couldn't help but burst into a bright smile as if he had seen the final victory.

   Well, he has been waiting for this day, it's been too long!

   From teenager to middle age!

   From ignorance to ignorance, I waited forty without confusion!

   He even thought that he would have to wait until Fokker died, and when he was gray-haired, he would have a chance!

   But what he never expected is that the world is so wonderful and the opportunity comes so suddenly!

   For this, he naturally has to seize this opportunity!

   He doesn't want to wait any longer!

   "It's time to prepare well..." Looking at the back of Trek leaving, Yusuke Inoue pushed his glasses, put his hands in his pockets, and said with a little deep meaning.

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