above the sky

Chapter 110 Bribery (910)

The four major divisions of the Sequoia indigenous people are naturally named after the four totem masters, namely Mountain Tide, Sea of ​​Trees, Teng Lan, and Fog Nest.

Originally, the four major groups competed against each other, each occupying a place, attacking and killing each other, and they were very happy, until the imperial immigrant group stepped in and joined this happy family of mutual slaughter.

Undoubtedly, compared to the aborigines of the Sequoia forest who are entertaining themselves in small corners, the imperial people who fought against each other in the big world of Terra and many monsters and aliens and other countries are better at this.

They are professional!

Under the impact of the imperial knights with superb slaughtering skills, the warriors of the four major divisions were almost killed, one of the five totem masters died, and three were seriously injured. So not much damage was done.

Although the imperial immigrant group also suffered heavy losses, they still built fortresses, built city walls, established artillery units, built a solid network of towers and sentry towers, and firmly controlled satellite forts and villages and towns with continuous imperial support. The original offshore highland area was finally created today's Harrison Port.

In the past few decades, due to the emergence of powerful enemies, the four major ministries that were originally enemies of each other have a vague tendency to reunite... Now, the mountain tide department has completely integrated the forest and sea department, and the fog nest department lost its own totem because of the Lord, it only has the name of the four major tribes in name, but in fact it is just a slightly larger, special medium tribe.

Only the Tenglan Department, because they live on the sea, is very different from other aboriginals who live in the redwood forest. The totem masters worshiped are two giant eels, Teng Tide Spirit and Gulang Spirit. In terms of aspects, it is not inferior to the mountain tide department, which has the spirit of the mountain tide and the spirit of the sea of ​​trees.

But after all, the giant eels cannot land, so they are still at a disadvantage.

Originally, in the presence of a great shaman, the two divisions could still be reluctantly integrated under the authority of the great shaman.

But now, when the great shaman and the spirit of the mountain tide are both seriously injured and recuperating, the Tenglan Department, which has been vaguely suppressed by the mountain tide department, has a different heart.

"...Viscount Grant has secretly reached an agreement with the Tenglan Department. As long as the two giant eels do not block the merchant ships and help drive away the surrounding sea beasts, they are willing to help the natives to build a sea caravan and trade with Canaan Moore and Whale Song Cliff together... "

"As long as the Tenglan Department is willing to join the empire, Viscount Grant is even willing to apply for the qualification of an 'autonomous region' from the empire for them!"

Whispering softly about the information he had heard, Weggs was full of incredulity at this time, and subconsciously exclaimed: "No wonder Port Harrison has been vigorously developing maritime trade recently - he is really talented!"

To be honest, Wiggs originally looked down on Viscount Grant...a country noble, so what if he was at the same level as himself?

It's nothing more than a family-owned Aether Armament, and when it really hits, he's not afraid of the other party at all!

But now it seems that the other party is really good at governing the territory and combining vertical and horizontal. They have united the indigenous group without making a sound, opened up trade routes, and even slowly traded the power of these indigenous people. Slowly digest and absorb!

He also has multiple psionic abilities, and he cannot compare with the other party in terms of professional governance.

But here is the problem.

——Could it be that the aboriginal invasion was really a play between Viscount Grant and Teng Tide Department? !

Weggs frowned in thought.

On the surface, the natives integrated all their forces and concentrated on launching an all-out attack on Harrison Harbor. As a result, the Tenglan Department did not work hard, not only the totem master did not move, but even the sea beasts did not drive away, only the mountain tide department suffered heavy losses, resulting in a silence on one side. , a party goodwill to Port Harrison.

The Tenglan Department, who already had a blood feud with each other, joined forces with the new enemy, pitting the old enemy, and now it is about to turn the enemy into a friend, I am afraid that the life is extremely nourishing.

And Viscount Grant's hard work in defending the city also highlights that the situation here is difficult and it is impossible to change the lord. For the sake of stability, the Imperial City can only continue to send strong support and continue to support him, Ayers Grant, as the governor!

Won hemp. Viscount Grant has won twice, Tenglan has won once, they have been winning all the time, only Shantiow has lost!

"In this case, the income of the Teng Lan Department is a bit small. It doesn't look like a partner... Maybe it's the Viscount's trick. It seems that we can't underestimate anyone."

Weggs, who wanted to understand the whole line, twitched his eyelids, and now he felt a terrible headache: "It's no wonder that these scouts don't want to take me to scratch my tongue - now is the honeymoon period of Port Harrison and these natives, dare to violate this The general trend, the relationship between the two sides may not be affected, but they will definitely be severely punished by the Viscount!"

Speaking of punishment, it is not surprising that the whole family was killed, and it is not easy to threaten these scouts with their own lives.

"Forget it, let's go."

The knight reluctantly took it back and motioned the scouts to get out of the way: "What the heck, it's really poor mountains and bad waters that make troublesome people."

Although he still has some doubts about the script of 'Viscount Grant hooked up with the Tide Department of Tenglan Department's Ankeng Mountains two years ago', it is impossible for these scouts to lead him in the current situation: "Go back and tell Viscount Grant to reassure him, I won't say anything, I know the rules, let him give me 800 talers, and then I will give him 500, and I will give him an excellent rating."

"Don't worry about what I say, this is my knight's nameplate and seal. The evaluation form is in the mezzanine of my room's luggage. Let the Viscount write his own comments and return it to me together with Thaler."

To tell the truth, this kind of frontier nobles and military leaders who secretly colluded with barbarians, raised pirates, and deceived the aid of the imperial capital, there are not one thousand but eight hundred.

Originally, the imperial capital thought that such a brutal killing in Port Harrison could not be a fake, so the assistance was extraordinarily sincere. I didn't expect the Grant family to play very well.

It must be a credit for the report, and the Grant family will definitely be transferred by then. After all, Harrison Port is only given to them by the late emperor to command and manage, not an 'actual fief'... This place, in theory, is still directly under the imperial capital.

But why did he do it? Not to mention the feud, maybe within ten minutes of these scouts returning, Viscount Grant will bring his escort, artillery and aether armed down from the sky, and will kill him at all costs!

It's better to take bribes on the initiative, everyone has a handle on each other, and they expose each other - this is also normal, eight out of ten nobles do this, and the other two are seducers.

Eight hundred talers is indeed a huge sum of money for ordinary people, but for a patrol knight like him, it is only a year's basic salary, not much and no loss, sincerity.

"Yes... my lord..."

The scouts looked at each other in disbelief, and then slowly backed away—of course they knew things were going to be difficult now, although I don’t know why the patrol knight guessed that they were strictly guarded secrets, but in any case, they It's definitely going to be a pain in the ass.

The other party asking for bribes is actually a kind of redemption.

Immediately, all the scouts retreated and dispersed, and soon disappeared into the vast forest.

Only the black-haired knight stayed where he was, frowning.

Now it seems that it may not be the two giant beasts blocked by his mentor?

"But it's not right."

Wiggs murmured to himself: "If Viscount Grant is so powerful, where does the power of the Redwood natives come to threaten Port Harrison?"

"Although the logic makes sense...but the intelligence is still insufficient."

Shaking his head, the knight's brows eased.

His original idea was to go to the Tenglan Department to grab a tongue and find out why their two totem master behemoths did not dispatch during the indigenous war two years ago, and cooperated with the mountain master to attack Harrison Port.

But now, it is no longer necessary.

"Forget it, let's place a few 'marks'."

Shaking his head, Weggs will not be lost because of this. On the contrary, he now has a new speculation.

——Since Port Harrison’s secret relationship with the natives is not bad, there must be a lot of smuggling and trade in private.

My mentor didn't deal with the imperial people, but maybe he had contact with the natives?

"Go and plant a few marks and see if you can get some new information from the natives."

Now that Viscount Grant has started hooking up with the natives, he shouldn't have any problem going around.

"Hopefully I can gain something."

Thinking of this, Weggs set off and arrived at the western coast of Nanling.

The blue sky is like washing, the blue sea is surging, the gulls spread their wings in the sky, and the fish are wandering in the sea.

The waves of Cuibi lap quietly along the coast in the wind, and it is so beautiful that anyone who sees the South China Sea for the first time will be shocked by its charm and be moved by it.

Originally, Weggs, who had just arrived at the coast, wanted to be amazed.

But the scene on the coast made him completely uninterested.

It was a feast.

An Aboriginal feast.

Once, a 'feast' with other 'people' as food and tied to the grill!

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