above the sky

Chapter 128 Echoes Of The Past (13)

Today is destined to be a sleepless night.

The sudden battle of Ascenders in the afternoon, and the first large-scale thunderstorm in early summer that followed, made everyone from Viscount Grant down to the most common port residents terrified.

The continuous thunder and lightning flooded half of the night with strong light. Even though all the residents had long known that the big storm would not come back so early, the sensitive nerves of the southerners still prevented them from sleeping peacefully.

So did Elder Purd.

Port Harrison, Elder's Hall, in the office on the second floor, the old man stared at the night rain and cloudy clouds outside the window, Ellen breathed gently in his arms, and was already asleep.

The young boy of Bai Zhimin had his head pressed against Pude's beard. He didn't move his head away, but turned his head to the side, counting the darkness that shrouded the world over and over again.

As the light flickered, he gradually fell into a loss.

Pude Cehalorvo, once a member of the Cehalorvo family, the child of one of the thirteen elders.

He spent his childhood in the care of a powerful family, and the teenager was alienated by his peers because he lacked a father. The dwarf hybrid is not discriminated against by the family itself, and is discriminated against only for the simplest reason-he had a beard when he was a child, and his low stature did not continue to grow taller when everyone developed.

Those who are different are abnormal. The alienation and teasing between children are so simple. If it is not for the strict ethnic rules of the white people, bullying is also a normal thing.

He is different from others.

Pude knows this and accepts it. Although he does not inherit the blood of the people of the mountains in the true sense, he has the advantage of the opponent's tenacity and composure, or, in other words, rough nerves.

Pudd is well aware of his incompatibility, and he doesn't care about the little things.

His parents ignited the spark of love because of a thrilling adventure, but they were separated because of the long distance between the Empire and Gantrigham. The mother did not remarry but concentrated on the study of the ruins, and the father also seemed to disappear in an underground adventure. Probably into the embrace of the earth.

The seats of elders are not inherited by blood, and the number of elders is not fixed, but is assessed according to the achievements of family members in all walks of life.

He is just an ordinary white citizen, he is keen on adventure, and the family is vaguely alienated from him, so he simply goes out with the family's expedition team to explore each large or small area on the earth - he never tires of it, This is probably the best place where the blood of the parents merges.

There is nothing wrong, the competition within the family has nothing to do with him, and there is no need to worry about power and politics. If he can continue to explore in this way, until he is buried in the earth like his father, it may be a good ending.

until that day comes.

Lightning flashed by the dark window, and the old man's eyes seemed to flash past fragments.

At that time, it was also such a dark rainy night, the imperial capital was thundered with lightning, and the stargazing tower connected to the sky merged the lightning into the top of itself, releasing a psychic field that calmed the wind and rain.

He was returning from a distant exploration, and no one came to greet him. This is a normal thing - his mother was obsessed with the ruins of the pre-era civilization in the underground of several large labyrinths, and every day, except for sleep, she was sorting out data. , analyze data, and even need a servant to help send it into the mouth.

But this time, he unexpectedly heard his mother's excited call when he opened the door. It was an unprecedented joy that came from his heart, and the congratulations and cheers from the communication device made Pude understand that the family should It is another key that has broken through a large group of relics, and can go deep into the core of the labyrinth and seek the truth and heritage in it.

The Cieharorvo family was born because of this. They are experts in labyrinths and seekers of relics. Behind them are the Academy of Gnosis, the Royal Alchemy Society and the Stargazing Tower, and the imperial military is also secretly giving them convenience.

Even the supreme 'pioneer' Emperor Inaiga, who led the empire to prosperity, was very concerned about their research progress and generously gave a lot of resources and funds.

Carrying so many expectations and finally succeeding, naturally there should be such cheers.

"Your Majesty will love it!"

And at this moment, Pude heard his mother's self-absorbed muttering: "Eternal life - this is the beginning of eternal life!"

eternal life……

With a blink of an eye, the aging Bai Zhimin elder recovered from his trance. He withdrew his gaze from the night rain and gently stroked the back of the Bai Zhimin child in his arms.

The old man was very gentle, as if he was afraid that his rough hand would wake him up... Haha, when he was young, he didn't understand why his mother and everyone were so excited about this word, but now he is old, but he understands a little.

"eternal life……"

He whispered to himself, chewing on the word: "What exactly... what kind of immortality?"

"It was clearly stated that it was to be presented to His Majesty as a birthday gift, but the furious His Majesty denounced it as extremely evil. It was a mistake within a mistake, an unforgivable sin."

"And why did the family and mother willingly confess their guilt, and were swept and exiled without the slightest resistance?"

Although it is impossible for anyone to resist His Majesty's majesty at that time, resistance is even more impossible, but a confession from the heart... This is another matter.

Pude closed his eyes wearily: "The merciful majesty, why must almost all the ascendants of our family be executed, and the elders are not spared, even ordinary people..."

"What did we do wrong back then?"

All these memories were like echoes, repeating in his ears again and again, and his mother's words in the communication later echoed with thunder.

【This is the mystery of eternal life! 】

[We... can't be greedy, can't monopolize, this is a gift that should be presented to Your Majesty! 】

【If you are someone like Your Majesty, if you are a Holy Monarch like Your Majesty, you can live forever…】


Echoes of the past echoed in my ears.

Until the rainstorm gradually subsided, and the thunder gradually ceased.

Pud is just Pud now.

Elder Pudd of Port Harrison.

People in exile without a surname, those who are not allowed to seek the past, those who have lost all glory.

"Ian, if you're really that one's disciple...if you're a true prophet."

The old man closed his eyes and said to himself wearily, "Can you find the answer?"

The moon and stars gradually dimmed.

Dawn rose quietly.

Pudd, who closed his eyes and snorted, was awakened by a sudden knock on the door.

Even Alan in his arms woke up because of this, raised his hand and rubbed his eyes.

Although he didn't react for the first time, Pude's heart suddenly began to beat violently. He could hear the owner of the footsteps, and he knew who the other party was.

He did come back... steady on his feet, seemingly unhurt, he came back smoothly and safely.

"Come in." Holding back his excitement, Elder Pude said.

So it is convenient to open the door and come in.

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