above the sky

Chapter 163 The Meaning Of Inheritance (13)

The fifth-level sublimator has fifteen high-level sublimation organs.

Of course, some inheritance first energy levels have only two, and some first energy levels have four. Each of them has its own strong period, and the time points of core sublimation organ fusion and promotion are also different, but when they reach the final realm, they are all fifteen.

This is not the limit—occasionally there are some talented practitioners who can cultivate additional organs beyond these fifteen sublimation organs...for example, his teacher.

Ian listened to Hilliard's self-report and knew that he had sublimated nineteen sublimation organs in the past, which equaled the limit record of Terra Continent. Although there were ancient people in the past, but now there is really no one who came later.

And it was Hilliard, who had reached the theoretical limit, who acutely felt something at his peak.

——After the end of the road, there is still a road.

Nineteen sublimation organs are not the limit, the real limit of the fifth energy level is still above it!

Having said that, before he could officially try to climb a higher mountain, An Yue turmoil came.

In fact, even if these powerhouses who are trying to open up a path have cultivated their inheritance to a state where no one has ever come before, it is difficult for them to sum up a feasible plan to pass it on.

Because they can succeed because of adventure, good luck, coincidence, or because they are really talented wizards, and they use their talent to cross the ditch abruptly.

On Earth, it's really you asking 'why', and the genius has to hold back for a long time, humming and saying, 'Isn't this obvious? ’.

This kind of thing can’t be passed down, so even if you leave a seemingly detailed practice method, for the descendants, it’s essentially the same as ‘although you know the strategy, but your hands can’t keep up with your brain, and your brain can’t keep up with the plan’ .

Just like having a recipe doesn't mean you can learn to cook.

In addition, Ian actually probably understands why the number is fifteen.

The limit of sublimation organs of Fudo Fortress is the distribution of '3''3''3''3''3'. Each energy level cultivates three more new sublimation organs, and each energy level will add extra Elevate several sublimation organs to become higher sublimation organs until the fifth energy level is completed.

'3' is a stable number. The circulatory system composed of three sublimation organs is the perfect middle point that can make the source material run steadily without being too complicated. inherited.

However, if it is too stable, it will lose the power to move forward.

"The source substance circulation vein formed by the three sublimation organs is indeed stable and firm. Compared with the two sublimation organs that can only form one source substance circuit, only one more point is needed to form three. , but can get twice as much feedback, which is also the meaning of high-level inheritance."

"But what if a fourth point was added?"

"Turn the triangle-like source material circuit into a 'regular triangle'... from a plane to a three-dimensional, increase the three circuits to six circuits, and it is also stable and indestructible!"

The road above the fifth energy level, the road to the 'extreme realm', requires all five aspects of body, skill, soul, source quality and will to reach the peak before it is possible to touch.

Back then, Hilliard started from scratch, and sublimated his 'body', 'skill', 'soul' and 'source essence' to the extreme, and cultivated fifteen sublimation organs and four phase organs.

If, by virtue of the invincible power of the Setar Empire, when the empire entered the golden age, when his dreams and aspirations were achieved, he condensed a fifth phase organ and reached the five peaks.

Then Hilliard believes that he will undoubtedly step into the 'extreme realm', achieve the 'sixth energy level', and step into the realm of the earthly gods of 'true knowledge'!

This is the 'possibility' that Hilliard and Ian described at the outset.

Replace the distribution of '3' '3' '3' '3' '3' with the distribution of '4' '4' '4' '4' '4'!

Build all the triangles into a regular triangle!

A total of 20 sublimation organs were cultivated, and at the end, the 21st sublimation structure 'Extreme Domain' was condensed... This kind of inheritance is possible to surpass the fifth energy level!

It's just a pity that Hilliard himself did not succeed.

The empire declined again after the resurgence, and he also fell into the realm due to the robbery of the ice prison. He could only rely on the silver chip motivated by the psychic energy of Emperor Inaga to suppress the robbery and destroy the poison without any substance, and protect himself in the end. The 'Indestructible Core'.

But it doesn't matter.

Ian is still there.

The teacher walks the road, he goes to practice.

The teacher did not complete the inheritance, he completed it.

The teacher has not seen the scenery and the way ahead, he went to appreciate and explore.

That's what inheritance means.

"The fourth sublimation organ of apprentice Shakai, I don't have a clue yet, but according to the records left by the teacher, it should be the 'strengthening organ' in the aspect of strengthening the 'body'... We can work towards this aspect in the future."

Originally, Ian wanted to live a stable life and develop slowly. Although this was actually quite unpleasant for a teenager who wanted to witness various landscapes on the Terra Continent, he also knew very well that without a base and logistical organization, he would be alone. Adventure alone is not a pleasant experience, it can even be said to be torture.

As for why does he know? Bullshit, what space engineer isn't afraid to find out that they don't have all the repair parts when they're already in orbit for a mission?

Viscount Grant's plan not only allows Ian to join the channel of Master Gosse, but also strengthens the people of White and further relieves Ian's worries. He naturally attaches great importance to it.

However, the fourth sublimation organ of the Shakai apprentice is the top priority. Even if Ian has a vision of vision, he can predict the degree of successful completion...

But relying on foreknowledge to violently calculate, the time it takes is not as good as a good experiment.

For example... Experiment with the 'Legacy of the Wave Singer'!

"The Wave Chanter inheritance has only two sublimation organs, and the goblin bloodline requirement of the first energy level is three, which is why there is a risk of distortion when switching from the Wave Chanter to the goblin bloodline, which means that it needs to be generated rapidly in a short time. To produce a brand new organ is extremely difficult, not to mention, it has a huge load on the mind and body.”

"But I can try, in advance with the purpose of the fairy bloodline, optimize the inheritance of the wave chanter, and cultivate the 'third sublimation organ that should not exist' - just like what I will do in the future, cultivate the sand armor apprentice' should be The non-existent fourth sublimation organ'!"

Hand training is naturally an easy start, especially since Ian's legacy of the Wanderer is still on the silver chip.

Even if there is an accident, the big deal is to pay a little price to cut it, so as not to cause physical distortion, it is the safest way to prove it... Zhengkai is the perfect experimental carrier.

After making a decision, Ian intends to take advantage of the Ellen family and his party to 'solve' the internal problems, and to get his own 'Legacy of the Wave Singer Plus' before heading out to sea.

Just in time for the next battle and exploration, most of the time is in the sea. Ian also urgently needs to increase his water combat power without exposing the sand armor apprentice.

"When Elder Pude comes back, ask him for some materials to try."

Thinking so, Ian, who had already arrived at the door of the house, opened the door.

Then he was slightly taken aback.


The young Bai Zhimin boy was lying on the table, half of the scattered wooden boards and charcoal pens were cleaned up. His originally white and tender face was flushed, the heat visible to the naked eye was stagnating, and there was a somewhat painful look on his small face.

at the same time.

In the living room of the Viscount Mansion.

"Why did you keep me here, Ailes?"

Elder Purd knew that the business was over when Viscount Grant invited him to sit down and took out his treasured wine, and the next thing was a private social occasion.

Sitting on the sofa beside him, he rudely poured a glass of bee-mushroom wine with a strong aroma, and directly said the name of the viscount: "Good thing, this bottle should be at least one hundred and twenty talers, right?"

The golden honey-flavored wine is made from a sublimated fungus that lives in the hive. This fungus, called bee fungus, will host the bees in the hive, manipulate their bodies, build larger nests, collect More honey to feed it.

Bee fungus has a very high nutritional value, and the brewed wine has a very nourishing effect on the body. It is said that taking more can strengthen the regeneration ability and resistance to mental control. It is half an alchemy potion, and it is extremely precious, so it is of good quality. can be sold at sky-high prices.

"Three hundred. This is a treasure. It's made from a large beehive in the indigenous fog forest holy land. It's sold in the imperial capital. The price starts at five hundred thalers."

Viscount Grant took a sip lazily, and Elder Pude couldn't help but take a sip when he heard the price, then closed his eyes and took a big sip, after pondering for a long time, he opened his eyes and praised: "Sure enough, this taste is mellow and heavy, as if returning to the sweet. It's endless... I've earned it."

After the aftertaste, he looked at the Viscount curiously: "What is it that makes you celebrate like this?"

Viscount Grant slowly moved the bottle in his direction to ensure that his good wine would not be spoiled, and then shook his head and said, "It's actually very simple...Pude."

"I have children."

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