above the sky

Chapter 213 I Am The Shark King! (24)

"One after another, pincer attack... It seems to be a desperate situation."

There were chasing soldiers at the back and interception at the front. When even Master Gosser was a little nervous, Ian calmed down completely.

He stared at the dark sea and sand clouds in front of him, predicting that his vision could see through everything, and locked on the crocodile dragon hidden behind the mud.

But it doesn't make much sense. Because these sea sand mud was originally the 'reducer' used by Crocodile Dragon to block him.

——As long as he enters it, he will be slowed down and entangled, and the key thrusters will be covered with gravel and dust, and he will be forced to fight with the crocodile dragon... But if he bypasses, he will be entangled by the giant eel rushing in a straight line. .

The simple and practical method can even be said to be a conspiracy based on real kung fu - in this case, the comparison is hard power, and whoever is weaker will die.

But sometimes, the solution to this conspiracy is simple.

That is to use the fastest and maximum speed and strength to slam into it head-on.

"Shark! Go sideways and hit that giant eel!"

Without hesitation, Ian didn't think it was a big deal to use the same trick three times: "Although it's dangerous, there should be no problem with your words! Their main target is me, run after you hit, don't stop!"

Going forward with the armor all the way, you can get out of the way early tomorrow and get rid of the iron armored shark pursued by the giant eel, and suddenly there is a feeling at this moment.

——That is, if it chooses not to take risks and leaves directly, it can indeed get the so-called 'safety'.

However, in this way, it will end up as a shark, and I am afraid it is only the first energy level... that is all.

They will be driven away by giant eels, chased by sea dragons, and bully some ordinary monsters, but they will also be spied on by more monsters.

Not going up or down, stuck here, very embarrassing.

Conversely, if you fight with the new boss by your side... Although it is extremely dangerous, it is very likely that you will die because of it.

However, there is an inexplicable charm.

A kind of excitement that attracts it and wants to choose.

If you want to bully others, how can you not take risks? The sapphire-like eyes of the ironclad shark flickered, gradually turning red, and it immediately turned back in an arc.

Sure enough, the Spirit of Tenglan didn't care about this iron armored shark at all - its goal was armor, and it was the order of the great shaman. How could this iron armored shark of the first energy level be placed in its eyes?

Therefore, the giant shark has plenty of time to charge and accelerate.

Then, like a locomotive, it was wrapped in a huge force enough to smash through a large ship, and it put its head on the rear body of the giant eel!

——————! ! !

In an instant, the unsuspecting giant eel was directly rammed into the wrong track, and let out a silent howl of pain.

It landed obliquely on the bottom of the sea not far away, stirring up a large piece of mud and sand, and even its entire body shrunk into a ball, losing the ability to pursue for a while.

Even the Great Shaman was stunned for a moment: "Iron Shark? But why..."

"Why does an ironclad shark dare to take the initiative to attack the spirit of the sky?!"

What he didn't know was that when Hilliard used one enemy and two to directly injure Qi Qi, who was slammed with two spirits, and returned to his old lair to recuperate... It was this shark who led the boat for the old man.


Although it is not as good as it is for the time being, this ironclad shark has never known what it is to be afraid!

——The creator is your totem master!

at the same time.

Just as the Iron Shark turned back and tried desperately to delay the Spirit of Tengland, Ian and the others also erected a wall of mud and sand clouds made by the Crocodile Dragon in front of them.

Ian opened the ring of silence, and opened its shielding range to the maximum, making himself and the armored existence disappear from the observation range of the giant eel and the crocodile dragon for a short time.

Then, under the control of the boy, the armored element engine roared with overload.

"Charge." He opened his mouth, and the power of Origin Quality urged and exploded.

- Buzz!

The thrusters in the lower body have already sucked in a large amount of seawater, and then pressurized. Immediately afterwards, Ian's instigation of the wave chant and the power of Fairy Wings overlapped - at this moment, the seawater in the armored thruster swelled and atomized in an instant, merging with the air.

Then, from every propulsion port up and down, a volcanic eruption erupted!

Armored thrusters, Wave Chanter and Fairy Wings exploded with triple power. In the first second, the armor's speed exceeded 150 meters per second, and it continued to accelerate.

It's not forcibly swimming against the resistance of the sea... It's the surging waves that are impacting with armor!

Terrible turbulence surrounds the whole body of the armor, but the power of the fairy wings gently converts all resistance into propulsion - at the same time, this naval battle armor takes a sharp sea-use giant armor from behind. The dragon spear, the thick steel conical spear head flashes with a sharp cold light.

This weapon was originally used to bombard ironclad ships, but now it is aimed at the second-level monster hidden in the sand.

Under Ian's driving, the armor seems to turn itself into a cannonball and ram directly at the enemy!

He didn't think about what to slow down and what the result would be. Anyway, he had the enemy's flesh and blood as a buffer, and the enemy's body as a deceleration pad!

He just needs to charge.

Then, when the Crocodile Dragon was shocked and furious, he raised his spear and stabbed!

——Today, the great shaman and him must die here!

Behind the armored shoulders, the back of the waist, and the crab-shaped chassis of the lower body all have acceleration nozzles, and violent white water mist erupts violently behind them, forming a shape almost like wings in the sea. Under the action of the force, the resistance of the water almost disappeared, and the steel giant weighing several tons was wrapped in a rapid speed of 540 kilometers per hour, carrying the giant dragon spear, and collided with the crocodile dragon fiercely. .

At this moment, I did not expect that the enemy would dare to charge at him. The crocodile dragon who didn't respond gave a low growl. It was close to the bottom of the sea and did not lack the echo of the earth element. In just an instant, countless sand and sand gathered on its side. It was as solid as a steel plate, and the khaki-yellow lines flashed away above the hardened gray sand, as if it were indestructible.

But the armor-piercing dragon spear was originally cast for the high-strength armor alloy that penetrated the battleship, and the defense that the second-level beast condensed in a hurry... is not enough!


I saw that the armor slammed into the crocodile dragon's defensive stone slab, and the two steel arms were twisted and deformed under the crushing force like a smashed twist, and finally completely shattered!

But in contrast, the silver dragon spear did not reach the handle, and slammed into the crocodile dragon's jaw!

Immediately, orange-yellow blood flowed out and dispersed in the ocean, and with the crisp sound of bone cracking, the Crocodile Dragon let out a deep howl of pain in the water.


Due to the influence of the silence ring, the armored charge was not immediately noticed, and the giant beast swung its claws in anger, and the armor was shot flying.

However, the dragon spear remained in place - as the sand dispersed, a giant metal thorn was inserted into the lower jaw of the crocodile dragon diagonally, making it difficult for it to close its huge mouth, and it was painful to move just a little.

The arm is replaced with a huge mouth, no loss!

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