above the sky

Chapter 106 The Voice Of The Heart (510)

People are born to listen.

As a baby, listen to your parents for guidance.

When you grow up, listen to your teacher's teachings.

As an adult, listen to your boss's instructions.

Listening is the fastest way to understand a person and the most convenient way to approach a person. Listening can be understood, approached, tolerant, and naturally known.

If it is said that the essence of man is the sum total of all his social relations... Then the voice he makes and the voice he hears is a huge net that weaves his "shape of man".

And can hear all the voices on this net, can weave cobwebs to hear more voices, can crawl on the net of sound, and listen to the person who is floating in the invisible wind.

A person who can hear the "Voice of the Heart" in addition to the "Voice of Reality".

Perhaps, it is the person who can get to know one person after another at the fastest speed.

"Welcome to patronize, only two pfennigs are needed today."

Wearing a fortune-teller's robe, the smiling Weggs said these words to one after another who were suspicious but full of expectations. The man's dark green pupils were deep, and his long black hair like seaweed was spread out, covering half of it. face.

Two pfennigs, no more and no less, can buy a long loaf, though not a big steak.

Who will take out this money, just to let an untrue fortune teller say a few ambiguous words?

The answer is many.

"Sir, can you calculate my recent emotional fortune?!"

A young sailor with bloodshot eyes and freckles looked at him expectantly.

A simple child who can see through the worries at a glance.

"Well... this gentleman, you must have encountered some troubles recently. At this time, you can't be anxious, just ask and follow up. Sometimes keeping a distance and a sense of boundaries can calm down the feelings of both parties."

The young sailor suddenly realized, paid and left with a grateful face: "Yes, yes... that's right, thank you very much!"

"Hmph, I don't know where the little white-faced liar came from. I tell you, I have seen people like you a lot. If you have the ability, you can figure out what dinner I had yesterday!"

A sturdy fisherman with a dark complexion and a beard snorted and roared and stared at him.

The self-righteous and inferior person, the guy who can't get satisfaction without attacking other people, the marks on his teeth and the taste in his mouth have the answer.

"The grilled octopus with mashed potatoes is made by this tavern. Besides, I drank a lot of wine. But I don't think this one needs divination, and everyone can see it."

Amid the laughter of others, the drunk fisherman gritted his teeth and his face was flushed, but he still paid the money and left angrily: "What... tsk, huh, it's just luck! Isn't it just two pfennigs, take it!"

Next, there is, there is.

At a glance, he knew that things were not going well recently, and he was pressing the depressed porter.

Anyone who can guess is a craftsman apprentice who is studying hard recently, but not progressing well.

A boss with a bad business; a father who worries about his children's education; and a painter whose arrogance is rejected by many.

Their voices are all shallow and easy to hear.

It is easy to understand without the use of psionics.

If you want to perfunctory them, you don't need to use your brain at all. You only need to say a few ambiguous words, say some big truths that the public knows, and vaguely comfort them. Everyone will feel that they have gained something and understood.

Even, really have the courage to solve the problem.

That's the power of voice...a fake voice that can bring real courage, real power, and real information.

After hearing the voices of thousands of people, you can know people's thoughts; after understanding the laments of thousands of people, you can understand the vision of most people.

Weggers wanted to hear the private voices of others because he wanted to know the thoughts of the most intimate people in theory.

Because of this ardent desire, he awakened the psionic energy called 'The Wind in the Wind' and was accepted by the Imperial Royal Academy of True Knowledge. After a long period of study and research, he became an apprentice of the Knights of the Patrol due to various circumstances. .

until now.

It has to be said that possessing the psionic power that can hear most of the private conversations and the voices of reporters who have been imprinted on it is really a wonderful match for a patrol knight.

It is precisely because of the psionic power that can both eavesdrop and partially read minds that Wiggs can become a full member of the Knights with a status of less than the third energy level.

Just like now.

In just a few days, through private contact, touch during divination, ordinary exchanges and handshakes, and seemingly close-to-the-people gestures, the black-haired knight has spread his 'spider silk' all over Port Harrison.

He can set specific keywords, set up a 'special list' that needs to be focused on, and collect the information he wants from the spider web all over the city all the time.

In recent days, Weggs has been hanging out in taverns, docks and markets around the world.

Sometimes, as a fortune teller.

Sometimes, as a passing businessman.

Other times, as mercenaries and wandering knights.

From different angles, different classes, and different aspects, they buried their own cobwebs and listened to every sound in every detail.

Port Harrison's rating? This kind of small work he did on the first day.

The fact that Viscount Grant was worried that he was someone sent by the current emperor to take his place was really funny to him.

It's not that Viscount Grant is amused, because the suspicion of the other party is actually true - that 'Soil Keeper', the current Emperor Axel, does have such an idea.

If Viscount Grant did not do well, he had considered to control this future important maritime trade port in his own hands, so as to avoid future mistakes.

Weggs was amused by himself.

Because, even if the emperor thought so, it would not be his turn to replace Viscount Grant.

Not a turn, a former apprentice of the most wanted criminal in the history of the empire.


He can do great things.

Whether it is to completely eradicate all the resistance forces in Nanling, or to find clues to the extremely rare fifth-level titans or ancient dragons; whether it is to independently develop the most advanced floating engine in the capital of knowledge, or to the royal family. Present an Apocalypse Armament...

As long as these great achievements are achieved, even the most notorious people will be respected, turn the tide.

Of course, in addition to these impossible things, there is an easier way.

That is, to find the person who caused him to be ignored by the royal family, alienated by his colleagues, shattered dreams, and the source of his current pain.

his guide.

The most wanted criminal in the history of the Setar Empire.

Former commander of the Knights of the Patrol.

The right hand of the Black King.

The man who is revered by all enemies and called the 'Indestructible City'...

- Hilliard Lessie.

Only by finding him can the source of all this suffering be resolved.

"Teacher, you are hiding quite deep."

In the dimly lit room, Weggs slowly opened his eyes, and the pale white psychic fluorescence slowly converged: "There is no clue on the surface - there is no sudden appearance, tall outsiders, and no tourists who hire people to go out to sea. , In recent years, there have been no incidents of wicked people being punished or local gangs being attacked..."

"You have learned to be smart, or you haven't stayed in the city... But if you have really been here, there must be clues left behind."

"And I've caught a few clues."

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