Above the Seven Towers

Chapter 79: Mysterious guest

After the faint black man was dragged to the corner by Evelyn, Xiao Chen, who had completed the detonation work, quickly flashed in.

He pulled open the hood on the head of the man in black, revealing a plain face below.

It was a middle-aged man in his forties, with an inconspicuous scar on his side and short, linen hair. He does not look like an imperial man, but such people are everywhere in the kingdom and southern city-states.

At this time, Evelyn also completed the search for his body. She said to Xiao Chen in the bridge of the soul: "The weapon is a pair of short swords. It looks like an agile warrior, with a defense ring and a talisman on her body. And a pair of enchanted bracelets, although they seem to be good quality magic props, there is nothing that can be identified. "

"Let me come and see what's in his head." Xiao Chen put a palm on his head and launched the dream trial magic. With Xiao Chen's current ability to release such magic, ordinary masters can no longer resist. After the man in black, who was motionless, started his magic, his eyes began to move up and down in his closed eyes, and his body began to shake quickly. After a while, a painful expression began to appear on his face, and his head began to shake violently, as if someone was beating him.

"What's wrong with this person?" Evelyn had never seen such a scene and couldn't help asking.

"His consciousness was tortured in a dream." Xiao Chen touched his nose. "This guy is quite stiff, and he still refuses to reveal his way. The last two times I used the version of Yincaodifu, Did n’t even ask for enough fame. This time it ’s changed to six reincarnations, and it does n’t look very easy to use. Is it possible that it will become Western **** next time? ”

Evelyn didn't quite understand what he was whispering, but it can be seen from the way the man on the ground kept struggling that this guy had suffered a lot.

Luo Ling was watching the dwarves of the Black Rock family and the remaining men in black. Occasionally, when they did not pay attention, they released one or two fears, so that the newly stabilized dwarves shouted in panic again.

The dwarves running around the field, the rocks that were still falling around, and the dust caused by the landslides, so that the few black men who scattered and fled did not notice that their companion had lost one.

"Stop it for me! No one is allowed to run around!" The leader of the Black Rock family roared loudly while picking up the long sword with the scabbard, and began to beat the dwarf soldiers who were still running around. Not all of these people were enchanted by Luo Ling's magic. Many people's panic actually came from the herd effect, and they were constantly transmitting fear to each other.

So when some of the most violent guys were overthrown by the officer and his bodyguard, the situation gradually came under control. And the black men who were scattered began to gather slowly towards the middle.

Luo Ling lowered her hand, and when everything calmed down, her methods were easily discovered.

"Xiao Chen, are you okay?"

"It's almost that. After experiencing the hungry ghost, this guy finally spoke. I still need some time."

"There is no time. If you don't want to startle the snake, it's better to end in two minutes. Otherwise, they will find a flaw." Luo Ling said.

"It's about to come. Can you drag it down a little longer? I have to erase his memory of the trial."

Luo Ling frowned slightly, she searched in the field, and finally gave a magical power to a dwarf maid hiding behind the carriage.

"Ah !!! Snake!" The maid screamed, attracting everyone's attention.

When the dwarf officer looked at it, he was furious and rushed over to pull out the sword. The sword cut the maid's throat. The dwarf girl snorted and fell down, covering her throat without even screaming. The dwarf officer's sword was like a thunder on the ground, frightening the dwarves who were still in a panic.

"Whoever yells again, this is the role model!" The dwarf officer shouted.

The dwarves around saw that the officers drew their swords and killed them and finally calmed down, standing silently one by one.


"Now start to clean the stones in groups of two according to the usual team, no one should be lazy! The king is in front, we are still waiting for the past." The officer shouted there.

A black-robed man glanced at the dead dwarf maid and asked, "Is there anyone in the dark who made her yell?"

The dwarf officer said: "It's normal to see snakes here. She shouldn't disturb the army. Is it something you found abnormal?"

The man in black robe obviously didn't care about the life and death of a dwarf maid. He shrugged: "No. But to be honest, my perception in this tunnel is very limited. I can't even see things clearly."

"Relax, the humans you worry about are still far away from us, they can't catch up so quickly. Today's things are just accidents." The dwarf officer said firmly.

On the other side, Xiao Chen has ended his magic. "Okay, just throw him out. I have asked all that I can ask. If there is more, this person will not know."

"Do we need to catch other people to interrogate?" Evelyn asked.

"There is no chance now." Xiao Chen said, "unless we fight, but this is not necessary."

Evelyn wrapped the man again with an invisible cloak, and threw him to the place where he should have just arrived.

Luo Ling sighed: "I just wanted to distract them, I didn't expect to kill the dwarf girl."

"It's not to blame you. We can't be responsible for the brutality of our opponents." Xiao Chen said.

"I know, but she still died because of me, maybe I should choose another target."

"do not think too much."

"I know, do the right thing."

Xiao Chen also sighed. At this time he had nothing to say.

"What are we doing now?" Evelyn broke the silence.

"I got some interesting information. Let's evacuate here first, and don't disturb others first." Xiao Chen said.

They allowed the dwarves to clear the passage, and evacuated themselves to a fork on the side, where they met the Rockman who had been waiting there.

Luo Ling asked: "Who are these people?"

"You must have guessed that these guys are people in the Temple of Wisdom and the Temple of Death." Xiao Chen said.

"Temple of Wisdom? These guys have disappeared since they were pitted by you last time and have a fierce battle with the Temple of Nature. It has been a long time since I heard their movement. Why is it coming out now?" Road.

"They only received an invitation from an important person in the dwarf kingdom this time before they came to the dwarf kingdom. As for the purpose, it seems that they want to destroy a certain target."

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