above the sky

Chapter 206 Xiti Naval Battle Armor (23)

The sea water in the storm is not cold, even with a hint of warmth.

And a naval battle armor that is not completely extinguished.

Full of confusion in his heart, Ian had a hard time understanding Patrick's action thinking: "Killing Ethan, or in other words, is it so important to let Ethan lose his identity as the heir to the Ellen family? From the point of view of interests, he is absolutely It's not right to do that."

"Your Ellen family's Aether Armament is a breeding outfit?!" He said in surprise and inexplicable: "Unbelievable! The strange things on Terra Continent are really endless, and that's all, the Aether Armament is nothing, they even came up with a detachable clone. !"

The pale blue steel giant and the dark smooth carapace faced each other from a distance across the sky and lightning.

Saying so, he raised the crystal sword in his hand and aimed the double edge at himself and his friend.

In that case, Patrick would not have to expose himself, and attacked Master Gosser at the price that he was bound to be exterminated by Marquis Ellen's wrath.

At this moment, the white-haired boy's heart seemed to sink into the deep sea.

The gloomy and gloomy clouds in the sky seem to be connected into one piece, and the distance between each other can no longer be distinguished. The thunder that is so dense that it is almost cobwebs is churning endlessly in the sea not far away, weaving into eddy currents.

"He actually acted in person--mistakes, didn't expect this guy to not act?"

The situation of Patrick's crazy attack cannot be said to have been predicted, but the teenager was indeed prepared.

The dull voice that came out from the Aether Armed · Zhenglan suppressed his emotions, and the calm tone that forcibly suppressed his anger was filled with inexplicable confusion: [Pat...why? 】


Take this as the final answer.

Yes. Patrick is sure to die—his shot will be discovered no matter what, because Viscount Grant has already set off with the Ether Armament, and the other party is not mentally retarded. You can see who did it by looking at the reaction of the source material.

Perhaps, Patrick, who is not wearing the etheric weapon, can't defeat the all-out master Gosey in a head-on battle, so he can only sneak attack when the old man is least defensive.

The man wrapped in the dim biological armor raised his hand silently, and he held the pale white mithril long sword in his palm—the next moment, the blue-white thunder with mithril as the core condensed into a nearly substantial lightsaber.

He didn't lose his ability to speak because of being overly shocked. Although Yisen's voice was still trembling, he heard Ian's question and slowly said the information he should say in a dazed tone: "This is a multi-attribute high level. Inherited by blood, it can control flames, lightning and gusts, and it is also one of the most suitable bloodlines for an alchemist..."



While thinking, Ian didn't pause at all, he was ready to run away - if a prophet wanted to run away, his plan would be unimaginable.

The labyrinth mutation caused by the 'Zhanhai Crystal Dragon' not only brought about simple abnormal weather, but also the changes in the entire sea area and even the South China Sea relics group.

He raised his sword and aimed it at his opponent and friend for decades.

At the same time, he also activated the gray ring on his right hand-the ring of silence shrouded the two of them, completely blocking all sound information from him and Yisen.

On the one hand, there is the silent silence that is as cold as the polar regions, and on the other hand, there is the fiery anger that seems to burn the sea.

As the water waves swept back like flying by his side, Ian found his target - a seriously injured old man who sank into the deep sea because he had too many instruments and alchemy equipment on his body.

There, the sky-blue streamer swept across the sky and cut through the clouds, like a sharp icy cold, shaking the thunder and rain together, and descending on this sea area.

In this way, he will surely die, whether it is the Viscount who kills him, the enraged Marquis Ellen who asks other traitors to deal with him in family law, or the Emperor Axel, who hears his grandson murdered, pronounces his sentence. The death penalty, as it turned out.

And Ian doesn't think Patrick can beat Viscount Grant.

"As for the black carapace... it is a sub-strain of the family's legendary ether weapon 'Dan Hua'. This is the supreme crystallization of our Ellen family's biological alchemy. In addition to the main body, it can also split into four sub-strains, which can be distributed to others except the owner. The four elders colonized and exerted a combat power that was close to that of the aether..."

【I understand】

——Will there be aether armed with self-will and intelligence, biological weapons?

【……why? 】

In other words, multiple deadly crises converge in one place, and Ian can't guarantee that he can see through every conspiracy until the last minute.

"Will there be bio-mechanical synergies? Or transform yourself into a sublimator of etheric weapons? To exaggerate..."

And Viscount Grant took a deep breath, but he laughed instead, the scales of the aether armed undulating as if alive, spewing a thick white mist: [Pat, I can only tell you one thing]

"...The Ellen family's family heritage is called 'Sky Stalker'... or, the bloodline of 'Erosing Light Refining Dragon'..."

Just like just now, Ian always thought it was the battle with the armor, the shelling of the pirate fleet and the possible flanking of the natives led to the emergence of the scarlet fog-in fact, it was true, if he and Gosey did not cooperate well, they would simply use Without Patrick's action, a single armor can make them in a hurry and even lose.

War is imminent.

However, the ability of a prophet cannot be perfect. Since Ian's ability to predict is perfect in other aspects, the lack of "content" is inevitable.

"As for what's so special about me..."

He traded his own life for Yisen's life... and this exchange, no matter how he thought about it, was absolutely not worth it.

[In other respects, I don't dare to make a promise, but you have never beat me in a fight...]

The source material was fluctuating, and soon, the big shark rushed in - Ian was crawling on the back of the shark, still holding the blond boy who was a little absent-minded in one hand.

"Ethan, what is the bloodline of your Ellen family? And what is that black biological carapace armor?"

The flaw of the vision horizon is here. Ian can see the future trend. This trend changes in real time, and even changes with his thoughts and the direction he wants to "see". It is a very intelligent and very real-time prophetic ability.

After taking Isengard into the sea, Ian did not hesitate to activate the power of Fairy Wings to control a layer of cavitation around his body to ensure that the opponent could breathe.

Taking advantage of the sharks speeding up to swim to get rid of the possible pursuers, Ian asked Isengard in confusion while guiding the direction: "Don't worry, Master Gosse is probably not dead, I'm asking the sharks to look for it - and I advise You tell me what is so special about you that you can make your uncle do his best, even at the cost of his life to let you die."

He didn't even destroy the low beam floating on the sea, but raised his head and looked into the distance on the other side of the sky.

The alien crystalline dragon is going through the first key point in his life, and it can even be said to be the most important transformation; the ancient totem sacrifices the spirit to the waves, and crosses from the sea of ​​rocks; Stealth, looking for his true target; and the two teenagers walking with the ironclad shark are also looking for the most critical breaking factor in the deep sea.

It was impossible for him to know what caused the 'bad' situation.

However, just as the Iron Shark was leading the two of them on a rapid voyage, Patrick, who was suspended in the sky, did not continue to pursue.

Fortunately, the other party did not practice the source organs like steel bones.

Having said that, Yisen was a little lost in silence, but Ian was too late to ask questions.

And at this moment, above the sky, the Dragon of Light Erosion, which controls the wind, fire and thunder, and the ruler of the sea abyss stared at each other, and the surging wind, thunder and water mist seemed to be intertwined.

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