above the sky

Chapter 336 Apocalypse Crisis (33)

In June of Terra 779, the "Apocalypse"-level Resident Evil appeared in the vicinity of Harrison Harbor in the South Ridge Province of the Setal Empire.

The giant parasite group named 'heart-eater' has spread throughout the entire empire's Nanling, and it has a tendency to continue to spread at a high speed.

The infected will fall into an abnormal state of frenzy, and then become violent and become bloodthirsty beasts, looking for all edible nutrients to eat, and they are good at killing enough to obtain enough flesh and blood.

After getting enough nutrients, the infected person will enter a 'transformation' state and be wrapped in a huge meat cocoon - the infected person after the transformation will break out of the cocoon and return to the state of youth and heyday, and has normal wisdom, but However, it was completely controlled by the insect swarm and became the flesh shell of the heart eater.

In other words, a peculiar semi-independent individual.

At the same time, the insect swarm derivative named 'Creep' is assimilating local plants, although the Tianyan Archbishop of Huaiguang Church has tried his best to prevent the spread of the creep, and the Governor of Nanling, Marquis Barton and the third The nineteenth and twenty-third legions all assisted in the shot, and several third-level powerhouses wandering in Nanling also came to help, but they could barely guarantee that the creep would not continue to spread in Nanling.

At present, the powerhouse of the fourth energy level in the empire has been mobilized. The leader of the Blue Cloud Knights 'Thundercaller' and his knights have left the Fortress of Baison, but there is no guarantee that they can completely contain the worm's nest. diffusion.

The Setal Empire, the Abbasalom bloodline countries in the blazing land, the Whale Song Cliff and the Canaan Moore Federation all received the highest level of alert from the Huaiguang Church at the first time. In just two hours, related The person in charge and the high-level officials have already converged in one place under the auspices of Huaiguang Church, Spirit Artifact Church and Wanling Hall.

Whether it is a crisis or a disaster, there are three levels.

The 'turbulence' of the third level, the 'catastrophic' of the second level and the 'apocalypse' of the first level.

'Unstable' is exactly what it meant. A powerful monster, an out-of-control armed force from a pre-epoch civilization, and a large-scale spread of the gu virus epidemic will cause a region to malfunction, and the elements of turbulence belong to this class.

The most common of them is probably the second-level peak totem master beasts controlled by the Sequoia natives, out of control, and began to frantically attack all the settlements of intelligent life in Nanling... This is a typical 'turbulence'.

But in fact, whether it is the first-level monster community, such as a group of mine-hunting jellyfish migrating, or the third-level monster attacking the city, it is also this level.

The second-level 'catastrophe' also does not have a fixed level standard. As long as it can cause a large-scale imbalance in the local ecosystem and cause large-scale casualties, whether it is an earthquake, a volcanic eruption, or something like Dawn City, the fourth The attacks of energy-level Titan beasts are all 'catastrophes'.

However, the 'Apocalypse' of the first level is different.

Whether the disaster behind it is bacteria, virus, a real dragon of the fifth energy level or other giant beasts, or even a war of destruction between the two countries, the disaster of the 'apocalypse' level actually represents only one thing.

That is, it is enough to threaten the normal functioning of the entire human society.

Therefore, no matter how high the reputation of the Huaiguang Church is, some people will still choose to question it.

"Is the heart-eater really considered a threat to the Apocalypse level? As long as a few powerhouses of the fourth energy level take action, it is enough to easily eradicate it, right?"

Such questioning is not uncommon, nor is it any accountability that would cause public outrage—after all, the Huaiguang Church is often ‘alarmist’.

They always like to adjust the level of danger up by half a level, and when everyone is very nervous, they use a more relaxed method to suppress the disaster.

In the final analysis, although the heart-eater swarm is dangerous, it is still much inferior compared to the "Qijiela Karin Incident" that happened in Yanjiang that year, and it should not be regarded as an apocalypse-level crisis.

Even compared to the many insect nests that the Huaiguang Church cleared back then, they were slightly inferior.

Three hundred years ago, a third-level sublimator named 'Qijiera Karin' excavated a super-ancient plant that could enhance the activity of the human body from the ruins.

The ancient plant 'Karin's Flower' named after the discoverer, its pollen can make people think active and full of 'energy', no matter day or night, so it won the praise of all men, women and children in the Yanjiang countries at that time. Welcomed, and planted on a large scale.

It is said that in the first year that the 'Flower of Karin' was excavated, the fertility rate of the Yanjiang countries immediately increased by 10%, and there were almost no side effects - except that it might be a little tired.

Obviously, the flower of Karin could not be blocked, and it quickly spread to all parts of Xinjiang within a few years.

This special pre-epoch civilization plant can indeed improve work efficiency. Some sublimators even claim that using the pollen of Karin's flower as an auxiliary material for magic medicine can make the advancement easier, and this method Known as the 'Pollen Road' and 'The Way of Pollen', the ascendants who used this advanced even formed a Knights of the Holy Flower to spread this peculiar plant.

But it was also at this time that some Yanjiang residents said that they began to connect with other people's minds in their sleep, and they began to feel endless happiness and tranquility, all of which were brought about by the flowers of Karin.

A huge religious news quickly took shape, and in a short period of time, it formed a political entity that was enough to influence the policies of the extended countries. Even in some remote small towns, the Knights of the Holy Flower replaced the basically paralyzed official and became a local practical significance. ruler above.

This aroused the vigilance of the Huaiguang Church and the Ghost Religion Group stationed in the local Yanjiang, and the high-level officials of the Yanjiang countries also noticed that this matter was wrong.

Anyway, it all happened so fast, and a lot of people didn't react to it at all.

But they have been unable to stop.

On a seemingly ordinary night, tens of millions of Yanjiang residents fell into a coma in their sleep and never woke up.

And a huge psionic plant appeared in the dreams of everyone in the Yanjiang countries.

That is a huge Karin flower that has not yet fully bloomed, and in its bud, the discoverer of Karin's flower, Qijiera Karin's heart light body is transforming, and a large number of souls are transformed into The rivers are merging into the flower buds, accelerating the sublimation of that mind-light body.

At this moment, some normal Yanjiang people finally noticed in amazement that many of the people around them were no longer the original 'them', but their souls and minds were devoured by the 'Flower of Karin' and replaced them Controlled psionic substrains.

And all the newborns born after the spread of Karin's flower have no normal mind!

They were born to be the daughters of Karin's Flowers.

The sub-strains of this psionic plant can almost perfectly imitate all the daily actions of the devoured mind, and can even carry out scientific research, participate in entertainment, and appreciate art. They are the same as normal people, and even more understanding.

Because the flowers of Karin deeply understand human beings, they will not provoke others and ensure the harmony and stability of the whole society as little as possible.

The only flaw is that they will take the initiative, eagerly and even almost compulsively, to recommend Karin Flowers to everyone around them.

At this point, conventional methods have been unable to eliminate the influence of Karin's Flower, and Qi Zyla Karin, or in other words, Karin's Flower's mother body has reached the fifth energy level, and is still growing and growing.

This terrifying psionic plant has taken root in the depths of the earth and human soul space, forging its own lair.

Its heart light body 'Dead Styx Akron' flows in the collective will of the tribes in the Yanjiang region. Wherever it passes, the grass and trees are withered, and there is no life, only the river of Karin's own spiritual essence is silent. circulation.

The minds of millions dissipate into nothingness and converge into one.

in quiet stillness.

------off topic-----

Recommend a new book to a friend! "A Bite of Hogwarts"

Dalia Dursley broods over the cooking recipe for "Avada Eats a Big Melon".

Gryffindor loves spicy food, Ravenclaw follows the rules of sauces, Slytherin respects the original flavor of the ingredients, and Hufflepuff says you can eat it!

Did Voldemort kill around a dozen years ago just to resist the microwave ovens of the non-magical world?

Is there something wrong?

What about Hogwarts and the Wizarding World? !

Dalia took out her beloved kitchen knife and waved it, "Mapo tofu!"

The next moment, the raging flames burst out.

She sighed.

"This should be considered magic, right? It's just that there may be something wrong with my way of crossing..."

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