above the sky

Chapter 108 Perception Potion (710)

The perception-enhancing potion is theoretically a potion that can only be refined by an elite alchemist. It has the effect of enhancing the five senses, and even enhancing the 'sixth sense' in a short period of time.

It is said that even ordinary people who take the medicine can tell who the person is just by the sound of footsteps. If someone points a bow and crossbow at them a few hundred meters away, the user can easily find the direction of the attack.

When exploring the labyrinth, the perception enhancement potion is a must, because without it, it is difficult for ordinary adventurers to find those deeply hidden traps and enemies, let alone to scout and even ambush those powerful guard beasts.

And elite alchemists, their status in Terra Continent is almost equivalent to the second-level sublime.

An alchemist of this level needs to learn alchemy for more than ten years, pass the professional certificate assessment, continuously refine more than five bottles of high-quality elite medicine, and must also write an original alchemy thesis. Published in large academic journals and get enough grades.

Its depth of knowledge is almost equivalent to the high school chemistry knowledge of the earth!

"Of course, there is also some Origin Quality knowledge unique to Terra Continent... but it's not difficult."

Ian doesn't think alchemy is easy, nor how difficult it is. After all, high school is indeed the most knowledgeable time for most people, but for him, a professional who has become a habit, mastering these other world knowledge , two years are quite sufficient.

It is nothing more than ordinary operations such as transformation of the four attributes, transformation, sublation, fusion, and condensation... No matter how difficult it is, it is not something he can learn now.

Today's Ian, as long as there is a formula, can try various methods to refine this level of alchemy potion.

When refining pharmaceuticals, the most important thing is the formula and materials, followed by the tools, and then the refining method.

It is not difficult to find the materials for the perception enhancement potion. In the final analysis, it is only the first energy level, which is more difficult to refine in ordinary potions.

In the past two years, when Ian went out for training and hunting, he has collected a lot of scattered related materials, and the quality is still quite excellent.

As for the tools, there is really no way, only the crucible and the silver stick.

Originally, according to the orthodox method, a distillation flask and an air condenser should be used to purify and condense the sublimation liquid of the medicine, and the purified liquid obtained at the end is the real perception medicine.

This is a fatal injury, because the purity of the lack of suitable tools is not enough, it will cause extremely serious drug poisoning, affect the efficacy of the drug, and may even induce distortion.

However, if the alchemist himself is also a sublimator, and has extremely exquisite alchemy techniques, then everything is easy to say.

"Okay, leave it to me next."

When Ian had successfully assembled all the elements in the material, and when the top layer of the crucible condensed a layer of clear and transparent liquid, Hilliard shot and took over the work of Ian.

His hands lit up with the brilliance of the essence, and the invisible hand directly made this layer of clear liquid float, and many black and light gray impurities were directly removed during the floating process, and finally poured into the crystal medicine bottle on the other side. It became a bottle of transparent liquid that shimmered slightly with pale white fluorescence.

"This is the perception-boosting potion."

Wiping the sweat off his head slightly, Ian let out a breath.

Don't look at what he just seemed to be just an ordinary pinch point to put the medicinal materials on time, and then keep adding water and stirring, in fact, the process is far from simple.

Just as cooking requires attention to the heat and the right seasonings need to be added at the right time to have the best flavor and texture, so does the alchemy potion.

The size of the heat, the amount of purified water, the strength and timing of the material stirring all need to be carefully controlled. Otherwise, the soft tofu will become old tofu, or even broken tofu, and the soft, waxy and fragrant braised pork will also change. Into a hard meat rubber.

Not to mention, alchemy requires more precision than cooking - alchemy can't have the right amount, a spoonful, a little and a little!

Hilliard's cooking skills are decent, but he doesn't know anything about alchemy, so he can only assist in the purification in the final step, and the rest can only be watched by Ian's performance.

"good quality……"

Looking at the fluorescent potion in his hand, Hilliard couldn't help nodding in admiration: "Although it's just an ordinary perception potion, it has done the best - Ian, how did you do it? The quality of this potion almost made me think It's the master shot!"

"The answer is psionic power!"

Ian answered without hesitation, and it was.

From the beginning of refining pharmaceuticals, he opened the vision of precognition, paying attention to the color changes and shades of the pharmaceutical mist in the crucible.

As a result, it requires countless trial and error timing and timetables. For Ian, it has become a game of stepping - he only needs to abort the operation when the color is the thickest and deepest, about to become lighter, and proceed to the next step. .

Of course, this doesn't mean finding a refining method for alchemy potions from scratch. After all, there are too many possibilities. Even if he can predict the future trend, he can't be sure that the trend is the result he wants.

However, Ian can optimize almost all alchemy potions with formulas!

The effectiveness of the Predictive Horizon has been verified in every alchemy experiment in the past two years, making Ian very confident in his progress in alchemy.

The formed perception-enhancing potion appears dark blue and purple in the vision horizon, which is already the limit.

After all, all its materials are just ordinary alchemy materials, and only the concentrating grass is a sublimation material.

Naturally, Mr. Hilliard's purification is also the key to improving the quality.

"Ian, there's no need to be so urgent."

Looking at the potion in his hand, Hilliard hesitated for some reason. He frowned slightly and said softly to his disciple: "No matter how pure the potion is, it will be a little poisonous. I will investigate slowly, at the latest two days. Weggs will be found within days."

"Two days is too late, we must not cede the initiative to others."

Ian took the potion from Hilliard, the ten-year-old boy was much taller than two years ago, he stared at the potion in his hand: "I know the teacher may be worried about me, after all, if the situation changes, you It's okay to leave, but Elan and I can't, so want to be cautious."

"So, because of that, I had to be proactive."

In this regard, Hilliard can only be silent, his students are so smart and decisive, he can only give his opinion.

What's more... this is what he wanted to do.

The only concern is Ian's safety.

"Don't worry, teacher, I have a plan."

After speaking, Ian didn't hesitate, closed his eyes, and directly poured the hot potion with about fifty degrees in one mouthful.

In an instant, a fiery force burst out from the abdomen, and then spread all over the body like lava, and finally gathered in the head.

Immediately afterwards, it returned to coolness.

For a time, the sides of Ian's forehead lit up with bursts of pale blue fluorescence - he opened his eyes, and the psionic light that was much brighter than before flashed in his eyes.

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