above the sky

Chapter 199: Bloodline S10cil (33, Thanks To The Leader Of Zhuo Yao For The Reward!)

The exploration ship adjusted its direction again and headed towards the far southwest sea.

From time to time, Ian opened the vision horizon, and with the aid of the instrument, fine-tuned the direction of the captain's progress.

The gloomy and thick rain clouds were stirred by the strong wind, and the dark clouds and mist began to press down layer by layer. Between the clouds and the strong wind, dazzling cyan lightnings intertwined into an intricate structure, which emerged on the other side of the southwest sea area, illuminating half of the distant sea sky. .

The storm got bigger.

The exploration ship sailed rapidly towards the far southwest sea, but there were still sea beasts chasing after the ship, which made the original crew members puzzled and a little uneasy.

"It's the bloodstains."

Ian didn't make a move, and Isengard discovered the reason. He noticed that some bloodstains on the ship were not removed by the storm. It was obviously some kind of secret hand of the natives: "We are locked by the local natives."

The bloodstains were swept away, but apparently it was too late.

"It's not just indigenous people."

In the captain's room, Ian calmly said to Master Gosey: "There must be a traitor within us - there is something similar to a signal on his body, otherwise, with our detection speed, the natives would not be able to detect it so quickly, and start it so quickly. Surround and pursue."

The captain was a little disturbed. Of course he was not a traitor, but apart from the professionals, the rest of the crew were his buddies.

It is precisely because he knows his crew that he is uneasy: it is not surprising that those lazy bastards are bought by others!

He doesn't want to be sat down!

"Have you found anything?"

Because Master Gosse's face was unexpectedly solemn, Ian asked.

The old man was silent for a while, and then said solemnly: "This thunderstorm... is not right. Ian, your observation ability will definitely not reach the clouds in the sky, but I can."

"Normal thunder is a natural discharge phenomenon, and it will only appear when conditions are met."

Lifting his head, Master Gosser looked at the continuous thunder in the sky, and said slowly: "But these thunders... are all motivated by the special psychic field of a certain creature."

Ian's eyes widened, and he understood what that meant almost instantly.


The old man nodded slowly, and there was no need to say the next words.

And the look of Ian looking up at the sky also became solemn.

——There is no doubt that the Zhanhai Crystal Dragon at the peak of the first energy level is probably advancing!

at the same time.

Luminous sea coast.

The huge crocodile dragon stepped on the reef, and six crimson dragon pupils stared at the direction of the impossible ship in the distant sea.

Torrential rain and thunder swirled above the luminous sea.

The great shaman Animu... or in other words, the crocodile dragon Animu, is meditating.

The secret technique inherited from the Sequoia natives can be combined with the shaman of the second energy level and the 'totem master' who has received sacrifices through the highest level of pure sacrifice, and become a 'beast with human wisdom and the power of magical beasts'. Shaman', gain long life and great power.

Theoretically, that's true... Shamans can indeed control the powerful bodies of beasts through secret methods, almost as if they were killing their homes, but their spirits will also be affected by the huge bodies of beasts, gradually swallowed by the instincts of beasts, and eventually become totem masters. The third energy level, obtaining the sustenance of self-soul and wisdom.

This is an exchange, a purer ritual - the shaman temporarily controls the body of the beast for several years, and the beast accepts their souls and uses these voluntary sublimators as fuel to shape their own souls and souls. Spirit.

The current Animu is both a big shaman and a crocodile dragon... In his mind, there are memories of several shamans who also integrated himself into the swamp crocodile dragon in the past, as well as the strong instinct of the crocodile dragon.

He was still able to restrain that stupid, savage, and unintelligent instinct to kill and hunt. But in a few years, he won't be able to control all of his body, and in a few years, he may even forget his name.

But that doesn't matter.

"Holy place..."

The crocodile dragon let out a low roar, and the surrounding mud and waves churned in response to the humming of this huge beast.

And the 'key' in the crocodile dragon is also churning.

The Four Keys of the Ancestral Holy Land, the Key of Water, the Key of Forest, the Key of Earth, and the Key of Mist.

Now, except for the water key in the hands of the imperial people, all the keys have been gathered.

The three keys vibrated in his body. It was definitely not only a physical shock, but also a resonance in the blood. Ancient memories were being revived from the shaman's spirit, and he felt a noble mission. It felt as if the light that ripped through the dark ages was lodging in the depths of his soul.

That's... their mission.

"Find the Holy Land, open the Holy Land..."

He whispered to himself, repeating the words that reappeared in the blood: "The Holy Land is the supreme holiness, the endless wisdom, the belonging and the end of our lifelong desire..."

"The Holy Land...is our salvation."

However, the Holy Land is gradually turning into a labyrinth.

It's part of the natural cycle. He knows this very well.

But the formation of the labyrinth also means the change of the Holy Land, which he cannot accept.

For no reason, his blood is angry, the will in the deepest part of the body is roaring, and the circuits of the ancient ancestors inscribed on the bottom of their souls and bodies tell him...


- Absolutely not.

——You, you must take out the 'core design' in the 'Land of Inheritance' before the 'Xenogeneic Ecosystem' takes shape.

——We inscribe such memory and thinking steel seals into our own blood, just to save the 'tinder'!

——Failure is not allowed... Absolutely not allowed, if you can't even do this... Then all the descendants of the Sequoia Base, and even all the creatures in the ecosystem around the Sequoia Base, should not exist!

"Failure is not allowed, absolutely not allowed."

Repeating the words in memory, the sanity of the great shaman gradually returned to clarity: "The spirit of the ancestors... I understand. No matter what means, I will take back the key from the imperial people."

"This time...as long as the person on that ship can be caught...the noble boy, Grant, no matter how reluctant he is, must return the key to me."

Sequoia and the foreign noble did not reach any agreement... The other party just informed some information, and was willing to pay the price to ask them to take action.

But right from the start, the Sequoias didn't need a price.

This is what they have to do...at all costs!

"And... not only that."

Closing the three pairs of eyes, the great shaman was immersed in his own predictions of the past.

——That boy...the white-haired boy back then, the current white-haired boy...

In the foreshadowing that Futaba of Foresight brought, there was no such boy. Never, he never appeared, as if he did not exist in this world at all.

But he exists - can, and continues to sabotage his plans!

Whether it was the shelling six years ago, or the raid not long ago... it was the same.

In the foreseeable future, none of the troops they sent would encounter anyone, and they returned to the camp in confusion but safely.

But the reality is that the boy of the white people who reappeared, beheaded all the soldiers, destroyed his cooperation plan with Flying Flame Land... and everything went wrong.

The great shaman could not understand this matter at all. He had no idea why the sacred object foresees Futaba giving wrong predictions... But just before going to sea, he figured it out.

In history, there have been similar incidents - two great shamans competed for power and profit with each other, they ate the foreseen Futaba at the same time, but neither of them could predict each other's actions.

"That child...perhaps, a prophet."

"Only a true prophet, a future-seeker who is truly sheltered by foreshadowing, can be unpredictable, unpredictable-as if it does not exist in the future at all!"

"Only a true prophet can make all the preparations, and with the strength of the first energy level, destroy the entire firearms hunting team!"

Expanding the blood-red eyes, the old man and the crocodile dragon let out a low roar at the same time.

- A prophet who wants to hide his identity? Ridiculous...your enemy is not me at all, but all your compatriots!

Wait, Prophet... Whether or not this attack is successful, your identity will be revealed to everyone in Port Harrison!

Yes, they may not believe... But a prophet who is suspected and guessed to be a prophet, how can he show his strength?

Moreover, he wanted to see how the Prophet could fight against absolute violence—the mere number one wave chant would never be able to defeat the net of heaven and earth that he had set up!

The crocodile dragon no longer controls the mud and stone, and it slowly sinks into the water.

A deep shadow lurked in the sea and began to swim rapidly towards the distance where the smell of blood came.

More than that.

Around Odell Reef, two huge and slender eel shadows also swam staggered towards the southwest like a spiral.

After a lapse of six years, the indigenous people came out again.

at the same time.

The west coast of Port Harrison.

Scott came to the beach, he followed Ian's instructions, opened the wooden box, and threw the contents into the sea.

Inside the wooden box was a strand of white hair with slight fluctuations in the source quality... He felt unexpectedly smooth, like some kind of fine silk.

And not long after he threw his hair, the loud sound of water came quickly.

The metallic silver dorsal fin rides the wind and waves.

An ironclad shark appeared in front of Scott's eyes.

The young city guard and the ironclad shark looked at each other, and both of them seemed to feel a little familiar... That was the breath of choosing to follow someone.

- That's amazing, when did Ian capture an Iron Shark?

"Although I don't know if it's reliable, but take it and give him this sword."

Thinking so in his heart and saying so, Scott threw the long sword wrapped in oilcloth to the ironclad shark, and the giant shark jumped up and took the long sword in his mouth.

Puff - it even wagged its tail as if to say goodbye before returning to the water.

Under Scott's watch, the ironclad shark rode the wind and waves, chasing the breath released by Ian all the way - that is the far sea in the southwest, the center of the Thunder Web.

In the same way, on the other side of the sea, a pirate fleet from the east has also set sail... Through the news that should be passed on, their sailing goals are equally accurate.

And Ian raised his head and frowned, he had a premonition of an inexplicable crisis.

"Is it coming? It seems that both natives and pirates are going to leave."

Although he knew the news for a long time, he was a little worried because he could only have a premonition of the crisis itself, but could not know the specific content of the crisis.

But soon, he let go of his brows.

- In any case, he has made all the preparations.

Even the worst, the future that even the prophets can't avoid, he is confident that he can get through it with strength.

The wind howled.

Many parties are converging, and the great web of conspiracy and mission has been intertwined.

------off topic-----

Recommend a friend's novel! "Look into the abyss"

As a poor, weak and helpless traveler, when the wheelchair hit him at a speed of more than 120 kilometers per hour, An Ran knew that her destiny had slipped into the abyss of madness...

But before that, he had to drag the guy out of the abyss and beat him.

Today's 8000 word update, thanks to the leader of Zhuo Yao for the reward! There is only so much for today, and there will be more tomorrow!

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