above the sky

Chapter 134 The 2 Inheritance

"Can it transfer the source material structure?!"

Upon realizing this, Ian's breathing even stopped for a moment in astonishment.

But soon, he understood what the silver chip could do: "Wait...let me try!"

At this point, Ian can't fully control the ancient dragon core, but it's not difficult to just stop its automatic operation and let himself power the silver chip instead.

It is not difficult to know now that Hilliard used his own core to power the silver chip, so even if the two were transferred into Ian's body at the same time, they still spontaneously cooperated with each other.

Even, there is a vague trend of integration.

Ian stopped this trend, he was keenly aware of what it meant that the silver chip could imprint the sublimation organ essentia structure and make it continue to function.

"This means that I can transfer part of the essentia structure to the chip...reduce the load on my essentia?"

Some thought to himself in disbelief, the boy took a deep breath, he was very clear that these were just guesses, he had to prove it before he could continue thinking: "The structure of the teacher's core cannot be used for experiments, only my own Sublime organs."

"Let me think...which sublimation organ's source material structure is less important?"

Some questions don't require thinking at all, just ask them, and the answers are obvious.

"Crystal bone of reef-devouring sea otter - part of the aquatic essentia contained therein."

Without the slightest hesitation, Ian mobilized the Origin Seed without hesitation, controlled his Origin Essence, and made a 'cut' on his sublimation organ.

This is a kind of self-defeating martial arts, but it is a painful but beneficial move for those ascendants with a bad Elemental structure in their bodies - theoretically, Ian should have been in Hilliard's long ago. With the help of separating the water element in the crystal bone, this is the foundation used to deceive Viscount Grant after all.

After the excision, if you want to have it again, I am afraid that you have to really eat the potion in the true form of the wave chant and risk the risk of distortion.

This is also a big risk, but for Ian, who has already guessed, it is worth taking a gamble. After all, according to the tradition on the Terra continent, he will not really start practicing in true form until four years later.

It hurts, it hurts too much!

The pain of the essentia being cut off is no better than the pain when the silver chip was connected to the nerve just now, not to mention that Ian lost the foundation of his water essentia forever. It felt like a piece was missing in his heart. The sublimation organ is even more dilapidated, and it will take a few months to slowly repair it.

Enduring such pain, Ian did not expel the cut essentia structure from his body—in theory, these cut essentia structures would mix with his blood and part of the metal-based flesh to form sublimation elements similar to crystals. It can be sold for money as a sublimation material.

He controls the source material, and 'orders' the silver chip in his body to contact these source material structures.

The silver light contacts the pale blue essentia.

Then it was a moment.

Different from the slow fusion of Gulong's core, in less than a blink of an eye, the water element structure that Ian cut out by himself was imprinted on himself by the silver chip.

Immediately afterwards, Ian sensed that after cutting the sublimation organ, the emptiness and dilapidation of instinct disappeared in an instant.

——He has returned to integrity, once again possessing a certain amount of power to control the water element!

"This feeling……"

Ian muttered to himself in surprise, he raised his hand and pointed to the kettle beside him - Elan brought him a small bucket of water, and there was still half of it left to drink.

And just moments later, a water column the size of a finger jumped up from the bucket.

This is already the limit. If it is a real wave chant, it only needs to chant a single light, and there will be enough water to overwhelm a wooden house from the lake, sea and river, but when they really sing, even the huge Sailing boats can be propelled.

The ability to control the water that the reef-devouring sea otter has is the limit.

But the point of the question is not here at all.

It's the point of 'the source quality imprinted by the silver chip can also be freely controlled by him'!

There is a limit to the sublimation organs and source material structures that a person can hold - the more the number, the more consumption. At the same time, there is a limit to the size of a person's body.

A powerful sublimator may accumulate more energy in one day in order to maintain the sublimation organs in his body than a low-level sublimator can accumulate in a month or even a year - if you turn yourself into a giant in order to have more sublimation structures , then he can only be consumed by himself alive.

Maintaining the balance between the two is a problem that every sublimator needs to consider.

However, for today's Ian, this is not the case.

Because, the source material structure printed in the silver chip... As long as it is not used, there is no need to maintain the source material!

It is a system that is completely independent from Ian's body. It does not need to participate in the physiological activities of Ian's body like a sublimation organ, so it does not need to consume anything. Only when it is used, it needs to consume energy to activate.

Just like an inscribed inscription circuit, as long as the inscription is completed, it can be stored, filled with light ink when needed, and run again!

"More than that."

Staring at his hand, Ian's eyes were not only hot, but also calm.

The young man said solemnly: "I can even... have another bloodline or a true form!"

In the final analysis, the true shape of the bloodline is essentially a super biological transformation using special technology from another world for him, an engineer in the elementary interstellar era. The complex source material structure composed of chips, a kind of 'sublimation hardware and sublimation software' bound to the 'host' of body, life and thought!

There is only one set of hardware... In theory, there can only be one set of software. After all, people are not computers. Replacing software is not as simple as depleting the life of the memory.

But now, with a silver chip, as a 'second host' and a 'second hardware', can't he load another set of potion's source material structure, that is, a second set of 'sublimation software'?

The size of the silver chip, it seems that even the Gulong core is enough to bear, at most, the speed is a bit slow, and the potential is not insufficient.

With any potion that Ian can obtain today, it is impossible for the silver chip to be unbearable.

And when the silver chip imprints the second set of the source material structure of the true shape of the bloodline, he will have two sublimation powers without suffering any distortion!

"Also, I can delete the source material structure printed in the silver chip at any time...I don't even need to delete it. As long as the silver chip can grow in the future, can I use multiple sets of sublimation power at the same time and replace it as needed?"

"In other words, when my body can supply this source of energy, use multiple bloodline true forms at the same time?"

Having roughly grasped the known abilities of the silver chip, Ian calmed down completely.

He closed his eyes, thought about his future, and looked in the direction of Ellen.

The golden halo lit up, causing the young man to be in a trance, as if he was back in the past, back to the day he first met his teacher two years ago.

So his eyes became firmer.

"Is the true form of the Wave Chanter... there is no need for disguise."

Standing up, Ian had already made a decision in his mind - in a few months, when his titular uncle 'Osenna' dies, he will act.

Since Elder Pude has already collected all the potions for the Wave Chanter, there is no need to waste time. The sooner he masters it, the better.

sad? hesitate? miss?

pain? wait? at a loss?

Ian doesn't need either.

- His life, his mission.

- His plan to change the world.

From now on, it's just the beginning!

"But now."

Frowning slightly and rubbing his stomach, Ian can't help nodding: "I have to eat first."

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