above the sky

Chapter 136 The Appraiser In The Bad World

It has been three months since the patrol knight code-named 'Liuyin' 'mysteriously disappeared' in Port Harrison.

In fact, since a year ago, the caravans from the imperial capital and even from the western provinces have continued one after another, making the Viscount grin with joy.

Abundance of materials, all kinds of strange creatures, monster materials and sublimation plants of unknown value... All these elements make eyesight more and more important.

The reason for the interests in the middle is not clear at all, because no one intends to make it clear. In short, before the two major alliances compete, the empire does not need to worry about the day when the united Constructed Knights will traverse the North Shore Plain, because They'll beat each other's dog brains out first.

Today, the rich products in the Great Redwood Forest and Nanling Coast can finally be sold in large quantities through the channel demand for preparation materials.

If that's how things go, things are headed for the worst in theory.

Brother Ian Ellen, several neighbors, acquaintances, and the elder Pude of the White People participated in the brief and simple funeral. Elder Pude, who had no children, announced that he nominally adopted the two brothers Ian Elland until Ian was fourteen years old.

Only the Governor of Port Harrison, who defeated the natives, the uncrowned Lord of the South Ridge Coast, Viscount Ayers Grant, has such channels and strength.

Indeed, he is still reclusive, withdrawn and indifferent, but he has given up on black mushrooms, and occasionally helps his neighbors to repair their houses, so he can be regarded as a qualified white citizen.

A ten-year-old boy.

The Empire and Flying Flames are in full swing. Of course, the Imperial Capital has no energy to care about such trivial matters as the death of a second-level peak patrol knight in Port Harrison...

As Viscount Grant said, the Imperial City did warn Port Harrison severely at the beginning, but after receiving a video tape sent by a passing friend who did not want to be named, the punishment that would have been there was no follow-up.

In a banquet of old acquaintances, Elder Pude heard the Viscount boast of his well-informed information-the imperial capital and the Grand Duke of the West had a little conflict. Support, but the other party thinks that Duke Thorin's lion's mouth is simply insatiable, and he really gives it. What is the difference between Duke Thorin and the independent king?

Rather, it's better to die! This man must have been killed by Archduke Thorin!

But in fact, its true essence is a strange object appraisal shop that has obtained the imperial appraisal qualification certificate.

So, a few days later, an unmanned building in the new urban area in the west of the city ushered in its new owner.

And just the second week after the funeral, Ian and Elder Pude visited the Viscount House.

——You can't build it if you don't build it, let's see who is panicking!

As the executive chairman of the Thirteen Nations Alliance of the Flying Flames, the leader of the Nemathas Alliance, the 'Tengsha King' Braun Nemathas asked the other party to surrender part of the jurisdiction of the fortress group, or hand over a huge amount of business to them security deposit.

Those who know the value of these things can easily accumulate wealth.

And now, the Abbasalom Alliance has opened up the mountain road between the two mountains. Whether it is trade or war, the initiative is in the hands of the Abbasalom Alliance, which has a better and closer path. It is obviously bad news for the Nemathas Alliance, the leader of the land. How could they accept it?

It is not only the subsidy, but also because the cooperation between Harrison Port and the Tenglan Department has been quite effective.

And Archduke Sorin could not be willing to be slandered. He angrily scolded the imperial capital for using his name to eradicate the last remnants of the turmoil in the past, slandering his reputation, killing two birds with one stone.

But how could the other party possibly accept it?

The bigger the fight between the two sides, the better. The bigger the fight, the more parties need to stand in line. Before standing in line, a fringe like him can take advantage of the situation to get some subsidies.

In recent years, there has been no war between the Empire and the Land of Flames. The caravans of the two sides have passed through the desert to communicate with each other. The benefits are amazing, and the power of the Nemathas Alliance has become stronger and stronger.

Fleet fishermen became rich, hunters and herb gatherers became rich, and merchants naturally became more.

This is obviously bad news. If the imperial capital and Duke Thorin really throw the blame on each other, and no one cares about the western defense line, then when the flaming cavalry is running on the Great Plains, waiting for the southern provincial cities such as Harrison Port, it is Trade was completely interrupted, isolated from civilized society, and can only wait for the outcome of the surrender of the kingdoms of the flames.

On the surface, it is just a grocery store under the Shiraishi Fleet, and it also sells some low-grade alchemy bases and inscription tools, which is in line with the atmosphere of the new city, which is dominated by alchemy workshops. The practice of getting a piece of the pie in the new city.

In this case, the real supporters behind it naturally cannot be the white room fleet on the surface, or even the white people.

'Shiroba Groceries'...that's the name of the newly opened shop.

The countries of the Nemathas bloodline were the main opponents in the confrontation with the empire across the desert in the past, and the countries of the Abbasalom bloodline supported them in the rear, which led to the Nemathas Alliance being the dominant voice in the alliance of the nations.

And the owner of this small shop is the young white people psionicist named Ian.

Viscount Grant is not a very smart person, but he really understands the empire.

—— They are all Terrans, and they are all human countries. There is no reason for the empire to be rotten, and the flames will not be rotten!

This proposal is not too outrageous... After all, it was Nemathas who fought and defended the country back then. So many people died and paid such a huge price, and it was finally peaceful. In the end, you Abbasalom came to pick peaches?

You don't have to think about the reason at all. You can find seven or eight at random. Is it true that you don't know how to make it up?

After a cordial and friendly conversation, Viscount Grant decided to strongly support the young white people's idea of ​​starting their own business, cultivate the professional standards of potential young people, and contribute to the future development of Harrison Port.

After all, people really didn't kill him, and it doesn't matter if you call a psionicist for identification. Everything has nothing to do with him, and Bishop Bai Wu of Huaiguang Church can also testify.

There is no objection, no doubt.

Rotten, rotten on both sides.

And from many unseen rare catches, rare beasts and sublimation plants that have never been hunted and collected, there are also more and more as the control area of ​​Harrison Port expands.

——I thought it would be sad when the aid was interrupted, but I didn’t expect that there were so many subsidies and caravans!

Some people became rich overnight, some people lost treasures, some people sold the incomparably rare Yuanjin pearl for the value of a few Bison, and some people sold this pearl for thousands of thalers.

He died next to your sphere of influence now, and it was you who killed him, don't think about sophistry!

Although in the past, he was a complete rotten person, but in the past two years, people have greatly changed his mind.

That's what Port Harrison is today, and what's been going on for quite a while.

It was at this time that Orsenna, the white citizen, died of aberrations, which made people sigh with embarrassment.

It is impossible for the imperial capital to admit this - the streaming knight Weggs is loyal to the monarch and patriotic, and is inseparable from the chaos of the past turmoil, and even personally killed many criminals who collided with the imperial court in the past. , a good helper to the people, a good example to all the knights of the patrol!

His life is very expensive, he has to pay more!

——If you don't give money, you won't build a fort!

But, the good news is that there is trouble over there too!

Just as the imperial capital and the grand duke of the west were arguing, the two bloodlines of the two kings who ruled the upper and lower flames respectively, the Nemathas Alliance and the Abbasalom Alliance, were fighting for the leadership of the fortress group.

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