above the sky

Chapter 217 Like, Open Champagne! (24)

The sharks were moving fast ahead, as fast as lightning and as fierce as hungry wolves, enough to make all the fishermen of the South China Sea terrified.

If the rapid movement of the shark is ignored, and it is just to escape, it does have its fierce momentum.

However, behind the shark, an incomparably huge moray emerged. It was like a pitch-black lightning bolt rushing through the sea, and the churning water waves surged out of the sea, leaving a trail of snow-white waves.

Sharks fled, eels chased, they couldn't fly with their wings attached.

But soon, after chasing the ironclad shark for a while, the moray responded slowly. Its real target was not the shark in front of him, but the group of humans in the sky.


Raising its head, the giant eel opened its huge mouth. This head can control the waves, and the beast that made the vortex in the sea utter an angry high-pitched cry, causing the invisible sea water to revolve around it, forming a huge eddy current.

Ian has no doubt that the next moment, the power accumulated in the vortex will turn into fountains and sharp water arrows, rushing towards them like a torrential rain flying backwards, covering the entire sky.

However, at this time, he did not feel the slightest worry.

Because a light blue spot appeared in the sky.

This spot of light was lasing from a distance, and the clouds were torn apart by it, revealing the starry night sky behind it.

In just a few breaths, the body of the light spot reached the sky above this sea area.

Viscount Grant is in good condition, except that some of the armors have traces of lightning and lightning, and the aether armed Zhenglan has arrived on the battlefield.

The situation became clear.

Before the Viscount Grant achieved the second energy level, the safety of Port Harrison relied on the support of the White Mist Bishop... After the Viscount achieved the second energy level, the old bishop stepped back and put the city defense power of Harrison Harbor. Return all the land with a trace to the local lord.

And Viscount Grant did not live up to this trust and hope. Although he was only sticking to the original territory of the port to resist repeated attacks by the natives, he secretly contacted friends in the imperial capital to work hard to develop secretly. In the end, he lived frugally and saved money. An entire artillery brigade reversed the offensive and defensive trend in the Great Redwood Forest area.

Of course, in the process, there were also cases where the totem master dispatched harassment, but Viscount Grant was always able to drive the aether arms and repel them again and again.

He has never lost.

The so-called good warriors have no illustrious achievements, because Viscount Grant wins so naturally that few people would think that this aristocratic gentleman who does almost nothing except drink and enjoy himself is a serious boy. The martial aristocracy.

But now.

Because of the arrival of Viscount Grant, the giant eel couldn't help but dive into the sea, and the turbulent wind and rain waves also calmed down a little.

This giant beast was obviously very jealous of the Viscount, so that as soon as the opponent appeared, he took the defensive.

The Viscount didn't care about the giant eel's attitude towards him. He glanced at the current battlefield and saw that Ian, Gosse, Isengard and others were all alive and well, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: [Teacher, you're all right. 】

Aether-armed loudspeakers couldn't make the Viscount's voice clear either, always with a canned dullness.

"Not good. Ailes, now is not the time to say hello."

Although Master Gosse spoke fluently and clearly, the feeling of weakness and powerlessness could not be disguised: "You didn't get rid of Patrick? Then we have to run first."

[He hit me with a sword, and now he is still trying to prevent his blood from turning into high-heat steam. He has no time to trouble us in a few minutes]

Hearing that Master Gosse could still speak, the Viscount nodded slightly. He looked at the giant eel under him, with an arrogant expression: [The sea is the home of our Grant family - no need to shelter the army, shelter the city, the abyssal lizard whale in the sea , When have you been afraid of other monsters? 】

As if feeling the Viscount's disdain, the huge body of Teng Teng Ling was tossing in the sea, stirring the whirlpool with anger—for a time, dozens of eddy currents, large and small, gushed out within a few kilometers of the surrounding sea area.

In the distance, the sharp chirping of the Spirit of Gulang also sounded. Although the giant beast that could trigger the thunder light was repelled by Viscount Grant for a while, it was not seriously injured.

Now that I hear the call of my companions, the two giant eels will gather in one place and fight the enemy together.

In addition, the Viscount suddenly raised his head and looked around the dark clouds... Although there was no evidence, he could be sure that Patrick, who was hit hard by him before, was also on his way.

[Tsk, three-on-one, or even four-on-one, is still a bit tricky...]

He muttered to himself cautiously, and then asked loudly: [Where's the Crocodile Dragon? I sensed its source quality fluctuations just now? 】

[Report its location! 】

"already dead."

And Ian didn't hesitate, he raised the crocodile dragon brain crystal in his hand without hesitation: "I drove the armor and killed the spirit of the mountain tide with the help of Master Gosser and the others!"

Immediately, not only did the Ether Armor pause, but even the eyes of Master Gosser and Isengard were focused on the boy.

They looked puzzled, as if they didn't know where they helped Ian.

However, the master Gosey, who is proficient in the world, saw the light golden crystal core in Ian's hand, and immediately understood, so he said: "Yes, Ayers, that crocodile dragon has been killed by us together, and the body is under the sea. , no need to worry!"

This time, only Isengard was left in a daze - the pirate Andor even understood it before Master Gosey, after all, their daily life was almost like this.

【This is really... 】

For a while, Viscount Grant was speechless except for being shocked and inexplicable. He even repeated it blankly: [Just died like this? Is it that simple? 】

——Have been fighting with him for decades, each has advantages and disadvantages, and fought against the native co-lord for so long... He actually died like this?

There was a mixed emotion in his heart... Of course it wasn't a pity, but he really wanted to pop the champagne to celebrate, shouting 'Damn! ’, but now the serious situation is less supportive.

As for the Viscount's words, the young man couldn't help but snorted - how is it possible, killing the Crocodile Dragon is of course not easy!

But Ian can't always explain to the other party that he is a prophet who can see weaknesses, and there is a double inheritance, right?

After saying these words, Ian used his robe to make a small bag, and hung the brain crystal on his waist - he might have to fight or run next, and it would not be easy to carry such a thing. good action.

He is going to find a chance to simply deal with this brain crystal - no accident, Ian, who is also an earth sublimator, can condense it and make it almost the size of a fist.

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