above the sky

Chapter 149 Some1 Can't Fly, Who Is It (24)

Ian's own fundamental inheritance is the top true form of the fifth energy level, the "Unmoving Fortress".

This is a heritage that is biased towards guardian knights, with a tough body, strong defense and almost inexhaustible endurance. It has good combat power in the early stage and is very comprehensive.

In the later stage, it can also shake the earth and mountains, cut out with one sword, and even open up cliffs and rifts, which can be called the sword of the cliff.

But if Ian is to judge by himself... if you don't move the city, it will be strong, but...

Slightly bulky.

For example, it is some kind of earth beast that can't fly!

Are you saying it's strong? too strong!

But the immovable fortified city is the same as this earthly beast.

——This inheritance cannot fly.

Ian knew very well why there was such a great advantage and why there was such a big disadvantage.

Because, in the final analysis, his own teacher, Hilliard, was a 'Royal Guardian Knight' by profession.

And his former titles were the 'First Knight of the Empire', 'The Indestructible City' and the 'Emperor's Shield'.

You can tell what role and identity he is by looking at his professional name and title... He doesn't need to be comprehensive.

A knight who guards the emperor, does he need any mobility? If he really wanted to put in combat power, some of the other auxiliary sublimators flew him over, or even a group of people flew him over.

All he needs to do is to use the most expensive and rare ancient dragon materials to fill the basic attack and defense and skills - as long as he stands by his emperor, he is undefeated!

Searching for the enemy, tracking the air, and chasing them in the air are meaningless. They only need to be used as a shield to protect the target.

Some of your weaknesses are made up for by others.

Not to mention, in the continent of Terra, the emperors and kings of various countries must also be first-class powerhouses, and the Emperor Inaiga, who was loyal to Hilliard back then, was even more famous for his unprecedentedly powerful psionic energy.

The combination of these two can be regarded as the strongest combination in the world.

But now, let's not say that Ian doesn't have an emperor who provides this inheritance bond bonus...

Even if he regards his younger brother Elan as a guardian target, he does not have an entire Royal Guard Corps to assist him.

Therefore, the inheritance of not moving the strong city has changed from a super-standard, almost invincible guardian inheritance, to a special advantage inheritance with great advantages and disadvantages.

This obviously does not meet the needs of teenagers.

But fortunately, Ian is not Hilliard either, and needs to suppress the Ice Prison Tribulation Ash.

With a silver chip and capable of rubbing the second inheritance source material structure, he can make up for his weakness by himself.

In other words, the true form of the 'Wave Singer' who is not powerful in theory and is only regarded as a 'distant sea support' and has a certain fighting power in the water.

In fact, the true form of the wave chant doesn't have much to say. It is nothing more than controlling the water flow with sound waves. When in the water, it can help Ian control the water flow, making up for the defect that the immovable city does not have the slightest mobile lifting ability.

Not to mention, the high-pressure water flow can also be used as a long-distance water cannon through the special nozzle made by condensing earth and stone.

Moreover, the sand armor apprentice who was supposed to sink into the water can also be pushed by the wave chant and become a heavy warhead that can move freely in the water.

With the physical quality and defense of the sand armor apprentice, as well as the sea mobility driven by the wave chants, Ian is not afraid of any kind of natural disasters except for big storms - ordinary storms can't affect the people who can dive hundreds of meters deep in the sea at all. he.


The real improvement of the Wave Chanter is that Ian can use it as a springboard. At the second energy level, he can switch to the fairy bloodline and gain a certain degree of suspension and flying ability!

Yes, Ian has been thinking about it for a long time in the past four years, and finally decided to use the 'fairy bloodline' as another advanced route for his future inheritance.

And he also found a safe and feasible goblin potion formula with the help of the vision horizon and the silver chip.

Incredible as it may sound...but in short, it's mostly Elam.

"This potion formula will definitely be used by Elan in the future!"

Every time Ian optimizes for his own special situation with the help of the goblin potion formula left by Hilliard, he will take the ignorant Alan to his alchemy workshop and let the little boy drink the juice, Waiting for him to gesture at him with a potion formula from time to time.

Elan naturally doesn't care. After all, my brother will cook delicious food in the evening, and he has no idea that he has become a deduction tool for the prophet to predict the future research method.

"Blue...Blue...Red...Well, it seems that this idea is not good, it is indeed too radical."

Most of the potion formulas that Hilliard knew were of higher energy levels and lacked low-level 'springboards'.

Most of the materials needed are extremely rare.

Not to mention, his formula hasn't been updated for decades, and no matter how advanced it was at the beginning, it still can't keep up with the times.

All in all, the strength may be okay, but it is definitely not cost-effective.

With his professional alchemy knowledge, Ian can probably calculate the low-level formula requirements from the high-level inheritance formula left by the teacher, but most of them are only 'white' or even 'gray'.

In other words, you can barely advance, no matter how much you don’t dare to think about it, I’m afraid it will be directly distorted.

Ian's physical strength is not unlimited, and calculating the specific share of the potion formula is also very complicated. I often try seven or eight times a day, and most of them fail. I can only summarize experience.

But after three years of unremitting efforts, he can be considered to have deduced the complete and enhanced version of the potion formula of the first and second level of the goblin bloodline, laying a solid foundation for the future of Elan.

In addition, he also modified his true form of the Wave Chanter to reduce conflict and backlash as much as possible, waiting for the future to be converted into a fairy bloodline.

Today, Ian has integrated the two heritages, and can switch without strikes, or even mobilize at the same time in a short period of time.

And by virtue of the source quality reserve ability of the ancient dragon core, he also accumulated many times more than the same level of source quality.

If it wasn't that the sand armored apprentice couldn't be easily exposed, Ian could fully claim that he was definitely the strongest in the first energy level.

And he is far from the second energy level, and it is only that the potion materials have not been collected yet.

"Speaking of which, if we can really get in touch with the Platinum Iridium Workshop this time, the potion material channel may be solved."

Thinking of this, Ian couldn't help but nodded: "It's too difficult to collect materials for a variety of earth-type monsters in the coastal area - I can't kill that old crocodile dragon in a short time, so I have to think of other ways."

At this moment, he has come to the inside of the wharf fishing market.

The Fish Market Wharf is still the same. Although the development of the last four years has made Harrison Port stronger, it is not so big that the place to buy food has changed.

Soon, Ian was familiar with the area of ​​the Shiraishi fleet. If nothing else, Sai Nan would play cards with a few old guys here in the afternoon.

But something unexpected happened - Ian didn't see Sainan here.

In contrast, the startled teenager saw the figure of his younger brother here!

The white-haired, pointed-eared Baizhimin boy was led by a figure and wandered slowly in the fish market, as if he was really shopping for vegetables.

And holding the boy's hand is also an acquaintance Ian is very familiar with.

"Treasurer Lamar?"

Ian frowned slightly, he was a little puzzled: "Why is he here?"

"And brought my brother to buy fish?"

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